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Thread: What does the mind power actually mean????

  1. #1
    Aldis Guest

    Default What does the mind power actually mean????

    Hi everyone, there are many questions that commonly arise when we discuss mind power, having influence and possibly control over things amd the ability to simply ?make things happen?. Maybe these are all conceptual thoughts, and may be not. I do think about these things and it still puzzles me. What are your opinions on this and how do you perceive the power of mind???

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What does the mind power actually mean????

    Quote Originally Posted by Aldis View Post
    Hi everyone, there are many questions that commonly arise when we discuss mind power, having influence and possibly control over things amd the ability to simply ?make things happen?. Maybe these are all conceptual thoughts, and may be not. I do think about these things and it still puzzles me. What are your opinions on this and how do you perceive the power of mind???
    Hi Aldis,I wonder what aspect of this puzzles you?We can change anything we have control over in our minds (thoughts, emotions, beliefs). We can not control or change external things such as what others think, believe, perceive etc. We can suggest or encourage them to make the changes themselves but in the end, it's up to them.We can't always control what we see but we do have some control over our perception of what we see. Because of the nature of our brain and the way vision works, we are prone to hallucinate (see things that are not there) or negative hallucinate (don't see things that are there) as well as make mistakes in perception of what is there. Phenomina such as ESP, seeing spirits and other things along this line is controversial in that there is no scientific evidence that these things are real, however, because of the way our brains, perception and beliefs work ... to some people these things appear real. Rarely though can they reproduce the phenomina at will and many times, it is faulty logic that leads the person to conclude that what they think they are doing is real. For example, I do a tarot reading for someone and the reading comes true therefore I conclude that I have the ability to tell the future, when in reality, the reason that the tarot reading came true was because the person I did the reading on believed what I said and unconsciously this became a suggestion and they made it come true as a result of the suggestion, not my ability to read the future.The mind is very, very powerful and there are many things that knowledge of how the mind works can benefit you. There are many things that can appear magical but they are not. I'm having this conversation in another thread about this ... if you want to join in or we can continue it here. M.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What does the mind power actually mean????

    Very clever reply!

    A friend of mine is talking to someone she is interested in. He is deeply into space crafts, New World Order, The Micro Chip, all of that. I can see from my perspective that he is getting sucked in by 'false' information on the internet. But some people seem to really take on a liking for that and it become's part of their beleif system and the way they see the world. When somebody hears them, shows interest and agrees, suddenly they feel acceptable and then they begin to graduate feeling's. My friend doesn't realise this, but she is unconsciously feeding into it so that he can like her. She beleives she is inferioir because of her appearance and because his current girlfriend is attractive.

    The whole mindset is Dangerious, if you ask me. It's funny because I pry a bit on what I know and can see, and sometimes get an immediate denial. In that case I simply say 'oh, ok' and move onto another topic. Our mind's trick us in many way's and people who don't beleive they deserve someone good, will unconsciously go for someone they don't really want and sometimes use tactics in order to get them, and if the other persons pattern of thought is to seek out attention and approval they can fall into the game. I can begin to see to the extent that people operate on programs and beleifs inherited in childhood. They begin to see connection's and similarities with people they don't want, and don't see enough similarities and connections with the people that they truly do want, hence they end up in the wrong relationships and don't know why.

    And of course both parties never end up satisfied in the end.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What does the mind power actually mean????

    Quote Originally Posted by veeaye View Post
    Very clever reply!

    A friend of mine is talking to someone she is interested in. He is deeply into space crafts, New World Order, The Micro Chip, all of that. I can see from my perspective that he is getting sucked in by 'false' information on the internet. But some people seem to really take on a liking for that and it becomes part of their belief system and the way they see the world. When somebody hears them, shows interest and agrees, suddenly they feel acceptable and then they begin to graduate feeling's. My friend doesn't realize this, but she is unconsciously feeding into it so that he can like her. She believes she is inferior because of her appearance and because his current girlfriend is attractive.
    It's not so different from the New Age movement - the secret, crystals, homeopathic healing etc. I've noticed that some of these people are quite aggressive with their beliefs and that level of conviction can be persuasive, especially to someone who has not established their own thoughts or beliefs on the subject.

    The whole mindset is Dangerous, if you ask me. It's funny because I pry a bit on what I know and can see, and sometimes get an immediate denial. In that case I simply say 'oh, OK' and move onto another topic. Our mind's trick us in many way's and people who don't believe they deserve someone good, will unconsciously go for someone they don't really want and sometimes use tactics in order to get them, and if the other persons pattern of thought is to seek out attention and approval they can fall into the game.
    I agree. There are a lot of reasons why people believe the things they do. A lot of it has to do with the "evidence" their brain comes up with to support that belief. That evidence may be based on faulty thinking or reasoning.

    One of the things that the unconscious does is search memory for anything (knowledge, experience etc.) that will support what the conscious mind is saying is true.

    Attached is a document that gives a list of items that are often associated with faulty thinking. Often people use items on this list because they mistake them for actual valid reasoning.

    I can begin to see to the extent that people operate on programs and beliefs inherited in childhood. They begin to see connection's and similarities with people they don't want, and don't see enough similarities and connections with the people that they truly do want, hence they end up in the wrong relationships and don't know why.
    I agree. People tend to do what feels comfortable and that is something that is familiar, even if it's not a good thing. People tend to fear the unfamiliar and change. Maybe it ties into something instinctual that occurs in the primal part of our brain and they don't realize that this can be over-ruled, as can many of the primal urges.

    And of course both parties never end up satisfied in the end.
    We are our own zoo keepers, meaning we create the cages we put ourselves in. The gate is open if we choose to see that.

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    Last edited by Marisa; 03-15-2011 at 11:48 AM. Reason: Do I need a reason?
    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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