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Thread: Any success getting the SynchroMuse example?

  1. #11

    Default Re: Any success getting the SynchroMuse example?

    I first posted this in the "Session editor defect?" thread but it works here also.

    Hi Firefly,

    re: why in the world mindplace decided to lock this feature... ?

    I was planning on making it public in the next release of the OS.
    It's been delayed while working on some unresolved Vista issues.

    re:This step causes me a lot of grief...
    Try the following for the 'enhance' issue.

    1) Select the menu item <Utilities> <View Status Bar> to make the Status Bar visible.

    2) Click on the gray bar just below the menu items.
    A cursor should be blinking in the middle of the bar.

    3) Type a "q" to clear the buffer.

    4) Type "close" (not case sensitive)
    The status bar should show the message...
    "Enhanced options are NOT active."

    5) Type "enhance" (not case sensitive)
    The status bar should show the message...
    "Enhanced options are active."

    5) Type "lock" (not case sensitive)
    The status bar should show the message...
    "Enhanced options are LOCKED."
    This will set the enhanced option as the default startup mode.

    'close' will release the lock.

    re:I'm not able to delete segments

    Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
    If you save it with the "Save As" menu and say "Yes" to the overwrite prompt the session will save properly.

    Look for a new OS release soon.

    Best regards,

  2. Default Re: Any success getting the SynchroMuse example?

    Hello everyone,

    I'm having troubles with the dAS mode/ SM creation so I'm bringing up this topic.

    I got my Procyon a few days ago and I'm now trying to make my own Synchromuse music with the tutorial and... I can't make the Procyon start any light session with dAS in any way.

    I went through the current post and tried to amplify the header, to use the premade files from the tut and the "only header" wave files from TheRock (SES2 and SM Test), either with playback in Audacity and WMP... no way.
    Though, sound is coming through the Aux to my headphones.

    The only cloudy point is about the Raw export function in Procyon editor : there is a "Make ID Raw File" button directly in the header editor, which create a "x_myfile_x.raw" file so I need to rename it "myfile.raw" (maybe a security against overwriting). And the "enhance" function only displays a "Send DAS header" function in the Session Tools, of which I don't really understand the use.
    Anyway, even the premade tutorial raw file doesn't work.

    There is also a strange bug at upload : when I send the session to the Procyon, the header is then cleared in the editor. But it is still correct in the device if I look at the "Get session header" tool, so it shouldn't concern my problem.

    Audacity also makes 32bit audio files by default, but that shouldn't affect the signal quality. I even tryied to convert them to 16bit.

    As you can see, I tryied many workarounds... Do you think about something wrong?


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Any success getting the SynchroMuse example?

    Hi Sarraca,

    I got Synchromuse working back when I first got my Procyon, just following the tutorial. I seem to recall there were a couple of bits where dialogues had slightly different names, but that was the only issue.

    As I'm not that interested in lights-to-music, I haven't done anything since, and there have been quite a few changes to the editor and the Procyon OS.

    Sorry I can't offer anything more than 'it did work once'.

    Hopefully Andy or The Rock will shed some light.


  4. Default Re: Any success getting the SynchroMuse example?

    Well, thank you for your answer. For the moment, I'm using "manual" audio-visual synchro (starting the two nearly synchro manually), it's works quite well with voice or just music though, but it's not workable for pulse sound were synchro needs to be very accurate. In fact, I was trying to combine Transparentcorp Neuro-Programmer pulses (with pulsed backgrounds) and Procyon.
    Hope Andy or TheRock will be able to help, too.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Any success getting the SynchroMuse example?

    Hi Claude;

    I'm sorry that this function is giving you so much trouble.
    Did you definitely name the .raw file EXACTLY the same as the Session ID in the Header? (pg 7 of the tutorial)


  6. Default Re: Any success getting the SynchroMuse example?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Hi Claude;

    I'm sorry that this function is giving you so much trouble.
    Did you definitely name the .raw file EXACTLY the same as the Session ID in the Header? (pg 7 of the tutorial)

    Yes, of course. I just retryied, again, today to be sure there is no mistake from my part. And it works no more with the tut session and the premade wave headers from TheRock.
    As I said earlier, the header ID within the device is ok when I look at the Get Session Header, and the raw file imported in Audacity is correctly named as well. And I even hear the little "dzzt" sound of the header in my headphones (of course, I'm in dAS mode).
    Anyway, I work without synchrony for the moment, maybe I won't need it, finally, though I can't understand what makes this feature wrong. Could it be a hardware problem? I know this is very rare...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Any success getting the SynchroMuse example?


    Congratulations on your persistance. I feel mean having offered that little hope and then leaving you too it

    My Procyon's wired bedside, and I'm a bit work-bound, so give yourself a rest from the frustration and I'll see what I can persuade it to do on the weekend - the good news is that that's sooner than you think - it's already Thursday here


  8. Default Re: Any success getting the SynchroMuse example?

    Thank you for your help, but don't hurry for me. I'm exploring other features while waiting, I'm a unhurried person, except when I'm not.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Any success getting the SynchroMuse example?

    Hi Sarraca,

    I have had Synchromuse working beautifully.

    There's a couple of things I need to sort out with MindPlace support before I post the how-to.

    It's a great deal easier than the tutorial makes it appear.


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