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Thread: The Secret

  1. #11
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    Default Re: The Secret

    Hi Saffyre,

    Quote Originally Posted by Saffyre View Post
    Hi Marisa,

    I have never tried a past life regression and I always wondered whether I would divulge a completely unique life experience
    Under hypnosis it's possible to create false memories, so it would be equally possible to (unknowingly) create a false past life experience.

    To get past life regression through a hypnotist, the hypnotist presupposes that a) past life regression is possible and b) that they can regress you to a past life. The presuppositions alone are enough for the u/c to create a past life.

    If we did have a past life, despite the claims of huckster or mislead hypnotists, hypnotism is not a reliable method to uncover it.

    e.g. one that I could not have learned through history lessons or after watching Sweeney Todd!!!
    I haven't seen the movie ... yet. Is is worth seeing?

    So do you think that Psychics such as Colin Fry are all complete fakes? Or just unproven?
    I think they are fakes - especially if they are earning a living from their "psychic powers". Psychic powers may be possible, and I think if so, they are likely to be subtle and unreliable (meaning, they aren't always there). I heard the Uri Geller recently said that he never had psychic powers - that it all was a trick. Kreskin and Criss Angel both are excellent mentalists who can do things which mimic psychic powers. I don't know how they do it but they do say it's not psychic powers - even though it appears that way. So things are rarely as they appear.

    I like the fact that science is unbiased too, but that only means to me that there is so much left for scientists to prove, if that makes sense. And I believe that they will eventually find a way to prove things that they have previously disproved. As for religion and "spiritual" dogmas - I agree, I don't buy in to any of them.
    Science hasn't disproved psychic phenomena or spirits ... they just haven't proved it to be real. There is a difference. Lack of proof of something does not mean it doesn't exist. It doesn't mean it does exist either. It only means that something hasn't been proven real or not real.

    Much to Christianity's chagrin, science has proven that evolution did happen and that the earth is indeed older than a six thousand years.

    Hey, I already have something and I don't feel the need to prove or disprove it I say that if it's not broke, don't fix it...
    Ha ha chicken.

    Your path is very interesting - certainly 10/10 for effort and persistence (shame about the gold though).
    Ya, considering how much I do like gold too.

    So do you believe that it is purely the brain and the way that it is wired which builds our personality?
    Yes. That along with education, experience and social circumstances.

    And how about the energy that flows through every living thing - do you see us as purely mechanical beings and nothing more?
    What energy would that be?

    I read somewhere ... can't remember where and I'll see if I can find that information again ... that there is actually no measurable energy that runs through our body. We do have a form of biochemical energy that can be measured through EEG and EKG but there actually is no energy field that surrounds the body. Now I'm curious so I will go on a hunt ... .

    I was always an anxious child. Between the ages of 11 and 18 I lived with a very violent, alcoholic and abusive step-father and was bullied at school.
    Anxious with good reason.

    I lived my life in fear and this led to a very low self-esteem. Now, I don't want to sound like a basket-case here, because I survived and I continued to live 'normally' on the surface. My sister was always in to self development and positive thinking, and introduced me to 'Your Best Year Yet' and 'Feel the Fear and do it Anyway'. I had several attempts at counseling to move on from the past. Then my sister introduced me to MindStore, which is a self-hypnosis method based on Desire, Expectation, Belief; Thoughts Are Things etc and all of the people I met who had been practicing these techniques were full of stories about the things that they had manifested. So I practiced that for a short while, saw a few coincidences, then drifted away from the programming side of it on a regular basis.
    Sounds like you have a wonderful sister!

    As for where do I go from here.. good question. I am really interested in discovering my psychic abilities, opening chakras, would love to have an(other) out-of-the-body experience and maybe one day even open up my crown chakra... All in good time. If ever I lose faith, maybe I will investigate other avenues. Never say never...
    How about if you ever get curious, you'll explore other avenues. That way you don't have to lose faith to be an explorer.


  2. Default Re: The Secret

    Hi Marisa,

    Oo, sorry about the break.. Right, now where were we?
    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post

    Sweeney Todd - I haven't seen the movie ... yet. Is is worth seeing?
    I loved it - even though I don't usually like 'musicals'. Johnny Depp was his usual fabulous self, Helena Bonham-Carter was bewitching and Sacha Baron-Cohen (sp?!) wore very tight trousers! It was superbly (almost comically) gory, and there was a lot of humor. I've gone right off pies

    Science hasn't disproved psychic phenomena or spirits ... they just haven't proved it to be real.
    Well then they jolly well ought to hurry up! They will do, soon enough. Perhaps if there was as much funding for psychic phenomena as there were for global warming, there would be more minds on the case
    Ha ha chicken.
    Buuuuk! buk! buk! buk! buk! In the meantime I will continue to observe any manifestations and you can call them coincidence and poke fun at me
    We do have a form of biochemical energy that can be measured through EEG and EKG but there actually is no energy field that surrounds the body. Now I'm curious so I will go on a hunt ... .
    So how does that explain auras..? I used to believe that auras were mumbo jumbo, but then I saw a program on TV where the presenters were having their auras read using a machine (which produced a photo)... It didn't look like a measurement of heat - so now I am curious what it was measuring.

