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Thread: kundalini awakening

  1. #41
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Hi Craig,

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT View Post
    Hi Marisa,

    NLP is a slightly different case. The mechanism is there, but the assumptions about how the mind works, and how it responds to word games is dubious ("Friend or Foe")
    "Modelling", as you know, is only one aspect of NLP and it is very useful in learning new skills. You know, monkey see - so ahhh that's how monkey do.

    There is much more to the language aspect of NLP than can fairly be called "word games". I can see where it may appear as such, especially given some of the stupid books or video out there that give superficial instruction to basic manipulation and call it "NLP".

    On the other hand, the brain is quite easy to trick (i.e. optical illusions, stage magic,etc.) and the mind is equally vulnerable to unwanted "programming". Since many of this unwanted programs can develop quite quickly (a phobia) it stands to reason that these programs can also be deleted quite quickly - it's a matter of technique.

    You learned in your magick studies the power of the Will and the Word and we see its effects all the time. Someone can say a few words and we feel hurt, angry or inspired and proud. Think about all the "accidental" words that cause reaction. Hypnosis and NLP is a matter of directed word translated into a language the unconscious mind understands best.

    The tool is only as adequate as the user. Just because I can't hammer a nail in straight doesn't mean the hammer sucks.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  2. #42
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Marisa, you misunderstand me.

    NLP works just fine, because there is an intrinsic mechanism whereby the brain can change associations. What is dubious is the explanations given in the various schools of NLP-like practice. As one might ask of anyone appointing themselves guru, one needs to look at Bandler and ask how much is substance and how much is show. He is entirely clever - he found something the brain will do quite happily and put together a package to help you do it.

    Precisely the same may be said of AVS. There are numerous viable mechanisms whereby AVS might be effective, but at present we don't know exactly which are or why. Each proponent of AVS is at liberty to advocate a particular technique or regime. Assuming they are not deliberately defrauding, then it will only be the n=lots trialling in the wild that will reveal whether this guys great idea has broader applicability.

    To summarise - pretty much any method will work if the outcome is possible, it is just a matter of time and comfort that distinguishes the methods.

    Last edited by CraigT; 01-30-2010 at 01:41 PM.

  3. #43
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening


    The problem I have in accepting this as fact is that this energy is not spoken of in any medical texts, nor have I ever seen any research that validates this energy.

    The second problem I have is with "ancient knowledge". Ancients believed all kinds of things that have been found to have no merit ... so why should we believe this particular thing?

    Having said that, some people swear by acupuncture and others by energy healing. In the end, if this is what someone wants to try and if they find benefit in it - I'm not sure how much it matters on whether it's real or not. On the other hand, it would be awful for someone with a life-threatening condition to rely on "ancient medicine" alone.

    I do understand the problem here. I myself and a few other scientists are working on giving the world the tangible proof it needs. We are on the cusp of great understanding when it comes to a new way of thinking about energy. The reason why I am trying to learn how to write research papers is so the world of academia will take me seriously when I present my findings.
    I took me many years before i finally realized that i need to pay my dues and do more tangible experiments rather than mental ones. As of now I have multiple experiments and case studies on people that are giving me the results that I was hoping to see. Some of my experiments involve the devices offered here at mind place. unfortunately My funds are low at the moment I am still waiting for my tax return, until then those particular experiments will have to wait.

    Some ancient knowledge has no merit I do agree. But a greater percentage does. I may not be able to give you proof that you would like to see. but it will happen. I may not be on the for-front of these discoveries sense there are many men and women further along in their research than I. Thats not whats important to me. Whats important is that it is happening and I have my hand in it.

    I also agree about using ancient medicine alone that could be a terrible idea. I believe that using a combined approach can induce greater results than any one of the medical disciplines alone.

    Here is a couple of books you might be interested in.
    Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D.
    Quantum Healing
    by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
    The Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.
    The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden
    The Hidden Messages in Water
    by Dr. Masaru Emoto

    By the way I am curious what your credentials are.
    Mine don't put me in the world respectable science as of yet. but like you said there are a many credentialed people that aren't worth the weight of the paper it is printed on and people who deserve it for there knowledge on there given subject.
    I'm a nationally certified Massage Therapist and Bodyworker. Also I was told that there is a possible Doctorates Program For Massage and bodywork in Canada if you know anything about it I would be most grateful for any information you have

    I would also like to thank you. I have posted many of my thoughts in multiple forums and this is the first place that anyone has replied with anything intelligent. you have made me take the time to think about how I am going to write what i am saying and get my point across clearly. this has been a learning experience indeed and I look forward for more.

    thank you again


  4. #44
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by thewolfrey View Post
    I do understand the problem here. I myself and a few other scientists are working on giving the world the tangible proof it needs. We are on the cusp of great understanding when it comes to a new way of thinking about energy. The reason why I am trying to learn how to write research papers is so the world of academia will take me seriously when I present my findings.
    Wonderful! I wish you great success in your endeavors.

