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Thread: Incredible Sound Distortion Help!!!!!

  1. #1

    Unhappy Incredible Sound Distortion Help!!!!!

    Hello again,
    I am just wondering if my Procyon is faulted and I have to give it back or if it is me not understanding how to use it. I am not very technical as some of you guys so please don't answer me with too many expert terms and abbreviations...please just someting very practical and understandable by girls-not-into-electrical-devices...ok?...thanks!!!!
    My procyon is currently powered by batteries.New,duracellm, put them on yesterday.
    1-when I switch it ON, even before choosing the program, it makes an annoyiong continuous sound, like an "electricity"sound, you know, like when the amplifier has a problem, and also a backround noise like when you radio has a disturbance, when I go up ad dowm for choosing the programs the "electrical" sound change of frequency as I scroll up and down with the selector.I don't think it is part of the sessions, it looks like something is not fine with the jack. I think I should have no sound, no noise, until I start a session.
    2-When I start the program the initial sound and the noise stay in the background but the noise (disturbanc)becomes a very loud annoying buzzing noise almost interfering with the waving, repeating binaural sounds.
    3- Moreover,Today I tried to add some relaxing music in the background, so I used the cable included in the package and I connected the audio exit of my PC to the AUX of the Procyon and guess what: DISASTER.
    Basically, when the Procyion is not playing a program, I can hear the music very well, and the quality is good,but as soon as I start the program, everything goes in the most terrible distortion, so, the music is distorted, an also the sounds produced by the session. If I stop the session, the music doesn't go back to nice and normal but remains noisy and distorted.I tried to change the MODE buttons, but basically when I am into different modes than SE5 I cannot start a session. Apparently the distorted music comes back to nice and normal only when I am in DL2, but then I have to switch the Procyon OFF and ON again if I want to start a session and still the music start to distort when I am in it.
    Can anybody confirm to me if I have to send it back???
    Thank you, I am a little desperate, how unlucky....

    Bye, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Incredible Sound Distortion Help!!!!!

    Hello again;

    Not sure yet if there's a problem with your console, so let's try a few things to determine what the problem is.

    Try some brand-new batteries to make sure you don't have ones that are getting low. Don't assume that just because the ones you put in are new that they are actually ok. I've had boxes of brand-new batteries that were flat because they'd been sitting too long in the store.

    Use the included USB cable to connect the Procyon to your PC to power it and see if you hear the same distortion.

    Give that a try 1st and post back with your results.


  3. #3

    Talking Re: Incredible Sound Distortion Help!!!!!

    Andy, you are an angel!!!
    Yes, as soon as I plugged in the USB cable, all the noise,I mean, either the "electrical" sound and the background buzz just disappeared!!! The music sounds nice and perfectly crisp. I tried plugging on and off the usb and defintely the problem either with the music and the noises exists only when the device functions with batteries.
    Now, I cannot swear on the full charge of the 3 Duracell I have been given by the supplier with my Procyon, but now I am wondering if in battery-mode my device is faulty anyway. The question arises spontaneously: do you think could be a fault of my own device or all the Procyons behave like that? I guess it is supposed to be "portable" and so it should equally work when not plugged to a PC. I mean, My I POd, walkman, DIgital camera and whatever devices powereable either by batteries or USB cable just work perfectly well either if the batteries are low, and simply switch off when there is not enough power, but don't compromise the performance in between.
    I am sort of relieved for the USB advice, so I thank you profoundly, I am just wondering if the lack of performance with batteries should be reported to my supplier and I should be ask for another machine or if it is a problem with all Procyons.
    Thank you very much for your help!!!!

  4. #4
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Incredible Sound Distortion Help!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Firequeen View Post
    Andy, you are an angel!!!
    Yes, as soon as I plugged in the USB cable, all the noise,I mean, either the "electrical" sound and the background buzz just disappeared!!! The music sounds nice and perfectly crisp. I tried plugging on and off the usb and defintely the problem either with the music and the noises exists only when the device functions with batteries.
    That's great. Glad that it works.

    Now, I cannot swear on the full charge of the 3 Duracell I have been given by the supplier with my Procyon, but now I am wondering if in battery-mode my device is faulty anyway. The question arises spontaneously: do you think could be a fault of my own device or all the Procyons behave like that? I guess it is supposed to be "portable" and so it should equally work when not plugged to a PC. I mean, My I POd, walkman, DIgital camera and whatever devices powereable either by batteries or USB cable just work perfectly well either if the batteries are low, and simply switch off when there is not enough power, but don't compromise the performance in between.
    The digital electronics in the Procyon are sensitive to low voltages. If you were to put in fresh batteries that are 1.5 volts, all will be well. I would imagine that you don't have a voltmeter, but if you do, measure your batteries and you'll find that they are low. Use alkaline batteries, not zinc or rechargables.
    Thank you very much for your help!!!!
    No Problem! That's what the forum is for.

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