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Thread: Brain-Brightening

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Brain-Brightening

    This is a zipped version of the Brighten2 file.
    This program was created by our member Agodney. On behalf of everyone who uses this forum, thank you for your contribution! I'm sure many people will enjoy what you have created.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Andy; 02-04-2008 at 05:40 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Proteus Sessions

    Hi all,

    Here are seven Proteus sessions designed for a two month "Brain Brightening" protocol, based on research by Thomas Budzynski PhD.

    The protocol is intended to boost alertness and concentration, and also to lift energy levels and mood.

    User instructions are included in a pdf file, as is a session album, so you can upload them to the user memory bank of the Proteus as a complete set.

    Technical notes

    The target frequency ranges are mainly SMR and beta, with some gamma on two of the sessions.

    The sessions use broadband stimulation of frequency bands, with the intention of (a) training the brain to become adept at moving between different states of consciousness, and (b) to ensure the specific frequencies that an individual most responds to are covered during the session.

    All the best,

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Joseph Kao; 09-23-2010 at 08:45 PM.
    Joseph Kao DHypPsych(UK)
    Try my free hypnosis mp3s and videos at

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Proteus Sessions

    Thanks very much for posting these, Joseph!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Proteus Sessions

    Many thanks Joseph. I've downloaded them to my Utilities bank and will give them a go. I'll let you know how I make out with these. Thanks again.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Proteus Sessions

    Wow, very cool and energizing! Thanks again Joseph

    For fun, I tried converting these to Procyon session files using MindPlace's Proteus-to-Procyon session convertor (you can download this convertor at Mindplace Support WebPages;

    It's listed as a Tutorial (don't know why?). It seemed to work pretty good and I managed to append the 7 sessions (one at a time) to my Procyon, no problems.

    I think both the audio and visual quality is a bit better than on the Proteus, but some might find it too intense.

    Anyway, if you want try them on your Procyon, you can find them here:

    Last edited by Andy; 04-29-2011 at 10:29 AM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Proteus Sessions

    You're welcome guys . From my own experiences of using the Proteus, and from all the research in this area, I think following the two month protocol attached to these sessions could be helpful for a lot of people.

    I find it very beneficial to use beta sessions as part of a longer-term "brainwave training protocol", rather than thinking of them as just a brief "perk-up" session (which is how I used to think of beta sessions when I first got a L&S machine). The evidence is that there are real cumulative benefits from regular use of these types of sessions - as I'm sure you both know!

    And thanks for converting them to Procyon Tom. The Procyon is on my "Christmas wish list", so I look forward to trying them in that format in due course!

    All the best,

    Joseph Kao DHypPsych(UK)
    Try my free hypnosis mp3s and videos at

  7. Default Re: Proteus Sessions

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Kao View Post
    You're welcome guys . From my own experiences of using the Proteus, and from all the research in this area, I think following the two month protocol attached to these sessions could be helpful for a lot of people.

    I find it very beneficial to use beta sessions as part of a longer-term "brainwave training protocol", rather than thinking of them as just a brief "perk-up" session (which is how I used to think of beta sessions when I first got a L&S machine). The evidence is that there are real cumulative benefits from regular use of these types of sessions - as I'm sure you both know!

    And thanks for converting them to Procyon Tom. The Procyon is on my "Christmas wish list", so I look forward to trying them in that format in due course!

    All the best,

    I just downloaded your mp3 for breaking a bad's my question: Which session on Proteus would I use (#00 to 49) to use with your mp3 for best results? I have a VERY bad unconscious, involuntary, habit for sucking the tip of my's awful.....almost like bitting your nails till the bleed, only it's my tongue, and IT HURTS. I bought the Proteus in hopes of helping me breaking this terrible habit. I welcome any help from anyone, as this habit has got to go! (only I can't stop)

  8. #8

    Default Question about self-hypnosis proteus sessions

    Quote Originally Posted by damichons View Post
    I just downloaded your mp3 for breaking a bad's my question: Which session on Proteus would I use (#00 to 49) to use with your mp3 for best results? I have a VERY bad unconscious, involuntary, habit for sucking the tip of my's awful.....almost like bitting your nails till the bleed, only it's my tongue, and IT HURTS. I bought the Proteus in hopes of helping me breaking this terrible habit. I welcome any help from anyone, as this habit has got to go! (only I can't stop)
    Hi Damichons,

    For self-hypnosis I would start by using session 13 for a few sessions, and then after a week or so of using it daily, I would move on to using session 24, which is a bit deeper. Both last 25 minutes.

    I would also recommend doing some research into Nathan Azrin's work on "habit reversal". There are some articles that google brings up that should help.

    Of course you may also want to consider seeing a professional therapist or hypnotherapist - someone who specialises in compulsions and habit control - but these approaches should be a good start.

    All the best,

    Joseph Kao DHypPsych(UK)
    Try my free hypnosis mp3s and videos at

  9. Default Re: Question about self-hypnosis proteus sessions


    When using proteus for self hypnosis, (like with program 13) what should I be thinking during the session. Should I think about the wanted results or what do you suggest.

    I have had my machine for several years and still don't really know how to fully benefit from it.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Question about self-hypnosis proteus sessions

    Hi Don,

    I think the simplest answer is to think of the Proteus as as something that (for quite a few people at least) makes meditation easier, self-hypnosis easier, progressive relaxation easier, guided visualisation easier etc. etc. In other words it makes a variety of mental exercises easier to "get into", and easier to benefit from.

    By itself, if just used passively, it may help you feel a bit more relaxed or a bit more alert, and if you're just using it for a 15-20min cat nap, then that's fine. But you'll get the best "personal change" results by thinking of it as a self-hypnosis aid, or a meditation aid, to amplify a process that you're already doing.

    Personally, I go through phases of using it daily, for up to a couple of months, and then I move to just using recorded audio programmes or meditative music for a while. I combine it with breathing exercises, progressive relaxation, mindfulness exercises, or a self-hypnotic rehearsal of how I want to feel and act during an important future event.

    If I'm not listening to a verbal recording, and I'm just using the Proteus or some meditative music by itself, I usually do about 5-10 minutes of rhythmic breathing (yogic square breathing) at the start of any session. I find this helps me get into the right state, and I find it useful to have a set ritual like that as a way of beginning. I often follow it up with a little progressive relaxation and then I begin a mindfulness meditation, or a self-hypnotic visualisation. That might give you an idea on how to begin forming your own approach.

    The best book I know of to give you ideas on how to use the Proteus is Michael Hutchison's "Megabrain Power" (out of print, but usually available at a reasonable price on Amazon or elsewhere).

    I'd also recommend Hutchison's mini-guide to light and sound, available free on this site, here:

    Self-hypnosis audios combine well with the Proteus, and I can recommend the site in particular. I'm the head scriptwriter for their downloads, and I think they are a lot more sensible and hype-free than many recordings out there, as well as being very effective, but I guess I would say that .

    Paul Scheele's Paraliminal CDs also appeal to many. Hypnosis recordings are a matter of taste, and they vary widely in style and quality, so I'd recommend sampling a few different people's work until you find one that suits you.

    I hope that helps,

    Joseph Kao DHypPsych(UK)
    Try my free hypnosis mp3s and videos at

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