    I took me many years before i finally realized that i need to pay my dues and do more tangible experiments rather than mental ones. As of now I have multiple experiments and case studies on people that are giving me the results that I was hoping to see. Some of my experiments involve the devices offered here at mind place. unfortunately My funds are low at the moment I am still waiting for my tax return, until then those particular experiments will have to wait.
    If you haven't already, you may want to consider looking into what makes a credible experiment according to the scientific community or peers that will review and hopefully publish the results. I know very little about this ... so I'm in no position to give advice.

    Some ancient knowledge has no merit I do agree. But a greater percentage does. I may not be able to give you proof that you would like to see. but it will happen. I may not be on the for-front of these discoveries sense there are many men and women further along in their research than I. That's not whats important to me. Whats important is that it is happening and I have my hand in it.
    How would you determine whether the "knowledge" has merit or not? Just curious.

    Here is a couple of books you might be interested in.
    Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D.
    Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
    The Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.
    The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden
    The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto
    I've read "Biology of Belief" - I learned some interesting things about cellular biology! I especially was quite surprised to learn that it was the membrane of the cell and not the nucleus that holds the "brain".

    I read "Quantum Healing" a long time ago ... don't remember much of it. I find Deepak a bit too New Agey for me.

    To add to your list: Body Electric by Robert Becker, M.D., and Gary Selden is a good read. "The Root of Chinese Qigong" by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming is an excellent book on the subject and "Rhythms of the Brain" by Gyorgy Buzsaki (though this one is a really tough read).

    By the way I am curious what your credentials are.
    Certified Master Practitioner NLP (2000), Certified Master Practitioner Hypnotherapy (2003). Before I took my NLP training, I worked as a Private Investigator (specialized in fraud & internal theft) and Crime Prevention Instructor and was a member of a Criminal Profiling Group. The relevance here was that I was interested in deviant behavior which lead to my further studies on the brain etc. I've been "published" but mostly in the crime prevention field.

    I've been working with Mindplace since 2003.

    I belonged to the TGD (Thelemic Golden Dawn) for about 5 or 6 years and achieved the "grade" Adeptus Major. During my time with the TGD, I was "given license" to open and run my own TGD Sanctuary where I did Neophyte initiations and was the guiding principle for a group of Neophytes. I was also an officer in the Aleister Crowley Foundation. This is actually pretty meaningless unless one is into Magick. The "lineage" which is important to some, went back to Israel Regardie and Crowley. I only mention this because it shows that I did my time in formal magick training. Studied magick on my own for 15 years or so before my time with TGD.

    Mine don't put me in the world respectable science as of yet. but like you said there are a many credentialed people that aren't worth the weight of the paper it is printed on and people who deserve it for there knowledge on there given subject.
    Mine either. I guess its all relative on who is doing the judging. Me, I'm running a business and I just happen to be interested in matters of the mind. A degree would be nice (I do have quite a few uni courses behind me) but I do not pursue it because I do not find the courses I'd have to take all that interesting. I want to study what I'm interested in and formal education doesn't cover it.

    I'm a nationally certified Massage Therapist and Bodyworker. Also I was told that there is a possible Doctorates Program For Massage and bodywork in Canada if you know anything about it I would be most grateful for any information you have
    I'm not tied into that community and so I haven't got a clue as to what's available and what's not. You'd probably have better luck with Google. So what is Body work?

    I would also like to thank you. I have posted many of my thoughts in multiple forums and this is the first place that anyone has replied with anything intelligent. you have made me take the time to think about how I am going to write what i am saying and get my point across clearly. this has been a learning experience indeed and I look forward for more.
    That's really nice of you to say. Thanks. This is exactly the effect I want the forum to have.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  5. #45
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT View Post
    Marisa, you misunderstand me.
    Whoops. Thanks for clearning that up.

