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Thread: Sessions frequency clarification requested

  1. Default Sessions frequency clarification requested


    Q1: Would some one explain the terms in the following for session 22 : Tranquility : 60 min : Deep Tranquility

    Theta 3 - 13 Hz, BB 1 - 3 Hz, Seg Ranges: 6-4, 4-3, 3-4, 3-13

    What do the ranges Theta 3 - 13 Hz and BB 1 - 3 Hz refer to ?

    Q2: Why are there no Sub-Delta sessions? or separate Delta sessions such as those we find in NP2.

    Thank you


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Sessions frequency clarification requested

    1. The initial figures are the frequency range for the lights and amplitude modulation of the audio (known elsewhere as isochronic tone). The BB figures are for the Binaural Beat. The Seg Ranges are the light (+ isochronic) frequencies covered by the segments in the main body of the session. In addition to these segments there are a number of lead-in and -out segments in the 14-15Hz range.

    You can open the session file in the editor and see how it all works (13 segments, no looping).

    2A. Sub-Delta isn't really an 'official designation' - Transparent and a few others use it as a term for the low end of delta and the very low frequencies generally considered below delta.

    2B. I can't answer for MindPlace, but it would appear that session designers have rather different ideas about how a session should be structured. In the case of Procyon vs NP2, having used both extensively now, I would venture that neither is 'better', they are just 'different' and various combinations of NP2/Procyon/other light/sound/Audiostrobe offers a smorgasbord of audiovisual delights.


  3. Default Re: Sessions frequency clarification requested

    Craig: Thank you for your reply.

    1a. Does Procyon use only Binaural Beat for audio? Does it not use isochronic in any way?

    1b. A search on the internet gave the freq range of the Pro-Luxe KT-323 headphones as 20 Hz to 20 kHz. In such case how can they handle and reproduce the isochronic frequencies of less than 20 Hz which we are interested?

    1b. If the basic Procyon mechanism for audio is to get resultant Binaural Beats only, how is the actual left and right frequency controlled or specified in the Editor? Is there no difference in effect of generating 2 Hz BB, either by using (100 + 102) or (200 + 202) Hz?

    2. Is there no requirement to match the light frequency (RGB separately) in some way to the audio (either BB or isochronic) freq?

    Thank you


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Sessions frequency clarification requested


    You're welcome.

    1a. 'Isochronic' is another term that is not universal in application. Transparent uses it to describe an amplitude modulated tone. It is exactly the same as the effect achieved on the Procyon by using the 'Sound Modulation' option in the editor to have one of the light channels modulate an audio channel.

    1b. As it is an audible frequency PULSED at a low (brainwave) frequency, there is no problem with reproduction on pretty much any sound system - quality is not an issue. Likewise, binaurals are a low frequency artifact produced 'in the head' from audible frequencies, so frequency response is not an issue.

    2. While there's a substantial volume of research on what has worked for some, considering the number of possible permutations, I would venture that there's a lot of things that are effecive that we don't know about and many things that are thoroughly enjoyable even if not particularly 'effective'. There are valid reasons for mismatching stimuli, both left/right audio and visuals (Transparent's 'dissociative' sessions are an example). I've found that there's quite a bit of leeway in the stimulus frequency to get pleasing results and my strongest suggestion is PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!! In time you'll get to know when the entrainment is doing its thing.


  5. Default Re: Sessions frequency clarification requested

    Craig: Thank you for your reply.

    The following is from Mind Place FAQ:
    What are "binaural beats"?
    Binaural beats occur when two sine (pure) waves of slightly differing frequency are presented to the left and right sound channels: the difference between the left and right is synthesized by the brain and perceived as a slowly modulated frequency. This is known as a binaural beat frequency. This beat frequency is typically modulated at the same frequency as the lights.