    Sounds like you have a wonderful sister!
    I couldn't imagine life without her. I recently introduced her to Conversations With God and Ask And It Is Given (or 'Get What You Want' as she calls it!) and finally feel that I am giving something back. She doesn't believe in the Collective Consciousness, but we are still able to support each other using the same language - i.e. Laws of Attraction, separating the Ego from the 'higher self' etc

    How about if you ever get curious, you'll explore other avenues. That way you don't have to lose faith to be an explorer.
    Sounds like a plan. I am about to read 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle. I bought it several years ago and couldn't complete it the first time round. It will be interesting to see what I think of it now...

    Cheers as always, Saffyre

  3. #13
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    Default Re: The Secret

    Quote Originally Posted by Saffyre View Post
    Hi Marisa,

    Oo, sorry about the break.. Right, now where were we?
    That's okay. Since we spoke last, I've been doing a bit of research into the energy thing. I bought an interesting book called "The God Particle" which is about Quantum Physics. I'm looking further into this because of the energy conversation which got me thinking about "universal" energy on a quantuum level and how it could possibly affect the human body - if at all. I'm only on page 71 so ... I don't know yet.

    I did find this though:

    "The human body does, in fact, give off certain radiations, including weak electromagnetic emanations (from the electrical activity of the nerves), chemical emissions (some of which may be detected, for instance, as body odor), sonic waves (from the physical actions within the body), etc. Paranormalists sometimes equate these radiations with the aura (Permutt 1988, 57-58), but they do not represent a single, unified phenomenon, nor have they been shown to have the mystical properties attributed to auras."

    I loved it - even though I don't usually like 'musicals'. Johnny Depp was his usual fabulous self, Helena Bonham-Carter was bewitching and Sacha Baron-Cohen (sp?!) wore very tight trousers! It was superbly (almost comically) gory, and there was a lot of humor. I've gone right off pies
    Hmmm I'll have to rent it when it comes out. I saw "Jumper" the other day and it was just Okay. It's worth renting but it's not as exciting as National Treasure was.

    Well then they jolly well ought to hurry up! They will do, soon enough. Perhaps if there was as much funding for psychic phenomena as there were for global warming, there would be more minds on the case
    There has been quite a bit of research already - it's just that nothing solid ha ha has turned up yet.

    Buuuuk! buk! buk! buk! buk! In the meantime I will continue to observe any manifestations and you can call them coincidence and poke fun at me
    LOL okay.

    So how does that explain auras..? I used to believe that auras were mumbo jumbo, but then I saw a program on TV where the presenters were having their auras read using a machine (which produced a photo)... It didn't look like a measurement of heat - so now I am curious what it was measuring.
    You must be referring to Kirlian photography. Oh oh ... hate to pop the balloon.

    Kirlian photography A process discovered by the Russian Semyon Kirlian in 1937, in which an object is placed directly on a piece of photographic film or paper, one side of a high-voltage, high-frequency generator is connected to the object, and the other side is grounded to a metal plate beneath the photographic material. Often, glass plates separate the two electric terminals, though the high-frequency voltage can penetrate such a barrier.
    The ensuing corona discharge, a halo effect resulting from the electric charge being dissipated, and closely related to the Saint Elmo's fire phenomenon, is registered on the material and can be seen when the developing process is carried out. The corona is thought to indicate a sort of ?life energy,? and thus this technique's use in showing variations in that energy. It is also believed to register the aura.
    Once highly regarded by the paranormalists, Kirlian photography has now been shown to only indicate variances in pressure, humidity, grounding, and conductivity. Corona discharges are well understood and explained in elementary physics.
    The most famous effect of Kirlian photography occurred when a plant leaf was ?photographed,? then a section was torn away and the leaf was rephotographed. A faint image of the torn-out section was still seen in the second photo. Since the same glass plates had been used, it is believed that moisture from the missing portion was providing the ghostly image. Since the glass plates used as dielectric material would tend to break down along the edges of the object, allowing easier passage of the discharge, that may also account for the effect. The observed ?phantom leaf? effect was not found again in better-controlled experiments, but has continued to serve as a point of argument for the believers.

    That's all for now.


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