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Thread: Procyon Diet and Exercise

  1. #1

    Default Procyon Diet and Exercise

    Hi, just thought some people might like to know that I used my Procyon recently as the main tool to lose 114lb's. I can only begin to describe the many different ways AVS can help a person achieve such a goal including altering the triggers that make a person hungry.

    Additionally the Procyon is instrumental in the pre-workout mental warmup as well as the after workout recovery period which has allowed me to add about 17lb's of new muscle while losing an enormous amount of fat. From about a 39 body mass index to around 12.

  2. #2
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Procyon Diet and Exercise

    That's incredible, Steve! Congratulations on your achievement.

    The Procyon is definitely a great aid in helping to get or keep your mind in a certain state, and it's wonderful that using the Procyon helped you with this life-changing task.

    Thanks for posting about this!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Procyon Diet and Exercise

    That's cool Steve! Can you please post what programs you used?

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Procyon Diet and Exercise

    Thanks Andy, thanks Marisa.

    The programs I used varied but the ones that worked best for my needs were :

    I relied heavily on the Peak Performance programs. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
    The Mind Sauna was used on off days to recharge for the next days workouts. I say workouts (plural) because I split lifting and cardio into two different workouts (on paper). Athletic warmup was used everyday.

    I used 39, Middle Mind Centering to assist in ignoring hunger pains. The stomach is an intense organ, it's like a child that fights for your attention and like a child has to be ignored sometimes when it's acting up. Yes, the stomach has to shrink and it will actually cause pain coupled with an intense hunger and this is the whole reason most people fail to succeed when attempting to diet. For this reason the Procyon is such an important tool in exchanging bad habits for good ones. Centering the middle mind gives a person a huge edge when dealing with this most basic survival instinct that just needs you to control it instead of it controling you.

    The Quick Energy programs (mostly 28) were also an invaluable tool, a lot of times combined with 10, Athletic Warmup.

    After that it was a lot of usual programs for night time, pre-sleep, relaxation, and escape that all played a role ( and still do) in the most important rest period of the day. I am however, still trying to understand how melatonin levels are going to play a role and trying to tweak those levels via AVS. As everyone knows though, this can be a complicated study and possibly out of my reach, I'll keep everyone posted.
    Last edited by SteveMod; 09-10-2012 at 10:29 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Procyon Diet and Exercise

    This is awesome! Thanks Steve!
    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  6. #6

    Question Re: Procyon Diet and Exercise

    Hello SteveMod,

    I just purchase the Procyon (still waiting for delivery) but I wonder, did you only use the aforementioned preset sessions to lose weight or did you also attempt to introduce hypnotic suggestions in an MP3 or anything like that ?


  7. #7

    Default Re: Procyon Diet and Exercise

    Just the presets.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Procyon Diet and Exercise

    So it's been more than several months now since I began using my Procyon as a fitness tool. There is still so much to learn about it's value as a diet and exercise enhancement aid. What I can say is that I'm in the best shape of my life and the Procyon has and still does play a huge roll in my daily routine. End result is 156lb's lost and an advanced fitness level.
    Last edited by SteveMod; 02-20-2013 at 01:15 PM.

  9. Default Re: Procyon Diet and Exercise

    That's so inspiring Steve. AWESOME

  10. #10

    Default Re: Procyon Diet and Exercise

    Hi Steve, I guess my first question is is there overlap between different devices on program similarity? Second question: What would you say is the best suggestions/sequence of programs so long after your original post to help alter habits that can lead to mind over matter issues like weight loss?

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