    NLP works just fine, because there is an intrinsic mechanism whereby the brain can change associations. What is dubious is the explanations given in the various schools of NLP-like practice. As one might ask of anyone appointing themselves guru, one needs to look at Bandler and ask how much is substance and how much is show. He is entirely clever - he found something the brain will do quite happily and put together a package to help you do it.
    True. What's cool about Bandler is his presentation. He's absolutely entertaining to watch and I've learned a lot from his books and DVDs. He definitely knows his stuff. There are only a handful of NLPers whose material I follow but that's a personal thing. I'm sure there are many, many who are exceptional. If someone has received their training from a Certified NLP Trainer, then that training should be good because the certification requirements are standardized. The Trainer's Training is different than Master Practitioner and a Master Practitioner is not a qualified NLP Trainer (we may have the knowledge of the NLP curriculum but we lack the training skills and experience which really make a big difference.

    While books and such can help someone learn some relevant techniques and ideology of NLP, it's not the same as taking the training. It's probably because most people skip over the basics and move on to the interesting stuff. Kind of like skipping the anatomy class and moving on to surgery.

    Precisely the same may be said of AVS. There are numerous viable mechanisms whereby AVS might be effective, but at present we don't know exactly which are or why. Each proponent of AVS is at liberty to advocate a particular technique or regime. Assuming they are not deliberately defrauding, then it will only be the n=lots trialling in the wild that will reveal whether this guys great idea has broader applicability.
    It depends on who is doing the arguing for and against AVS. I followed the argument between Novella and Transparent Corp and there were good points scored on both sides. On the other hand, I've read the work of Budzynski, Hutchinson (sp) and find their evidence quite compelling. I've been a student of this particular discipline for going on 7 years and I've only scratched the surface in understanding this very complex subject. Some parts of it are not so complex and others (like the work of Gyorgy Buzsaki) I find very difficult to totally comprehend. It's like the book I'm reading on the neurology of hypnosis ... feel those neurons explode EEK. I'm just a simple girl after all.

    To summarise - pretty much any method will work if the outcome is possible, it is just a matter of time and comfort that distinguishes the methods.
    True dat!
    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  6. #46

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Smith View Post
    Let's back up for a minute. Where the others have defined their background clearly I have not and that may lend a greater light on the subject. I started meditation and martial arts in 1968. I?ve examined all forms of meditation from Hindu through Zen. I am versed in Wicca and shamanism and have worked with elders in all the above structures. I have also gone through not less then 20 books on the following religions: Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Druid, Wiccan, and shamanic and a few more remote religions such as Ogham. My profession for 25 years was as a Consulting Technical Computer specialist (I analyze things for underlying structures at, according to a college I attended, the doctoral level of complexity. The degree was outside of my financial reach.). I have posted credentials as a certified hypnotist and Reiki Master Trainer but I have also developed a healing methodology that is not symbolic like Reiki that provides a structure that can easily be replicated. My experience with Kundalini is first hand and I have helped a number of people through the event that have shown marked side effects before being opened to it. I simply eased the transition.

    I am not fighting with anyone, I am simply stating my experience and how it applies.

    >>3. The map is not the territory. <<

    thewolfrey is right in a true NLP sense. Marissa simply seems focused on her map and territory.

    >>I understand what you are saying. I've had paranoiac and delusive thought's to begin with. <<

    veeaye has the right to fling himself into Kundalini and experience all the negative elements of not being properly prepared, I simply do not recommend it for the idle readers of the forum. And why go to that extreme? Is it ego that you can and survive it? What is the point if enlightenment is supposed to be joyous? Your result seems to have missed the point and correct result. I don?t mind if you climb the vertical cliff of intense struggle. But this is not a race. Where is the boundary between careless, reckless, and bold? I?d simply rather examine the map thoroughly and walk upslope to the top of the hill so I can save my energy for the true pleasure enlightenment can bring.

    And what you posted is not crazy, I can understand the mechanics of what it is intended to do, but I don't have to because I am well beyond it.

    Richard Smith CH
    I think divine awareness or enlightenment is a wonderful thing to persue, but it isn't my soul intention in all of this.

    Throughout my whole life, i self sabotaged myself with fear, and I suffered allot and had regret. I had so many thing's I wanted to do but i kept failing.

    After ten years this get's really frustrating.

    I didn't want to spend m whole life doing affirmations, so I did kundalini to make it all come up - I wasn't completely aware of the effects but with my determination to succeed I will be done with it by the end of this year or sometime during the next. It takes most people around 7 years, btu I jam my brain with everything and push it until it evolves faster.

    i want to live my life in accordance to my desires, when theres an oppertunity right before me, I want to see it. When there is potential to have a great friend or lover, I want to be able to meet them. I want to feel good enough to stay with my education and to even work. I want to be a normal functioning person but have this special awareness of everything in my world so that I can make better choices and reap better outcomes and this is why I'm doing kundalini.

