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Thread: My discoveries of the Procyon system

  1. Default My discoveries of the Procyon system

    This is my first postings. Enjoy:
    I am, by nature not a skeptical person but I was hesitant about the benefits or even if the Procyon unit actually worked as advertised.
    I read the reviews, blogs and forums and I tried to extract the fluff from reality.

    Here is my story????..

    Yes, I read the reviews, blogs and forums and tried to get to the meat of the discussions. However, after days of investigations and actually asking direct questions of users of the equipment I still was not completely satisfied with my findings.
    I always go the same answer. ?You really have to try it, it is very difficult to describe the feelings???..?

    So, what does one do. One buys the unit and hopes for the best.

    I open the box, remove everything, put it together and then read the documentation.
    Interesting to read but not informative enough for me. I keep going.

    I am reading the laminated card describing all the programs available and I see under the time column a 25 beside Rejuvenation.
    Cool, I select 25 on the AVS unit, put on the headphones and glasses, sit back and turn on the unit hoping to be totally rejuvenated.

    Beautiful colors start erupting, Mandela like images are floating before my eyes.
    Greens, blues, flashing Reds, tunnels of color expanding before me.
    This is cool. (Remember, subconsciously I am expecting a rejuvenating effect to happen???)

    Slowly I start to feel quiet and calm. The explosion of colors are starting to slow down and the audio is getting quiet. Ummm, most interesting
    I am trying to concentrate on the colors and just ?let them happen?
    Then hold on, I seem to have drifted off to a light nap.
    I thought I was on the rejuvenation setting.
    Oh well, as this is my first session ever wit hthis unit, let?s let things progress.
    A minute later I jerk myself awake.
    What is going on here. I seem to be getting sleepy.
    Time to turn off the unit and take a look at the setting.
    Ha, good old Larry. Sure enough I picked the Night Voyage #25, Deeper into the realms of the edges of sleep

    I had some errands to do so I turned off everything and went about my tasks.

    An hour or so later, I thought I?d try it again, this time making sure I picked Peak Performance #11.
    Bright lights, images I have only seen on Start Trek flash by.
    Now this is what I am talking about.

    I let the session run to the end.
    Now I feel energized and alive. I have energy

    So, not really being skeptical at the beginning but a bit apprehensive, my views have definitely changed.

    Remember, I started this journey expecting to be energized but because a fault of my own making, I was almost asleep. Then I selected the right energizing option and felt great after.

    Yes, it is incredible that light and sound can totally affect one?s moods and level of energy.
    I am a firm believer and I look forward to many more sessions and one day I hope to try my hand at designing custom sessions.

    Thank you


  2. Default Re: My discoveries of the Procyon system

    Welcome to the world of AVS!

    Some people, especially those with ADD/ADHD will find the stimulating (beta) sessions relaxing. BWE can be subjective. You must experiment around and find which works best for you. To me that's half the fun!

    If you are really tired, a deep meditation session as a power nap will probably do you more good than an energizing session. Try doing one and follow with a short energizing session and see how that works for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
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    Default Re: My discoveries of the Procyon system

    Thanks Larry for taking the time to post your first experience. I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed your sessions, the same way that I do.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: My discoveries of the Procyon system

    That's a great story, Larry.

    Write back if you learn more or decide to try your hand at designing a session.

    Welcome to the community!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. #5

    Default Re: My discoveries of the Procyon system

    I too was apprehensive, yet not skeptical. Being a person who likes to experience things for myself, I bought the Procyon AVS after also reaching the limit of what could be gathered via discussions, reviews and blogs. To make a long story short, I am very impressed with the technology. The Procyon has helped me fall asleep more soundly at night, take more refreshing naps in the afternoon, and quiet my somewhat noisy brain. I'm looking forward to further exploring all that this little wonder can do.

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