Hi! Can I use Isochronic tones in Procyon sessions? http://www.transparentcorp.com/produ.../technical.php says that isochronic tones are better than binaural beats. Thanks!
Hi! Can I use Isochronic tones in Procyon sessions? http://www.transparentcorp.com/produ.../technical.php says that isochronic tones are better than binaural beats. Thanks!
Hi Maximus,
To answer your question - yes, the Procyon is capable of doing "isochronic" beats (which by the way is a fancy name for a monaural beat).
This question has been raised before and so I'd like to share some further information on the subject with you.
"There are two basic kinds of beats which can be perceived by the ears; binaural and monaural. Monaural beats occur if you play, say 400 HS and 410 Hz in the same ear; you can hear the beat frequency in one ear.
Dual Binaural beats will often (but not always) produce monaural beats as well since two tones are present in both ears. One exception is to keep the frequency relationship set to harmonics: for example 200 + 400 Hz left, 206 + 412 Hz right.
When Tom Budzynski was running SynchroMed, we (Robert) tested several kinds of beats; binaural, dual binaural and monaural. The BB's were the only ones which could cause discernible EEG activation. We were surprised that dual BBs did not appear to do so -- the experiment was small, so maybe with a larger population we would have seen something." (Source: email from Robert Austin).
I think it's important to look at the research from various sources, not just the company that is interested in selling you their technology. I've taken the liberty to create a page in the library that has a list of links to various sources of research on binaural beats. http://www.mindplacesupport.com/foru...09&postcount=1
I hope this helps in your studies.
I was just checking out those links and found my way to a particular experiment:
Here's what was written:
It seems to indicate that binaural beats do not actually entrain at all in this particular experiment. Am I understanding the wording of this correctly?OBJECTIVES: When two auditory stimuli of different frequency are presented to each ear, binaural beats are perceived by the listener. The binaural beat frequency is equal to the difference between the frequencies applied to each ear. Our primary objective was to assess whether steady-state entrainment of electroencephalographic activity to the binaural beat occurs when exposed to a specific binaural beat frequency as has been hypothesized. Our secondary objective was to gather preliminary data on neuropsychologic and physiologic effects of binaural beat technology. DESIGN: A randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled crossover experiment in 4 healthy adult subjects. INTERVENTION: Subjects were randomized to experimental auditory stimulus of 30 minutes of binaural beat at 7 Hz (carrier frequencies: 133 Hz L; 140 Hz R) with an overlay of pink noise resembling the sound of rain on one session and control stimuli of the same overlay without the binaural beat carrier frequencies on the other session. OUTCOME MEASURES: Data were collected during two separate sessions 1 week apart. Neuropsychologic and blood pressure data were collected before and after the intervention; electroencephalographic data were collected before, during, and after listening to either binaural beats or control. Neuropsychologic measures included State Trait Anxiety Inventory, Profile of Mood States, Rey Auditory Verbal List Test, Stroop Test, and Controlled Oral Word Association Test. Spectral and coherence analysis was performed on the electroencephalogram (EEG), and all measures were analyzed for changes between sessions with and without binaural beat stimuli. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the experimental and control conditions in any of the EEG measures. There was an increase of the Profile of Mood States depression subscale in the experimental condition relative to the control condition (p = 0.02). There was also a significant decrease in immediate verbal memory recall (p = 0.03) in the experimental condition compared to control condition. CONCLUSIONS: We did not find support for steady-state entrainment of the scalp-recorded EEG while listening to 7-Hz binaural beats. Although our data indicated increased depression and poorer immediate recall after listening to binaural beats, larger studies are needed to confirm these findings.
PMID: 17388762 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Interesting study, Maximus--though as Marisa points out, a single study does not necessarily prove anything, especially as there are a number of other studies (many funded by the Monroe Institute for their branded "Hemi-sync" version of binaural beats) which do show EEG activation from BB's. When Tom Budzynski was running research for us, he recorded 21 channel EEG's using a Lexicore system, and BB frequencies could generally, though not always, be seen; pulsed sound tended to produce higher amplitudes, and dual BB's didn't seem to produce any noticeable results. We only ran a half dozen or so individuals, so those results aren't necessarily statistically significant.
Light stimulation is more effective than sound, in general.
That's interesting feedback Robert.
At the Gateway Experience site I started looking at some of the research papers present and saw one study that didn't find a significant difference between using visual biofeedback and binaural beats, and binaural beats alone.
It also didn't find much difference between binaural beats and listening to ocean waves.
It seemed to find that visual biofeedback itself was the least effective.
This experiment was specifically monitoring the production of alpha brain waves in the subjects.
However, I think the thing about binaural beats - and entrainment in general is that it doesn't necessarily work the first time and that people can become more susceptible to the entrainment over time. Most experiments wouldn't take this into consideration.
Whereas, the sound of ocean waves, rain and certain types of noise in general (pink noise for example), may be something that people, in general, have already become susceptible to.
I think some of these experiments might become more interesting if they are done over time.
What's also interesting is your comment about dual binaural beats being non-effective. I've been trying to find some examples of research conducted on that and have come up short - even at the Gateway Experience which is where I believe some of the theories regarding dual binaural beats originated - eg body asleep, mind awake states in particular.
You don't happen to know of any available resources on the subject?
Hi' sleeping angel here"
wasnt sure where to put this question":
Im just new at creating binaural beats for my home subliminal recordings but i am very interested in isochronic tones because ive heard so much about them.Some say they are better than b/bs
I have hertz charts for b/bs to work from but can anyone tell me if there are seperate frequency or hertz listings and range for isochronics?
I cant seem to find any or are they the same as b/bs? ie" do they use hertz or do they go by speed and Rythm and if so are there chart listings for them like b/bs have" and does ramping come into the equation with them" whew"""
A little confused but getting there"
much appreciated![]()
Hi SA,
Much of what you have heard about isochronic beats is opinion portrayed as fact. They are not been proven superior to BBs - however some people like to use them. In the end, what is more important than binaural or isochronic beat is the choice of frequencies used and how you use them in the program. The range of frequencies shouldn't be any different than what you are using with your BB - for example Alpha = 8 to 11 Hz. I've seen some variation on by 1 hz or what is considered to be Alpha (7 to 12) though never below 7 and never above 12.
Hopes this helps a bit.
Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
Canadian Distributor for Mindplace
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thank you for your feedback and support
sleeping Angel
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