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Thread: Newbie

  1. #1

    Talking Newbie

    Hi! I am pretty new to all of this. I was first exposed to LS at a flotation/sensory deprivation tank spa. im not sure which machine they were using but i instantly fell in love. that was 5 years ago and i finally bought the proteus. I love it. I now want to start creating my own programs but I feel pretty overwhelmed as to where i shoudl start. I have looked at the tutorials and they give a pretty good run down of the controls, but what i find lacking is a description or definition of what the various frequencies are used for. what would be my intention when setting it to a frequency of 50? or why would i vary the brightness level( it seems to me that other than an initial fade you would want it at full brightness). i am also perplexed by the variation in audio pitch. i amslo do not understand the difference in the sound tables. bsically i dont understand very much. But I am fairly intelligent and should pick up quick. all i need is to be pointed in the right direction. thanks for your patience.
    P.s. my fanciful goal is to increase my psychic capabilities. does anyone have any experience in this area or know of any studies regarding this??

    Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Newbie

    Hello and Welcome to the Forum,

    I can give you some general, basic answers to some of your questions. Hopefully one of the people from Mindplace can fill in the blanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Delta9 View Post
    I now want to start creating my own programs but I feel pretty overwhelmed as to where i should start.
    Well I guess the first thing would be to plan what you want your program to accomplish. For example, do you want to go into a trance, increase concentration or work with cravings and addiction? One program, BTW, can't do all of this.

    Once you have an idea of what you want to accomplish in the session, that will give you an idea of what brain wave frequency ranges you want to target (Beta, SMR, Alpha, Theta, Delta].

    Robert wrote something in an earlier message that is relevant to this message as well:

    Yes, there are are studies which support the use of frequency "sweeps" vs. fixed frequencies; in fact this approach was included in a patent held by Dr. Harold Russell, Dan Vaughn and myself. One common misconception which has propagated in the LS field is that there are very precise frequencies which produce specific esoteric or medical effects. Though there is some basis for this (i.e., Tansey uses and touts 14 Hz neurofeedback for ADHD, though others more generally use the SMR range of which 14 Hz is a component), it is very unlikely that a fractional Hz will produce the same effect on everyone. That's why we made the Proteus programmable--the included sessions are intended as much as examples as anything else.

    Back to frequency sweeps within a band, for example 9-12 Hz: you would be correct if you are suggesting that this is less effective than stimulation at a given user's "ideal" frequency within a band (for example, 10 Hz might be the "best" one for you). However, stimulating at a fixed frequency can lead to habituation: a lessening response to that frequency over time. So, varying the frequency is in part intended to sidestep stimulus induced habituation. Some studies have show that stimulating near an individual's ideal frequency can enhance amplitude at that frequency as well. I would post more details about these studies, except the FDA would consider this medical "labeling" and we do want to comply with their regulations. A good place to research LS studies is Pubmed (freely available online) and psychlit (fee based but usually available from State University libraries; I do my main research at the University of Washington).
    In summation of the above quote: In some cases, it is beneficial to target specific brain waves however, you may have better results using a sweep of the frequencies in a targeted range. (For example, if your goal is to have an alpha state dominate, then you would write your program around the 8 - 11/12 Hz range instead of just focusing on let's say 10Hz for the entire program).

    what would be my intention when setting it to a frequency of 50?
    or why would i vary the brightness level( it seems to me that other than an initial fade you would want it at full brightness). i am also perplexed by the variation in audio pitch. i amslo do not understand the difference in the sound tables. basically i don't understand very much.
    I'm going to leave these answers to someone who has more expertise in this subject as I don't want to embarrass myself by writing the wrong answers. LOL Robert ... Todd...

    P.s. my fanciful goal is to increase my psychic capabilities. does anyone have any experience in this area or know of any studies regarding this??
    I think there have been some studies conducted at the Monroe Institute. They use a similar technology to the L&S called "Hemisync" which I think is based on binaural beats (and just sound, no light).

    Which psychic capabilities are you looking to improve? For example: If you are wanting to be better at astral projection, then you would want to target Theta frequencies (with perhaps some low Alpha thrown in). The AudioStrobe CD Requiem is pretty awesome in that it produces a definite ASC (Altered State of Consciousness).

    Along with whatever technology you use, there are also additional "practices" that you would want to do to achieve the best results. What are these practices? It depends on what you want to accomplish.

    Hope some of this was helpful. Sorry I couldn't answer all your questions.


  3. #3

    Thumbs up Re: Newbie

    thanks for your time and answers. that helped alot. Essentially what i gathered is that the frequency matches up with the brain frequency almost exactly. so i would need to set the frequency between 4 and 8 to achieve theta levels and the 25+ would be for ultra high beta levels. i want to work on expanding any and all psychic powers possible. currently i hae none, so anywhere is a good start. that is why i figured theta would be a good level to start on.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Newbie

    Hi Delta9

    Quote Originally Posted by Delta9 View Post
    thanks for your time and answers. that helped alot. Essentially what i gathered is that the frequency matches up with the brain frequency almost exactly. so i would need to set the frequency between 4 and 8 to achieve theta levels and the 25+ would be for ultra high beta levels. i want to work on expanding any and all psychic powers possible. currently i hae none, so anywhere is a good start. that is why i figured theta would be a good level to start on.
    That's right.

    What kind of psychic powers do you want to cultivate?


  5. #5

    Cool Re: Newbie

    hmmm. well to start i would like to experience or aid out of body type experiences. seeing auras would be a good skill to enhance( i can sometimes see them). increase my reiki skills. remote viewing. my interests are pretty varied. but anything would be a good start.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Newbie

    Hello, Delta9-- sorry that we don't provide much explanation of the frequencies used, since that could create problems with the FDA (and did once in 1994). I will note that an area of considerable interest in consciousness studies of late is the study of the "gamma" oscillations, which are in the 40 hz range; these appear to be involved in 'binding' various regions of the brain together into our conscious experience, as well as binding local cortical structures together for brief intervals, and in aspects of the control of attention.

    I would second Marisa's comprehensive reply about your interest in "psychic" states; much of the research I've read on this topic suggests that the theta/twilight/hypnagogic state is associated with such experiences. It is probably not enough to merely stimulate yourself at these frequencies--you would also need to use some meditation-like processes (clearing your mind) to fully access such states. See also the ebook on our support site, "Accessing Alternity" by Bruce Conforth PhD for some related discussions.

    Enjoy your Proteus!


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Newbie

    Hi Delta 9

    Quote Originally Posted by Delta9 View Post
    hmmm. well to start i would like to experience or aid out of body type experiences. seeing auras would be a good skill to enhance( i can sometimes see them). increase my reiki skills. remote viewing. my interests are pretty varied. but anything would be a good start.
    Do you know what you need to do to achieve these goals?


  8. Default Re: Newbie

    Fascinating thread, folks!

    I'm interested in using the Proteus (and anything else!) that will help bring about experiences of astral projection. The technique I'm pursuing at the moment involves keeping the mind alert as the body falls asleep. Assuming that I'm feeling a little drowsy already when I try this, I need a session which will gently stimulate the mind as I drift off to sleep. The trick is for the stimulation not to be too jarring. So, I guess I want mainly theta frequencies perhaps with short forays into alpha, or slight changes in frequency or light frequency.

    Another possibility is to try a trance session like the one that Marisa posted along with an audio script.

    If I get any results I'll let you know!

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