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Session List
# | Session Name | Category | Time | Description |
01 | Power Regeneration | Peak Performance | 20:00 | Studies of peak performance suggest that you perform better with a “power nap” as part of a daily routine; in other words, a break completely away from your duties and re- responsibilities. You will be able to perform more efficiently and actually find yourself accomplishing more. With time you might also find that your desire for stimulants like coffee, tea or sweetened soft drinks will decrease. Use this session, or sessions 3, 4, 7, 9, or 12 for feelings of mental and physical regeneration. |
02 | Performance Intensive | Peak Performance | 18:00 | This fast-paced session is great if you feel the need for a “mood boost.” We suggest that you use it with your favorite high beat music. This is a session you can use several times in a row if you choose. |
03 | Quick Break | Peak Performance | 15:00 | Use this session during your day to quickly feel refreshed and regenerated. It is a very useful session to use when you know you have a very long and busy schedule ahead of you. A 15 minute break a few times per day is an investment in focus, clarity, and decision making. |
04 | Power Pause | Peak Performance | 15:00 | This is a slightly more stimulating version of session 03. It will help clear your mind of all thoughts for a few minutes and increase your mental clarity. You can choose to use fast-paced music instead of the internal sounds. |
05 | Athletic Warm-Up | Peak Performance | 17:00 | This session will help enhance feelings of tranquil concentration prior to exercise or physical competition. A number of athletes do exceptionally well in practice only to falter in competition. Top performers are able to maintain consistent performance under all circumstances. The key is a tranquil yet focused state allowing your mind and body to work in harmony. Physical training is only half the battle towards success in competition. Sit quietly and visualize yourself (and your team) attaining the goals you set for yourself. You may also use this session with any number of peak performance or positive affirmation tapes. You or your coach may even record your own positive affirmations and play them back while using this session. |
06 | Maintaining Peak Competitive Posture | Peak Performance | 30:00 | Use this session between athletic competitions for visualization, success, and peak performance. It is best to use it with either positive affirmation or guided visualization scripts written and spoken by yourself, your coach or trainer, or with any of the fine recorded products available on the market.You do not have to be involved in sports competition to enjoy the positive effects of this session. |
07 | Quick Work Break | Tranquility Induction | 15:00 | The common wisdom says you should take breaks at regular intervals if, for example, you work on a computer for extended periods of time. Combine this session with a good regimen of stretching exercise to avoid many of the chronic physical maladies that affect more and more people who sit in one place too long. In addition, we suggest that you use this session during your break times. It is also great after lunch and before you go back to the keyboard. |
08 | Mind Sauna | Tranquility Induction | 25:00 | Use this with deep breathing and muscle awareness exercises. Start by breathing from your diaphragm. You will know you are doing this correctly when you feel your stom- ach, not your chest, moving up and down with every deep breath. As you allow your muscles to relax, tension will disappear. You may try lying down while using this session with relaxing music. There is a quick two minute boost at the end of the session to bring you “back up” again. |
09 | Quick Refresher | Tranquility Induction | 16:00 | Here is help for you to refocus your energies. Use it if you are feeling you need to be able to revitalize yourself during a particularly difficult day. As you become more familiar with the subtleties of the various sessions you will find you will tend to develop favorites you use several times a week. Because they are convenient to use, some of the 15–20 minute sessions like this one will get a lot of use. |
10 | Regeneration | Tranquility Induction | 35:00 | This session is long enough to allow you to reach a state of very deep tranquility and focused concentration. Some people feel this session seems much shorter then 35 minutes. A session like this has to be used on a regular basis over a period of several weeks to help you learn to properly let go and allow yourself to become deeply tranquil. This is also a good session to use with tranquility or self-help tapes. |
11 | Deep Meditation | Tranquility Induction | 60:00 | Make time for yourself! Use this session when you know you will remain undisturbed. This is the longest session offered and for beginning users it may seem too long. It is excellent as a training session if you are trying to learn how to meditate for extended periods. You may find your meditation practice will go more smoothly even without the help of this machine. |
12 | Quick Alertness Break | Learning | 10:00 | This is a perfect session to help you remain focused on your studies. It is designed to be used once every 40 to 60 minutes. This session will help you to better integrate the material during your study period. |
13 | Learning with Tapes | Learning | 35:00 | This session is specifically designed for use with language tapes. It uses the techniques pioneered by a Bulgarian researcher, called superlearning. It involves developing a state of tranquil and focused concentration. |
14 | Relax Before Exams or Pressure Situations | Learning | 15:00 | It will leave you with a sense of calm, focus and confidence. Concentration can be broken when you are feeling uneasy. Everyone has had the experience of taking an exam, feel- ing pressured and forgetting material they easily remember when the pressure is taken off. This session is ideal for use before an exam or presentation. |
15 | Concentration | Learning | 15:00 | This session is designed to quickly bring you into a calm, focused state. A tranquil body allows the mind more ability to be alert and attentive.Your main focus when using this session should be to allow your body to become as tranquil as possible while maintaining your alertness. Use your breathing exercises to help you do that. |
16 | Creativity Enhancement | Learning | 20:00 | This session sweeps through a series of frequencies to help stimulate your thought processes. Use it frequently for maximum benefit. Try this one for several days in a row for help with problem solving. Try not to push for a solution: try to allow one to come on itʼs own. Sometimes letting go is the best method. |
17 | Visualization | Learning | 20:00 | Use when you feel tired and want a session that moves through a series of frequencies for stimulation and visualization. If you are a visual person, you will see all kinds of kaleidoscopic imagery. The session is quite enjoyable with very pleasant after-effects. |
18 | Body Mind Awareness | Well-Being | 25:00 | There is a direct connection between health of the mind and the body. It is difficult to have a tranquil mind while your body feels tense. Alternatively, it is difficult to allow your body to relax if your mind is overactive or you are filled with emotional anxiety. This session is best used with a record- ed program designed for tranquility of your body and mind. If no tape is available, do a body awareness exercise of going through each muscle group and becoming aware of tight spots. Work to release and relax your entire body over this 25 minute session. Use it often if this is your main area of concern. Pay attention to your body and notice if you find it becoming looser as the weeks progress. |
19 | Afternoon Break | Well-Being | 22:00 | Mix this session with some gentle, soothing music or nature sounds to reduce the tensions caused by your daily life. The session is long enough to help you to become deeply refreshed, but not so long as to cut too heavily into your other daily responsibilities. One of the most difficult problems to overcome is making the time each day to use the unit in a meaningful way. If you find this to be the case try any of the 15–25 minute sessions and commit yourself to using them. If you can spare a few extra minutes you may find this session becomes one of your favorites. |
20 | Deep Tranquility | Well-Being | 25:00 | Try this session first if you are really sensitive or just start- ing out on the machine. This is one of the most gentle sessions in the unit. Just sit back and allow yourself to gently flow. |
21 | Goodnight | Well-Being | 18:00 | This is a great session to use at the end of your day. Lie down, and set the lights at a low level. It is fairly short be- cause we do not want you to fall asleep while still wearing the glasses and headphones. |
22 | Release the Day | Well-Being | 25:00 | Use this with the lights set to a low to moderate setting. This is an end of the day session for calming and internal balance. It is best used when you have planned no more social interaction for the remainder of the evening, including TV. Perhaps after using it you will want to read a book for a while or just go directly to sleep. |
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