    As there is no mixing of left and right freq for light signals, as it may be the case for audio signals, the light signals have to be selected at freq say 0.1 to 40 Hz. But, in case of light we have RGB separate signals, so we can possibly sync the audio only with one of the light signals. If we use different RGB freq there is no way we can determine what that sync freq should be. Am I right? Are there any studies on syncing with any one of RGB and audio, and consequent results?

    The other important question is whether to use 2 audio signals of slightly varying freq and as they get integrated in the brain, the brain perceives a 1 Hz or 2 Hz audio signal. In this case the brain should receive two signals 20 and 22 Hz in left and right, so that the perception can be of 2 Hz. If the KT-323 can only work in 20 Hz to 20kHz range, as its specification states, there is no way any of the two components of Binaural signals can be below 20 Hz. So, what freq does Procyon use, for generating the individual Binaurals? How can those signals be manipulated for better entrainment, say instead of 20 and 22 Hz use 100 and 102 Hz.

    The alternaive to the above is to use directly a 2 Hz amplitude modulated signal (isochronic). But, the supplied headphones does not handle that any way.

    Am I not understanding some thing?



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Sessions frequency clarification requested


    I'm not entirely sure I'm following you - what is it you're saying the supplied headphones don't do?

    In the Procyon Session Editor there are three panels for setting the lights and a panel for setting the audio. The audio panel has four frequencies - left start, left end, right start and right end. The binaural frequency is the difference between the corresponding left and right frequencies. The default base freqency is, I think from memory, 200Hz, which is a good general purpose place to start.

    The isochronic, or amplitude modulation from the light channels is a different matter, and could reinforce the binaural by pulsing at the same frequency as the left/right difference, or introduce another frequency.

    I haven't found anything that provides conclusive information on how multiple frequencies might work and combine for entrainment purposes. Apart from cases where asymmetrical stimulus has been shown to be beneficial, my general opinion is that added session complexity is more for listening/viewing pleasure (entertainment) than effective entrainment. In fact, I would venture that if brute force entrainment is the goal, the simplest possible click and flash would be the way to go. This is where an EEG would be so valuable - without one it's a very subjective exercise in trial and error.


  7. Default Re: Sessions frequency clarification requested


    Just a note on binaural beats and headphones. The 20Hz-20KHz range of headphones is simply the audible range of hearing. Headphones will reproduce sounds at that range of frequencies, although with different levels, as shown by a frequency response spec chart supplied with some gear.

    But this has nothing to do with binaural beats which are synthesised internally by the human brain. The different frequencies in each ear are well above the lowest frequency that the headphones can reproduce, and the binaural difference beat is produced (again) by our brain.

    Even very cheap headphones can do this adequately. But good headphones are more comfortable to use, and sound better due to more flat frequency response. I prefer earbud type phones, which are less hassle to wear given al the other wires and bits associated with current state of brainwave entrainment technology.

    And don't forget that brain entrainment only works when you present a steady signal for some time. Brain needs time to get 'sucked in' so do not be too adventurous with changing frequencies! Unless you are wanting pure entertainment which is another interesteing topic altogether.
    Richard, Hong Kong
    richardhk dot com

  8. Default Re: Sessions frequency clarification requested

    Hello, Richard: Thank you for your reply.

    Now, I am clear that the sessions do not use the basic frequencies less than the lower end of headphones say 20 Hz. So, there is no problem with Binaural Beats.

    How about Isochronic tones. I read some where that they are more effective at least in some cases. Probably, Isochronic are essential for Headphone free entrainment.

    Is it a fair conclusion that Procyon does not use Isochronic frequencies at all in all its sessions?

    I understand that NP2 generates Isochronic also. Am I right to think on these lines?



  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Sessions frequency clarification requested

    Hi Srikrishna;

    Many of the topics you're discussing have been talked about before on these forums. I think it would good to do a little searching and reading first. There is some great information that people have already posted which may help you in understanding these topics.

    For example:
    Searching for "Isochronic" brings:

    Searching for "Sub-Delta" brings:


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