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Thread: Faulty sensor?

  1. #1

    Default Faulty sensor?

    Well, I just received my TS, and it doesn't work.

    After I connected everything, it starts, calibrates itself and reports error (i.e. all LEDs flash same color, red to green) and after short period turns off. Turning off is ok, it's described in manual. But, it shouldn't report error. From manual, it should work, and this error means sensor lost contact with skin. Well, in my case didn't. I don't see any damage anywhere on cable, sensor or anywhere else. It just don't want to run as described.

    I'd probably end returning it to store, but is there something I should try before that step? I'm in Croatia, it'd take some time returning and getting it back...

    Thanks for suggestions.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Faulty sensor?

    Sorry to hear about your difficulties with the TS.

    I'm sure you've already checked this, but just make certain you're plugging in the sensor into the sensor jack and not the headphone jack.

    If it is a faulty sensor, you will need to contact the place where you purchased it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Faulty sensor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    I'm sure you've already checked this, but just make certain you're plugging in the sensor into the sensor jack and not the headphone jack.
    Well, to tell you true, I'd tried almost everything I could think of. The device is pretty simple, as you know, so there's not too much options.

    I tried using different batteries in case first ones are weak (though from the manual I know that message for weak batteries are different one). I even tried using device without sensor conected at all (well, this should prvoke error message, which it did). I tried using sensor in different sockets, just to exclude wrong labelling on casing (well, not a sure bet, but to exclude everything). I tried pushing jack halfway (and more or less) in. It didn't help. I washed my hands. I tried putting sensor on diffferent locations on my body, not just palm.

    Well, nothing worked, so I conlcuded that probably something with sensor, or sensor's cable or jack, or something in device isn't working properly. But, if there's something new, I'd try it...

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Faulty sensor?

    Well, you certainly did try everything! That's too bad!

    Contact the place where you bought the unit and see how they can help.
    If you just got it they'll be no issues with warranty.

    If you have any difficulties please send me a private message and we'll make sure you get the replacement.

    Sorry about all the trouble!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Faulty sensor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    If you have any difficulties please send me a private message and we'll make sure you get the replacement.

    Sorry about all the trouble!
    Thanks for your effort. I already contacted shop where I bought my unit. They said to send them back, if I'm sure it's faulty. No problem with that. I just wanted to check if there's something I missed, or any suggestion. Obviously, something's wrong with unit.

    Well, I'd send my to be replaced.

    Thanks for your help and at least it's good to know you're so helpful. I was a bit disappointed when I found out my unit isn't working. At least Proteus worked fine. And, I'm sure new TS would work fine too. I already arranged that my replacement unit would be tested before sending.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Faulty sensor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan_S View Post
    Thanks for your effort. I already contacted shop where I bought my unit. They said to send them back, if I'm sure it's faulty. No problem with that. I just wanted to check if there's something I missed, or any suggestion. Obviously, something's wrong with unit.

    Well, I'd send my to be replaced.

    Thanks for your help and at least it's good to know you're so helpful. I was a bit disappointed when I found out my unit isn't working. At least Proteus worked fine. And, I'm sure new TS would work fine too. I already arranged that my replacement unit would be tested before sending.
    That's great. Let us know how you make out.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Faulty sensor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    That's great. Let us know how you make out.

    Just to inform you all about my unit's problem. The sensor was faulty as I assumed. Very friendly people from established that and gave me one additional sensor just in case.

    Unit arrived today, I tested it and everything works fine.

    My previous experience with electronics says, first check contacts. It's interesting how relatively sophisticated piece of equipment had the most simple part the most troublesome.

    Anyway, everything's fine with TS now. Thanks for the help. Now I just need to connect TS and Proteus and the peace of mind is mine.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Faulty sensor?

    That's great news! Sorry for all the hassle. I'm glad your dealer was able to take care of you!

    Thanks for letting us know!

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