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Thread: List of Procyon compatible software

  1. Question List of Procyon compatible software

    I'll be receiving my Procyon from Amazon on Saturday (tomorrow). I'm new to Mindplace. I have been an on-and-off MindExplorer Synergizer user for about seven years. I purchased the Procyon because of it's unique 3-channel color control capability. What I am interested in finding is a list of developmental software that is available that will allow a user to create multimedia presentations that full advantage of the three color streams. I'm a part-time audio engineer and electronic musician. I would like to be able to create some meditative entertainment content for the Procion community. I'm not sure where else to ask this question.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: List of Procyon compatible software

    Hello and welcome!

    Glad to add another enthusiast to the community.

    There are a few pieces of software that will allow you to create content for the Procyon.
    The Procyon Editor allows you to create or modify internal sessions that utilize the built-in synthesizer and light control within the Procyon.
    Neuro-Programmer and Mind Workstation are pieces of software that allow you to create AudioStrobe content which is sound (usually music) along with control signals that control the Ganzframes.
    Additionally, you can create SynchroMuse content which is a way to create sound files with a session-selecting header.

    The Procyon comes with 50 sessions built-in. Check the Sessions library for content that the community has created.

    Enjoy your new toy!

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  3. Default Re: List of Procyon compatible software

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Hello and welcome!

    Glad to add another enthusiast to the community.

    There are a few pieces of software that will allow you to create content for the Procyon.
    The Procyon Editor allows you to create or modify internal sessions that utilize the built-in synthesizer and light control within the Procyon.
    Neuro-Programmer and Mind Workstation are pieces of software that allow you to create AudioStrobe content which is sound (usually music) along with control signals that control the Ganzframes.
    Additionally, you can create SynchroMuse content which is a way to create sound files with a session-selecting header.

    The Procyon comes with 50 sessions built-in. Check the Sessions library for content that the community has created.

    Enjoy your new toy!
    Thanks, Andy. I have Neuro-Programmer that I used with MindExplorer. I don't have version 3, but in looking into it I didn't see that it provides a way to create content specifically for the three channel stream capability of Procyon. It still appears to control video content only via the 2-channel AudioStrobe signal.

    Besides being a musician, I'm also a neuroscientist. I'm currently in the process of setting up 22-channel QEEG capability in my lab. I remember how I started with MindExplorer and I found that I learned it best by creating various recreational uses for it. My long term goal is to study cortical entrainment effects of AVS and to systematically evaluate therapeutic outcomes from AVS. I'm talking about doing controlled experiments that will evaluate the placebo value of AVS vs any real effect it might have. The whole literature on neurotherapy is quite a bit confounded because a lot of suppositions are made that may or may not be warranted. There is no question that biofeedback does, indeed, allow control of cortical EEG evolution, but there are few studies on AVS that don't rely on presumptive idology based on auditory and visual evoked response potentials. The reason I bought the Procyon is because of its ability to allow control of the whole visual spectrum. There is another neuroscientist here who is studying brain emotional responding to color. The idea is that we might write a dual-purpose grant proposal to further augment our EEG labs. So, having access to software that allows me to fully control all three visual channels of the Procyon are essential. The alternative would be to reinvent the 'wheel' myself, something I'm not really looking forward to do (mainly for replicability purposes, since anybody can buy a Procyon).

    Thanks in advance,


  4. #4
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    Default Re: List of Procyon compatible software

    That's all pretty exciting work, John!

    I know that TC was looking into being able to create SynchroMuse (SM) content for the Procyon, but I don't know how far they got with it. You could send them an e-mail to ask.

    For now, you choices are creating/modifying Procyon sessions or creating SM content, if you want control of all 3 light channels.

    In doing your research, I assume you've seen the articles here on the support site? They're quite old but the information is still relevant.

    Good luck with your project and keep us posted on how it's going!

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: List of Procyon compatible software

    As a musician you will no doubt be comfortable with various DAWs. I have had great success using MuLab to generate AudioStrobe signals from imported audio and original compositions. MuLab is built around a modular synth called Mux - it is by way of custom Mux that all manner of interesting things can be done. If you are interested in this strategy, please let me know and I'll provide more details.

    Along the same line, AudioStrobe signals can be generated from EEG using BioExplorer (definitely) and BrainBay (working on it), and probably other EEG software. BrainBay looks like a great tool - interfaces with a number of popular EEGs, particularly Open EEG, and it is very much free.


  6. Default Re: List of Procyon compatible software

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT View Post
    As a musician you will no doubt be comfortable with various DAWs. I have had great success using MuLab to generate AudioStrobe signals from imported audio and original compositions. MuLab is built around a modular synth called Mux - it is by way of custom Mux that all manner of interesting things can be done. If you are interested in this strategy, please let me know and I'll provide more details.

    Along the same line, AudioStrobe signals can be generated from EEG using BioExplorer (definitely) and BrainBay (working on it), and probably other EEG software. BrainBay looks like a great tool - interfaces with a number of popular EEGs, particularly Open EEG, and it is very much free.

    Hi Craig,

    I think I am interested but I'm not sure I understand your comment as a whole. Yes, I am comfortable with DAWs. I'm a frequent contributing author for Recording Magazine and I have reviewed several DAWs for the mag. Personally I use SONAR X2 Producer and a wonderful little DAW called Mixcraft 6 from Acoustica. I don't understand how that relates to MuLab, or what MuLab is other than the fact it is built around a modular synth called Mux, which can do interesting things So, I'm not to sure what the strategy is, but I'm most likely interested in it.

    I'm not familiar with either BioExplorer or BrainBay. I'll look into them as well as Open EEG.

    I'm definitely interested in hearing more.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: List of Procyon compatible software - I have written Mux presets to do sound-to-light encoding for several different light control protocols. The same can be done with any modular synth, MuLab just happens to be my DAW of choice.

    Let me know what I can do for you once you've had a look at the toys I've suggested - there's a free version of MuLab and, as said, BrainBay is free, as is a lot of other interesting EEG analysis software linked to from the Open EEG Project.


  8. Default Re: List of Procyon compatible software

    Hi again, Craig,

    I've gone and looked at each program you mentioned. I looked at MuLab. It just appears to be a DAW. Is there something about it that makes it uniquely useful for AudioStrobe? MUX looks interesting, though. As for BioExplorer, I currently get all the functioning I need through WinEEG, although I see that it does support Brainmaster EEG and is roughly half as expensive as WinEEG. I went to the BrainBay site and it appears to have been developed for Open EEG. As far as I could tell, it only supports one commercially available EEG, NeuroBit. I'm still interested in learning more about your paradigm, though.


  9. #9
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    Default Re: List of Procyon compatible software

    MuLab is one of the DAWs that includes a modular synth - others I've used include DarkWave Studio, Beast and AILSA. The separate program, MUX, is a standalone version of the MUX in MuLab that creates VSTs.

    Any program that can generate a two 19.2kHz tones, one each for left and right (or each of two colors) modulated according to the light brightness desired will perform the function. I use note-to-tone and audio-envelope modulated tones.

    A "free" entrypoint to sound/light creation was a major reason for choosing MuLab.

    BrainBay supports Modular EEG, Raw Data, Monolith EEG, Smart Brain Games, 8-bit datastream, Pendant, NIA, IVBA and special support for Neurobit. The analysis capabilities and modular device creation may be of more interest than actual device capture.


  10. #10
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    Default Re: List of Procyon compatible software

    You remember this, don't you Craig?
    Never heard much about it after the initial offering. Was it a viable AS VST? I downloaded it but didn't really get a chance to try it.

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