    Because most people are blinded by their ego to some degree, weather they know it or not, and I certainly know I was.

    I think there are different levels of divine awareness and enlightenment and if you go too deep into it, you would see no need for physical experience. My intention is not that, it is to have the physical experience like everybody else; but to see thing's so much clearer so that I am strong, so that few thing's bother me, and so that I know exactly what to do and say to get what i want. And these are all side effects from having a risen kundalini. As far as I know, kundalini doesn't make you completely enlightenned, enlightenment is much more work. But it gives you the tools to really sucessfuly operate in a crazy world. If you are like me and you have constantly been sabotaged by fear, it's worth looking at. That being said, it's not something you want to force into being. Sometimes I regret doing it and wish I left it till later when my life was stable and I was more ready. The reason for this is that I am still in situations which I would say are the results of the thoughts I once thought, for example, I have a crazy neighbhour that tries to scare me into not calling the police because of his loud music. This sort of thing turns on the moral reflex, which is bad. Going through these challenges and having an awakenned kundalini and being determined to sort through everything while still trying to get on with your life puts you on overload. Lately because of the stress and extra entropy, ive been having minor car accidents and just randomly falling asleep at odd times of the day. I know I am going through too much, but now that I have awakenned my kundalini, I know that I have no choice.

    I also noticed that I am very sensitive. This is strange because I thought kundalini would make me stronger. I guess there is this temporary sesntising stage. Thing's tend to stay in my head more so I do my best to keep away from drama, negative people, bad substances, TV and anything really that reminds me of anything negative. Though I can't always do that and dealing with dramatic friends is a real challenge. But I'm not going to lock myself up in a cave and meditate my whole life. I live in the real world. So i have to learn to cope on a new level, a deeper more aware level. I wouldn't go back though, knowing how many limiting beleifs and thoughts that are in the human body which obvsiously translate to having lower energy fields and more limitation in life - I don't want to live with those limiting beleifs. Most people aren't aware of them because we are really good at supressing. Kundalini will throw everything at you and see how well you deal with it, unless you already have. I feel like a volcano full of lava of issues. But I know eventually it will come to an end, I will be at peace and one with my inner soul. It's about getting yourself off auto-pilot completely, and becomming a more concsious and in control of your destiny, being. All way's work, but eventually (I beleive) every human being in every solar system will eventually find that they can only go so far before they must engage in this practice. It's ultimate evolution - I beleive.

  7. #47
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Hi veeaye,

    Quote Originally Posted by veeaye View Post
    I think divine awareness or enlightenment is a wonderful thing to pursue, but it isn't my soul intention in all of this.

    Throughout my whole life, i self sabotaged myself with fear, and I suffered allot and had regret. I had so many thing's I wanted to do but i kept failing.

    After ten years this gets really frustrating.
    So are you saying that by raising your kundalini that your fears and unwanted behaviors will go away or does this process involve learning some techniques on how to do this?

    I didn't want to spend m whole life doing affirmations, so I did kundalini to make it all come up - I wasn't completely aware of the effects but with my determination to succeed I will be done with it by the end of this year or sometime during the next. It takes most people around 7 years, btu I jam my brain with everything and push it until it evolves faster.
    Affirmations are only useful (IMHO) to reinforce change not to cause change. They usually don't work to cause change because there is a part of the person that doesn't believe the words of the affirmation. The mind is saying, "Ya but..." . It's not enough to know that we want change, we need to know how to make the change. Maybe raising the kundalini pushes you in the direction to seek that knowledge?

    i want to live my life in accordance to my desires, when there's an opportunity right before me, I want to see it. When there is potential to have a great friend or lover, I want to be able to meet them. I want to feel good enough to stay with my education and to even work. I want to be a normal functioning person but have this special awareness of everything in my world so that I can make better choices and reap better outcomes and this is why I'm doing kundalini.
    These certainly are good goals. Are you making some progress in this area?

    Because most people are blinded by their ego to some degree, weather they know it or not, and I certainly know I was.
    It's not something that one can over come just once and then never again. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it and then WHAM!

    As far as I know, kundalini doesn't make you completely enlightenned, enlightenment is much more work. But it gives you the tools to really successfully operate in a crazy world.
    What kind of tools? NLP, for example, gives you knowledge on how your mind works and understanding on why we do the crazy things we do. It also gives the person the capability to make the change - it fills in the "how to". I must be misunderstanding something because I'm thinking that all the raising the kundalini would do is help you become more aware. Perhaps the effects are cumulative, like the strength builds from all the ordeals you have to over come? Am I on the right track here?

