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Thread: Proteus to Procyon Session Converter

  1. #1

    Default Proteus to Procyon Session Converter

    I am having difficulties with the P-to-P converter version 1.1.
    I have tried different files, many times, on Vista & on XP without success
    After launching the converter, I get a grey dialogue box.
    I select File/Convert Proteus Session/ ; a new dialogue window opens; I navigate to the .PR2 file I wish to convert, and click Open.
    The file selection box closes and goes back to grey, and another "Proteus_Procyon" small message box pops-on with one of the following 3 messages: "Invalid Procedure call or argument" or "Data in ... isn't compatible with current spec.s. 'Open file' aborted." or "Path/File access error". any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance for your great support!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Proteus to Procyon Session Converter

    That's strange!

    Are you certain they are Proteus Sessions?
    Did the converter work properly for you previously?

    Try it with the attached file and let me know the exact error message.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3

    Thumbs up Re: Proteus to Procyon Session Converter

    Ah-ha! Thanks Andy.
    The Brighten2.PR2 file you sent converted properly... and I figured out what the problem was, & "by-passed" it as follows:
    The files to be converted need to be in the Downloads folder, and the created PRW files are created there as well; otherwise, if accessed from the original folder, a temp.PRW file is created in that folder and a "Path/File access error" message appears; and when the message is deleted, so is the temp.PRW file...

    BTW, another application of this converter is as a great complement to the Procyon Editor, in the sense that 'sophisticated' sessions with groups of random segments can be easily generated for use on the Procyon.

    Thanks again

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Proteus to Procyon Session Converter

    I'm glad you got it working!

    The location of the folder is not important, I think. It's more likely that the folder you were originally using was read-only for some reason. Moving the files to another folder fixed the problem for you. The folder does not need to be called "downloads" or anything like that, in case others are confused by this.



  5. #5

    Default Re: Proteus to Procyon Session Converter

    FYI, the "Downloads" folder is also "read only", yet the conversion works... and it's located on the C:\ drive while the original PR2 files are on my external drive. It would seem that the converter & the files to convert have to be on the same drive... otherwise it generates a "Path/File access error" message.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Proteus to Procyon Session Converter

    Hi Ben;

    No, that doesn't seem to be the problem. As a test, I ran the converter on my E: drive with the file to convert on the C: drive. It's most likely a permissions issue. I've seen things like that before with NTFS drives, where it doesn't "believe" that you have access rights to it.

    Anyway, certainly the simplest solution is to put the file in the same folder as the program.

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