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Thread: Need help with CES Devices....

  1. Default Need help with CES Devices....

    In user reviews, I have repeadedly seen that the .5 hz setting works the best for anxiety, depression, and stress. BUT, I think the only device that offers this is the "Alpha Stim SCS" (which costs $500 + and requires a prescription). I know the old "Health Pax" used to have the .5 hz setting, but Alpha-Stim supposedly forced them to remove this setting.

    My question is....
    I have Social Phobia, constant Anxiety, ADHD, Perfectionism, and bad depression that I need addressed, and I refuse to take SSRI's. I do take stimulants and klonopin, but I want off all psychotropic drugs.

    Is anyone here knowledgable enough in the CES device field to give me some feeedback as to which devices are good, and which one are crocs? If so, I would GREATLY appreciate it, as my depression is worsening day by day. Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Need help with CES Devices....

    Hi Street,

    Quote Originally Posted by streetsk8er794 View Post
    In user reviews, I have repeadedly seen that the .5 hz setting works the best for anxiety, depression, and stress. BUT, I think the only device that offers this is the "Alpha Stim SCS" (which costs $500 + and requires a prescription). I know the old "Health Pax" used to have the .5 hz setting, but Alpha-Stim supposedly forced them to remove this setting.

    My question is....
    I have Social Phobia, constant Anxiety, ADHD, Perfectionism, and bad depression that I need addressed, and I refuse to take SSRI's. I do take stimulants and klonopin, but I want off all psychotropic drugs.

    Is anyone here knowledgable enough in the CES device field to give me some feeedback as to which devices are good, and which one are crocs? If so, I would GREATLY appreciate it, as my depression is worsening day by day. Thank you in advance.
    With all the difficulties you are experiencing, I would have to say that one machine or drug is not going to cure you. You really need to find someone who is willing to work with you wholistically to help you change the underlying cause of your problems instead of band-aiding the symptoms.

    A machine such as the Proteus or Procyon can help you change your brainwave patterns which can help you with the ADD, anxiety and so forth. An experienced NLP Practitioner can help you overcome the phobias, perfectionism and perhaps depression. You also need to find someone who will take a look at your diet and help you make necessary adjustments since you likely are deficient in nutrients (such as amino acids) that are beneficial to healthy brain function. The NLP practitioner can also help you take a look at your lifestyle and help you make the necessary changes there as well because your problems are also related to your lifestyle. So you see, it's a life makeover that you need much more than a machine.

    I do have to mention that this forum is run and paid for by Mindplace and therefore we do not allow the discussion or endorsement of any machines other than our own. If you are still interested in a CES machine, you would be better off finding a public forum on the subject.

    You can turn things around if you learn how to approach the problem from a different perspective. Drugs are not bad, they have their uses but they alone can not fix this situation. You could fix this by yourself but I think it would be very difficult since you do not know how to access the information necessary to make permanent changes, which is why I suggest an NLP practitioner. When you choose a practitioner make sure that they are an experienced Certified Master Practitioner. Stay away from ones that wield magic crystals and "cure all" potions.


  3. Default Re: Need help with CES Devices....

    Thank you much for your input. I went ahead and bought the "Alpha-Stim SCS" as I could not wait to do more research and find the "best" deal, as I do not care. My life is more important than money.

    And yes, once my insurance kicks in (August 1st) I plan on starting either NLP or CBT. Do you know which one of these has a better track record for effectiveness?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Need help with CES Devices....

    And yes, once my insurance kicks in (August 1st) I plan on starting either NLP or CBT. Do you know which one of these has a better track record for effectiveness?
    I would say NLP.

    I hope you have success with your CES unit.


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