    If you are like me and you have constantly been sabotaged by fear, it's worth looking at. That being said, it's not something you want to force into being. Sometimes I regret doing it and wish I left it till later when my life was stable and I was more ready. The reason for this is that I am still in situations which I would say are the results of the thoughts I once thought, for example, I have a crazy neighbour that tries to scare me into not calling the police because of his loud music. This sort of thing turns on the moral reflex, which is bad. Going through these challenges and having an awakened kundalini and being determined to sort through everything while still trying to get on with your life puts you on overload. Lately because of the stress and extra entropy, I've been having minor car accidents and just randomly falling asleep at odd times of the day. I know I am going through too much, but now that I have awakened my kundalini, I know that I have no choice.
    That's a lot of stuff to deal with at once. I'm particularly concerned about the falling asleep at odd times of the day. I'm also concerned about the constant stress level because stress can do awful things to your body. Lack of sleep and stress can lead you to too early a death. Maybe you could use some medical help to get things stabilized so that you can continue on your journey without having to fight the current so much?

    I also noticed that I am very sensitive. This is strange because I thought kundalini would make me stronger.
    The strength comes from recognizing your perseverance and accomplishments you have achieved so far. It comes from adopting a particular perspective on life (surviving and thriving). With strength comes determination. I think you have it, you are just not seeing it.

    You may be increasingly sensitive as a result of the effects of the stress causing biochemical havoc in your body. Stress lowers your serotonin level, which affects your mood, sleep and ability to concentrate. Antidepressants will help bring your biochemistry back to normal while you work on the other aspects of moving forward. Alpha sessions on the AVS may help raise your serotonin level but I don't know if it would be enough to make a lasting change. Maybe - maybe you need additional tools.

    I guess there is this temporary sensitising stage. Thing's tend to stay in my head more so I do my best to keep away from drama, negative people, bad substances, TV and anything really that reminds me of anything negative. Though I can't always do that and dealing with dramatic friends is a real challenge. But I'm not going to lock myself up in a cave and meditate my whole life. I live in the real world. So i have to learn to cope on a new level, a deeper more aware level. I wouldn't go back though, knowing how many limiting beliefs and thoughts that are in the human body which obviously translate to having lower energy fields and more limitation in life - I don't want to live with those limiting beliefs. Most people aren't aware of them because we are really good at suppressing. Kundalini will throw everything at you and see how well you deal with it, unless you already have. I feel like a volcano full of lava of issues. But I know eventually it will come to an end, I will be at peace and one with my inner soul. It's about getting yourself off auto-pilot completely, and becoming a more conscious and in control of your destiny, being. All way's work, but eventually (I believe) every human being in every solar system will eventually find that they can only go so far before they must engage in this practice. It's ultimate evolution - I beleive.
    I agree with what you are saying. It is worth while to open the door and do the work necessary so that you can live in peace and happiness. Part of the work is finding the tools you need to balance mind and body.

    You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for. You have survived some pretty serious ordeals. I hope you find a solution to the idiot with the loud music.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  8. #48

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    So are you saying that by raising your kundalini that your fears and unwanted behaviors will go away or does this process involve learning some techniques on how to do this?
    I think kundalini is the most effective unsupressing tool, and the beautiful thing is, like most knowledge and wisdom, it lies within us, waiting to be awakenned. When I awakenned my kundalini I became aware of so many events from my childhood that I had concsiously forgotten let alone knew that I had not dealt with and that hindered my success. If I never awakenned it, I am sure I would have never uncovered the serious stuff because it was far too much for me to ever come to terms with. I know I still could have worked through thing's, but many thing's would have lied hidden.

    Affirmations are only useful (IMHO) to reinforce change not to cause change. They usually don't work to cause change because there is a part of the person that doesn't believe the words of the affirmation. The mind is saying, "Ya but..." . It's not enough to know that we want change, we need to know how to make the change. Maybe raising the kundalini pushes you in the direction to seek that knowledge?
    Thank you for that. That is really useful to know. Affirmations helped a little to get me into a subject, but mostly thing's that hit the sub-concsious worked much better, like energy work, paraliminals, NLP and mandala therapy.

