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Thread: Unscientific results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Colorado Springs, CO

    Default Unscientific results

    On another thread I had talked about music mixed with a session, and asked whether or not it would diminish the experience. I find that it is more enjoyable than just listening to the beat tones. I've been experimenting the past few days and have at least resolved the question in my mind.

    I have a device that measures Heart Rate Variability (HRV). While the effect of AVS is typically traced to EEG response, I don't have the ability to measure EEG activity. On a typical HRV session you work on deep breathing and mental focus to relax. It has three levels.. level 1 is your basic everyday state, level 2 is more relaxed, and level 3, the deepest level, is what you strive for. You can get a rough percentage reading of your success. In a normal 15-20 minute session, I end up at about 30% in level 1 and 70% in level 2 & 3, and it takes focus to get there. Once in awhile I hit 80% in level 2 & 3, but rarely.

    So I decided to connect the device on consecutive evenings when I was running the 60 minute Night Voyage session. I'm under lots of stress (who isn't?) and have had some sleep issues, so this is the one I use at night. Over 4 nights I ran the session at about the same time of night in the same setting. The first & third night were sessions only, the 2nd & 4th nights were sessions with the session audio in the audible range, but well under the music. I used two different CDs in each mode so that I could A/B on one that had all music, the other that included nature sounds, etc., mixed in with the music. I hooked up the HRV device, but did not pay attention to it, or try to focus my breathing, etc. As I started each session I just tried to relax with a few deep breathes.

    When I got done, I made notes of what % I was in each level. At the end it turned out that I was 50% in levels 2&3 3 times, and 60% once. There was no significant difference between the sessions with music and without music, so it would appear that the "entraining" is not compromised by music. It also seemed to make no difference which music I listened to. This certainly isn't a long test, but it was enough for me to know I can have my music - and my session, too.

    Last night, I thought I'd take a break from the Night Voyage, so I tracked the Quiet Hour session, thinking it would be good. It was relaxing (with music), but when I got done I discovered that I had been 100% in level 1 - never moving down to a deeper level. Of course, that session focuses on the 8-12 Hz range. I took care of a few things and before I went to bed I did a 25 minute Night Voyage to unwind, and, guess what? I was 50% in the levels 2 & 3. So, it showed me that AVS is having some measurable affect in relaxation without me focusing on it.

    One final note. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but there is significant distortion in the audio running through the Procyon. Because of my background in radio, I'm sensitive to that. I could get by it, but it was annoying to me. The distortion was there without the session running, so it wasn't the frequencies of the session that was causing it. Perhaps most people would miss it without listening closely - or I have a defective unit. I would be interested to know if anyone else has experienced this.

    Anyway, that's my study. I'm moving forward working with music and sessions.. probably won't track everything since this past week has convinced me they can work together just fine.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Unscientific results

    I've not noticed this distortion you speak of.
    Have you tried reducing the level of the incoming audio? Also, what setting do you have within the Procyon for the external audio level (A0 - A8), set by pressing the up/down (bottom) button while a session is running. Not sure if that will affect the sound quality of the external audio.

    Additionally, are you running the Procyon on batteries or USB power? You can get a ground-loop if you power the device by USB and also have audio feeding it from the same computer. Also, low batteries can affect the quality of the audio.

    Some things to check anyway.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Colorado Springs, CO

    Default Re: Unscientific results

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    I've not noticed this distortion you speak of.
    Have you tried reducing the level of the incoming audio? Also, what setting do you have within the Procyon for the external audio level (A0 - A8), set by pressing the up/down (bottom) button while a session is running. Not sure if that will affect the sound quality of the external audio.

    Additionally, are you running the Procyon on batteries or USB power? You can get a ground-loop if you power the device by USB and also have audio feeding it from the same computer. Also, low batteries can affect the quality of the audio.
    I was unaware of the level set.. Audio out on the iPod is about half or a little better, which is about my normal volume. I'll check tonight.

    I'm using batteries, and these are pretty new. Thanks for the tip on the level set.


  4. Default Re: Unscientific results

    Yes, that distortion problem sounds exactly like what my Procyon does when the batteries are flat.

    Rarely, even a new battery can have problems.

    I use 1.2 volt rechargable NiMH batteries most of the time. I sometimes also use the USB recharger from my old Creative Labs Zen Micro MP3 player as a power source and that works well too.

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