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Thread: Sleep issues

  1. #1

    Default Sleep issues

    I have a condition called idiopathic hypersomnia which basically means I am sleepy all the time, but the doctors gave up trying to figure out why. It used to be classified with narcolepsy but now is a separate condition.

    I have been enjoying my Proteus for just over a week now and have found it helpful. I've started playing with sessions and think I can figure out how to tune the sleep sessions for a better night sleep.

    My biggest issue though is getting sleepy during work. I work in cubicle and find it difficult to be able to do a 15 minute session even at lunch. Ideally I would like to have one or more 5 minute sessions with the focus on being alert and awake. I don't usually have any trouble relaxing and with focus which is what many of the sessions focus on.

    Any thoughts or suggestions on this?

  2. Default Re: Sleep issues

    As you need very short sessions, maybe you could create them yourself in the Proteus editor? It shouldn't be too difficult for so short sessions.
    I have the Procyon, not the Proteus, but I assume the editors are similar. You could also for example run less segments of an existing alertness session and just save it as a new session (changing its name)? I think it should work, but I am a newbie myself!
    At any rate you can certainly create your own sessions.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Sleep issues

    Hey thanks. For the most part, that is what I plan to do. Part of what I am not 100% sure about is the color and frequency although I have some reasonable guesses. I'm continuing to learn both about the technology and the unit itself and one tutorial has a suggestion on randomization that may be a reasonable approach

  4. Default Re: Sleep issues

    I think Beta frequencies and in particular red should wake you up.

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