    YES kundalini so does push you in the direction of what you need. I'll give you an example, I was in the supermarket... and something in me went crazy and made me buy all these dark grapes. Another time I was possessed to buy a particular type of fish, squeeze lemon on it and coriander, put it in alfoil and under the grill, eat with rice, green beans and brocoli. I never heard of this and never did it, it was all intuition, but it was deeply satisfying and delicious. I later realsied that these foods are all brain foods. My intuition tells me often what to buy and where to go, it's this inner impulse that just takes you there. It's in it's beginning stages now, btu when I tap in and ask, it comes out and tells me and about 85% of the time it's right. I'm hoping to get that to 100%.

    I beleive we all have that capability within us, it's just our layers of false beleifs and assumptions that take us away from intuition. I used to follow my logic allot, but it often failed me - and when I tried to follow intuition, I just ended up following fear not realising that fear IS the illusion.

    Obviously it's been much easier for me to find thing's such as procyon, and I knew intuitively when to use it, but I didn't know which programmes to use and how often, so I found out using bio-feedback performed by my kinesiologist. That's why my healing has been able to be so accelerated.

    These certainly are good goals. Are you making some progress in this area?
    Extreme progress. I feel like kundalini, even though it's the greatest suffering, is the greatest gift one can have. The truth hurts at once, then it is bliss. When we know how to control our lives and our destiny, that's when we can really live it up. I've seen many improvements, I know how to handle people better and better, im more understanding, I have moments where I break down, but then re-establish myself in higher levels, and if this is what it takes for me to not be entrapped by the ego and go through those vicious life cycles, then so be it, it is well worth it. I do feel strongly that if I keep at this one day I will live a life of freedom. freedom from the ego, freedom to be do or have whatever i want and live in bliss. That is the promise of the kundalini, and it's nto as far fetched as people think it is, it's our divine birthright. We all know that.

    It's not something that one can over come just once and then never again. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it and then WHAM!
    You're right, I think I must have worked through around 400 fears in two years. As you can see, I've been working hard. Fears have different levels, you can have many fears of rejection, many fears of abondonment, or fears of success, or even resentment. These can emenate from past lives, genetic, childhood, etc. It's huge, really. Most people don't completely get rid of their fears. They just get rid of the strong ones, but the same fears still exist in weaker forms and often they are unaware of them because they are so small they can be well supressed. The magnificence and danger of the kundalini, is because it opens you up to take in allot of energy, and this energy feeds the beleifs you currently have, so even the smallest fear becomes big. That's why people have such a hard time on it. Kundalini is a deep cleansing, it forces you to face your 'shadows' so to speak, and then clear them out. It's relentless and tiring but I know I am moving forward and beyond this, are divine capabilities and many amazing lifetimes of wisdom, knowledge, bliss and love.

    What kind of tools? NLP, for example, gives you knowledge on how your mind works and understanding on why we do the crazy things we do. It also gives the person the capability to make the change - it fills in the "how to". I must be misunderstanding something because I'm thinking that all the raising the kundalini would do is help you become more aware. Perhaps the effects are cumulative, like the strength builds from all the ordeals you have to over come? Am I on the right track here?
    Oh NLP is AMAZING, most of my healing has been NLP, I've been using NLP to help eradicate the fears and rubbish mental processes which have arisen from the kundalini. What I realised is that I had so many fears and so many negative associations in my mind, that it would have been literely impossible for me NOT to commit suicide. My mind was completely screwed up. NLP is responsible for 85% of my healing. I mostly do special linguistics, which is with eye modes, beleif modes, breathing and saying words to embed them in various parts of the brain - thsi is very effective, but only with the guidance of a qualified kinesiolgoist for they can find what specific therapies you need at any given time through use of the bio-feedback system. I've also done the timeline quite a few times, this has helped me steer onto the right direction and I used it to convince my mind that everything is going well when I feared the most - mostly just regurgitated stuff from the past. Boy when I heard the words "you create your own reality" and then took the initiative to heal... boy was I in for a suprise! I've also done the timeline in reference to a future life and pre-planning. This might sound crazy but what kundalini does is it gives you past life memory and allows you greater awareness and control over possible future realities, including future lives. Through accessing the bio-feedback, I asked some questions as my intuition was alerted. I found that kundalini is a process of integration of higher self into the body. Which means you become a 'whole' being, opperating from the perspective of your soul, not your current physical identity. This brings upon more awareness of yourself from an even deeper level and naturally most people have out of body experiences as have I. I have met and spoken to my guides. Face to face on the astral plane. This isn't delusion as I can clearly feel the difference from an astral projection than a dream, like you would a dream from being awake. Kundalini makes you awake, it puts the truth in front of your eyes and this will hurt, because you have supressed stuff from very long ago. But if you want the vibration to be able to access your soul memory and therefore your higher intelligence, you will have to deal with past life stuff, which can also be very difficult at first then enlightenning. But heres the catch, not everyone experiences this. I've also had genetic past life memory (thats right the memories are in the cells) and, my kinesiologist has the ability to connect herself to people and have their memories. She has described things clearly from my past, as well as past lives. I don't have that ability yet, and I don't seek it so I suppose that's why it hasn't come to me. Kundalini allows us for greater possibilities. Possibilities which require a very high vibration soul. Kundalini gives us the promise of using ALL of our brains and even more. (yes it is more than possible to use for example 120% of your braisn or more!).

