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Thread: Best session for channeling

  1. Default Best session for channeling

    I just bought a Procyon and tied sessions 25 and 19. Both are a bit disturbing and didn't get me where I wanted to go.

    I am interested in speaking to extraterrestrials in my mind. I have am in contact with them via other channelers, and the ETs can read me, but I can not get specific words from them. Any sort of communication from them would be helpful - audio, visual, automatic writing or automatic typing. I am pretty good in channeling creatively, I can get specific answers to specific questions, I can write creatively, but I would like to start a real conversation going. I am being advised by experts that my mind is too noisy and too messy and that Procyon should help. I need to quiet my thinking down and help my meditations Typically in my meditations I am wondering and briefly get on other side, but when I come back in few minutes, I remember nothing.

    The sessions I tried have few problems for me:
    1st: Things are changing all the time. I can not focus on anything. At some points, I get to a good meditative state, but then flashes of light and pulses of sound become loud intrusive and disturbing. I played with the volume and brightness controls, and these are not solving a problem. I can almost make light invisible and sound very quiet, but still the intrusions of some pulses distract me and are painful.

    2nd: I don't know which frequencies are good for inducing channeling state. I guess many of you know frequencies well, but know little about channeling. So lets say that the frequencies for channeling would be similar as for out of body experiences, altered states, astral travel, transdimensional viewing , remote viewing, clairvoyance clariaudience, telepathy, hypnosis, and past life regressions. At the moment I am not ready for programming my own session, but I would appreciate references to existing sessions, especially with your own experiences about these sessions.

    I don't use additional music, it seems to be distracting me from meditation.

    Another comment: I see that some of light patterns and sound patterns are good and move me in right direction, but I have no way of knowing what these are called. I can estimate Hz frequency. I would be great to have interactive tuning - the user would be tuning the parameters using dials - this would be proactive traveling over the light and sound frequencies.

    So which sessions and parameters would you recommend for channeling?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Best session for channeling

    Hello and Welcome!

    Here are some similar threads that might help you find the information you're looking for.

    Some good detailed information on the factory sessions is here:

    Using the Procyon Editor, you can find out what frequencies are in each segment of any session if you found part of a session had the frequencies that are working for you.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Best session for channeling

    You may find these articles useful too.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  4. Default Re: Best session for channeling

    Thanks much! Will study the links!

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