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Thread: Memories and Dreams

  1. Default Memories and Dreams

    So I have been using the Procyon now for a few days, and I have completely fallen in love with it I'm glad to say . I thought I would share a common experience I have had with the sessions, and with entrainment in general. Whenever I get deeper into a session, and really can tell (or to put it more accurately, sense) that I am beginning to enter an altered state of brain wave functioning, I begin to experience memories which I haven't thought about for years, and sometimes from childhood! None of these are bad memories; most are neutral or even pleasant. This really intrigues me because I have no idea why this phenomenon should occur. I have been reading some interesting articles by Rupert Sheldrake on memory (his theory of morphic fields/resonance is amazing...look it up!), and AVS certainly, in my opinion, has significant implications about memory as well. I just don't know what they are yet. These memories usually occur during my theta/delta sessions, though sometimes during alpha.
    Dreams, on the other hand, I am able to remember after using my Energy sessions in the morning. I have never been able to remember them during a lower frequency session, and I wonder why this could be. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
    Peace and well-being,

  2. #2

    Default Re: Memories and Dreams

    Wow, interesting stuff. I'm not really sure, but I'm curious to try an energy session in the morning now, as sometimes I realise later in the day I've had a dream and not recalled it earlier. This is really important for me as I have lucid dreams, and out-of-body experiences, and sometimes even very dramatic, fulsome ones can be forgotten, like a non-lucid dream can.

  3. Default Re: Memories and Dreams

    Same here; after a few hours of being awake I normally recall a couple of dreams, usually because of a 'trigger' event, e.g. seeing a familiar person who was also in my dream. Let me know what you experience with the energy session.

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