    That's a lot of stuff to deal with at once. I'm particularly concerned about the falling asleep at odd times of the day. I'm also concerned about the constant stress level because stress can do awful things to your body. Lack of sleep and stress can lead you to too early a death. Maybe you could use some medical help to get things stabilized so that you can continue on your journey without having to fight the current so much?
    It's a nightmare, but the whole point of living is to grow. It is an obsession for me, I'll admit it. But it's the best obession I've had and the best oen I will ever have and it will take me to amazing places. Any highly successful artist or athlete is obsessed with what they do. If you want to be the best, love it and taste it with all your being, give it all your attention and then it must be yours. As far as the stress is concerned, name one person with kundalini who doesn't have it - that's just a given. I can't use medical help - I react to any kind of anti-depressant / anti anxiety, but I do use st johns wort which is a natural alternative.

    The strength comes from recognizing your perseverance and accomplishments you have achieved so far. It comes from adopting a particular perspective on life (surviving and thriving). With strength comes determination. I think you have it, you are just not seeing it.
    It's funny you should mention that because I actually realised that I do have more stength than I thought. But the problem was is that I had this deepsetting fear of being judged, so all of my actions and words were guided by this background fear of being judged. I finally came to the conclusion today that I would do whatever the hell I want and would not care what anyone thinks or says. This takes allot of re-asserting yourself as the sub-concsious mind seems to be designed to want to please others. The pain and suffering comes from not loving yourself and others unconditionally, once you take on that firm beleif of unconditional love and acceptance, almost all suffering is gone. But this is a process. Many people claim that they love and accept unconditionally, but actually doing that is one of the most near impossible tasks of being human.

    You may be increasingly sensitive as a result of the effects of the stress causing biochemical havoc in your body. Stress lowers your serotonin level, which affects your mood, sleep and ability to concentrate. Antidepressants will help bring your biochemistry back to normal while you work on the other aspects of moving forward. Alpha sessions on the AVS may help raise your serotonin level but I don't know if it would be enough to make a lasting change. Maybe - maybe you need additional tools.
    I think the reason why I'm sensitive is because I now perceive from more of a soul-level. This means that emotions and words hurt more for me and I am much more sensitive to negative energy. It just takes getting used to and adaption to be able to live harmoniously as someone who is deeply connected to spirit. That seems to be a dangerious thing in this time and place, whereas many thousands of years in the past people were adorned by free flowing positive energy, love, ritual and acceptance. Also what you said about the bio-chemistry is entriely true as well. Both go hand in hand, the 'spirit' has mroe of a biological influence on people than they know.

    I agree with what you are saying. It is worth while to open the door and do the work necessary so that you can live in peace and happiness. Part of the work is finding the tools you need to balance mind and body.

    You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for. You have survived some pretty serious ordeals. I hope you find a solution to the idiot with the loud music.

    It is a challenge, but I know that as soon as I am in a position to make more money, I can move outta here. There are options which will present themselves a little later. I just need to be patient and have faith. Marissa thank you so much for your reply, your words were consistent, wise and helpful. I really love hearing from you, thank you for taking the time to reply to my posts.


    PS. I recommend people go online and search 'kundaini awakenning' and read through other peoples accounts, it is very challenging but the growth and wisdom and realisation that comes from it is well worth all of it - If you consider how insignificant our present lives are in contrast to the many thousands of lives we have lived and will live. I beleive buddha and many asscended masters had access to their great knowledge thanks to their kundalini. Theres no greater way of acessing divine wisdom and knowledge and being fully connected to source. And kundalini takes your energy up by the thousands so people who have kundalini make great healers. Which reminds me of an experience where i did some reiki, and I fell into a trance and my hand started doing all these obsurd things - without my purposeful direction, but the people I did it to felt amazing afterwards... but I won't get into that now.. that would be just too much lol.
    Last edited by veeaye; 02-01-2010 at 05:35 PM.

