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Thread: Questions

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    I was just wondering what the best programs are for panic attacks and stress also what is a way to use the proteus to overcome a fear of heights?

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    Hi There,

    Quote Originally Posted by ebrahem7227 View Post
    I was just wondering what the best programs are for panic attacks and stress also what is a way to use the Proteus to overcome a fear of heights?
    Wow, so sorry to hear that you are experiencing panic attacks. Those can be quite unnerving - to say the least!

    The first question concerning the panic attacks is - are you on any medication? Sometimes if the dosage is too high or the medication is interacting with something else - panic attacks result.

    If the panic attacks are the result of an anxiety disorder then the Proteus programs that are likely to be most helpful are Alpha based programs such as P-9, 33 or 34. You can try the Alpha/Theta combos or Alpha/low Beta (Energize) but avoid the higher Beta programs - especially if you are in an anxious state.

    What you will also find helpful if you are feeling a panic attack coming on and you are not near your AVS machine is to take something small and toss it from one hand to another. The actually size of the object doesn't matter, it's the act of tossing something from one hand to the other. It's a (neurological) way to "unstick" the brain from the anxious mode.

    The other thing to be aware of with panic attacks is to learn to recognize the symptoms when they first start and then begin to take action. For example, take a minute and take some deep breaths. The next helpful thing is to learn how to "talk yourself down' and one exercise that has been really helpful to many is to bring yourself back to the present.

    Anxiety is a fear about a future tragic event. You can bring yourself back to the present by saying and doing the following: "Right now, at this very moment, I am in the present and everything is okay." Look around and see - everything is okay.

    If you want to go a step further - say to self "What I am feeling is my brain having a reaction to a fear about the future - a future which I now have control over and can take steps to avoid unwanted outcomes." If that is too much to remember then just use the "Here and now, right now, everything is okay. I am okay. I am safe and everything is fine. " Breath deeply.

    You can use the above exercise while using your Proteus. The Proteus does the same thing (essentially) that tossing the ball does - just in a much more fun and spectacular way. What is necessary though is to be able to interrupt you line of thought when the anxiety is starting to build and this diversion usually stops the panic attack.

    Learning to change how you think about things will teach your brain how to reduce anxiety levels. Your brain has learned how to do anxiety very well and it has become "normal'. You have to relearn how to do - calm thinking. You will have to consciously practice the skills of calm thinking for a while, until it becomes a habit and in this time you'll also notice a great reduction in panic attacks and anxiety. The Proteus can help you get to a calmer state - how you think can keep you there.

    Fear of heights - the same Proteus program for anxiety would be used for this but please understand that while the Proteus can make you calmer, how you think about heights is what needs to be worked on to overcome this fear. If it's heights, like being in an airplane, you can use your Proteus quite effectually to be calm. If it's heights like climbing a ladder - for obvious reasons - a better tool would be NLP or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

    Please let us know how you do with this project.

    Happy Holidays,

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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