  9. #49
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by veeaye View Post

    You're right, I think I must have worked through around 400 fears in two years. As you can see, I've been working hard. Fears have different levels, you can have many fears of rejection, many fears of abandonment, or fears of success, or even resentment. These can emanate from past lives, genetic, childhood, etc. It's huge, really. Most people don't completely get rid of their fears. They just get rid of the strong ones, but the same fears still exist in weaker forms and often they are unaware of them because they are so small they can be well suppressed.
    What I wonder is whether there are that many fears or if the basic fear is just manifesting in different ways. It could be that there is a basic fear underneath all of the bunches of little fears and if you pick off the little ones and not go after the major one, they'll just re-emerge. Kind of reminds me of people who chop down a tree in their yard and don't go after the roots. A short time later you see all these little trees springing up from the roots.

    It's funny you should mention that because I actually realised that I do have more strength than I thought. But the problem was is that I had this deep-setting fear of being judged, so all of my actions and words were guided by this background fear of being judged. I finally came to the conclusion today that I would do whatever the hell I want and would not care what anyone thinks or says. This takes allot of re-asserting yourself as the subconscious mind seems to be designed to want to please others.
    On the one hand, you will be judged and it appears that you have accepted that and decided that the best alternative is to accept it and move on.

    On the other hand, that little fear of being judged is one of those little trees springing up on the grass. There is a root to that fear which may have to do with not feeling secure about who you are. It may also have to do with a desire to be accepted. In a sense we all have these fears on some level because we all want to be liked and accepted. I like that you decided to confront the fear and put your thoughts out there anyway. That took guts.

    The pain and suffering comes from not loving yourself and others unconditionally, once you take on that firm belief of unconditional love and acceptance, almost all suffering is gone. But this is a process. Many people claim that they love and accept unconditionally, but actually doing that is one of the most near impossible tasks of being human.
    Acceptance of others the way they are ... that's good. Unconditional love for self and others ... nooooooo. There are times when you shouldn't love yourself, you should kick yourself in the butt and smarten up.

    As you can see I really hate that term "unconditional love" especially when it applies to people and I'll tell you why. Unconditional love is unhealthy. I think there are conditions where someone needs to rethink the love thing and get out of dodge. I think "conditional" love is more mentally and emotionally healthy. With conditional love, you are giving the message that I will love you until you are toxic to me. Then I will cease loving you, I will leave you. Now ** that** is healthy love.

    I also think that "unconditional love" cheapens the feeling of love. Love is a special gift that you give someone. It shouldn't be unconditional because that leaves it open to be taken for granted and/or abused.

    Just my opinion.

    I think the reason why I'm sensitive is because I now perceive from more of a soul-level. This means that emotions and words hurt more for me and I am much more sensitive to negative energy. It just takes getting used to and adaption to be able to live harmoniously as someone who is deeply connected to spirit. That seems to be a dangerous thing in this time and place, whereas many thousands of years in the past people were adorned by free flowing positive energy, love, ritual and acceptance. Also what you said about the bio-chemistry is entirely true as well. Both go hand in hand, the 'spirit' has more of a biological influence on people than they know.

    Well I think the main thing is that you are working on yourself and are finding progress in your work. I can't say much about your methods because they are not in line with my belief system - and this doesn't look like one of those "debate" messages so I'm not going to go there. It certainly is interesting to read about what someone is doing and what works and doesn't work.

    So does this involve examining beliefs and looking for ones that are not in your best interest?

    P.S. Thank you for the kind words. Since our beliefs are different, it's a bit of a challenge to get off my soap box and see what's happening on yours.

    Didn't you say that you were not into New Age stuff? What do you classify as New Age. Just curious.


    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  10. #50
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    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    I'd like to apologise to and thank everyone who contributed to this discussion.

    I've realised that there has been one group who have responded from the perspective of having "got there" "relatively comfortably", or at least without long term trauma. We're here gloating about how easy it is if you follow instructions. That's great for us to know now! How many times did we screw up before we decided to do it right?

    To be clear - I don't mean "didn't do it my way", I mean didn't choose a way and stick to it rigorously for long enough to understand where it was going.

    Some pieces of the puzzle have fallen into place. If there's anything I can do to ease the passage for another human being, it is my obligation to give freely and without prejudice or judgement. That is an element of the Oath of the Abyss that has only become evident when the circumstances in life make it meaningful.


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