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Thread: Treatment plans

  1. Default Treatment plans

    I was wondering if anyone had scripts or treatments incorporating the AVS systems. I am looking for programs that can be used for Anxiety disorder, ADHD, PTSD and addictions.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Treatment plans

    Hi Behave,

    Quote Originally Posted by Behaviourself View Post
    I was wondering if anyone had scripts or treatments incorporating the AVS systems. I am looking for programs that can be used for Anxiety disorder, ADHD, PTSD and addictions.
    When you say "scripts" do you mean hypnotherapy scripts?

    Re: L&S Programs

    For addictions - use programs with Alpha (8-11 Hz).
    For anxiety - use programs that target SMR (12 - 15 HZ). I would also say alpha/theta may also be helpful.
    ADD - use programs that target SMR and Beta - around the 14 HZ area.

    Some of the targeted frequencies are listed in the Procyon manual. I'll see if I can get a bit more information on the Frequencies that are not listed in the manual - hopefully more sooner than later.

  3. Default Re: Treatment plans

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    Hi Behave,

    When you say "scripts" do you mean hypnotherapy scripts?
    Hi M
    I suppose so. It is what you are saying when you are guiding a client through a session like progressive relaxation...."Make yourself as comfortable as you can... become aware tof the surface underneath you..." and that type of dialogue. You know, positive affirmations that you can have a client say or think when they are quitting smoking or reducing their food consumption.
    Can you steer me into the direction of more info on Alpha Beta Theta?

    Last edited by Andy; 12-29-2006 at 03:18 PM. Reason: fixed quote

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Treatment plans

    Hi B,

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    Hi Behave,

    When you say "scripts" do you mean hypnotherapy scripts?
    Quote Originally Posted by Behaviourself View Post
    I suppose so.
    Okay, I'll see what I can find for you.

    Can you steer me into the direction of more info on Alpha Beta Theta?
    Have you read this document (see attached)? I'm going to set up a "reference" thread where I will upload more information on Light and Sound etc.

    I'll check with Andy and see where the best place to do this is. Stay tuned!

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Andy; 12-29-2006 at 03:23 PM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Treatment plans

    I, too, have a strong interest in using AVS for "treatment" of addictions. Whether it be smoking, drugs, alcohol, or something else, it seems to me that the overall methodology would be the same.

    In my experience, the "addict" is looking for 2 things: First, to "relax" and ease the anxiety of "feeling too much" - nearly all addicts are strongly empathic, whether they realize it or not!
    Second, they all want to "escape" from the reality that they've created for themselves - the mundane existence that the rest of us seem to tolerate better than the addict.

    AVS seemingly offers both solutions. First, the lower frequencies (esp. Theta) enhance or create a relaxation state, and second, the lights and sounds offer an unlimited method of altering the users present reality.

    I use Tom Kenyon's "neuroacoustic" brain entrainment CD's. He is well-known for his "Acoustic Brain Research" work. The Monroe Institute is even more well-known for their "Hemi-Sync" products. The trouble is that each uses different encodings for their products - Tom Kenyon's CD's use "Bio-Pulse", for example.

    I prefer the Sirius product for this kind of work, as it seems to be more "forgiving" when using external CD input. The Procyon manual briefly mentions "Audio Mixing" (pg. 16) but doesn't go into HOW to use this, so my assumption is that it is only available when doing custom programmed sessions. That's a shame, really.

    I'd like to hear from Andy and Marisa about HOW to use the MindPlace products to enhance these kinds of "brain-entrainment" CD's -- which are obviously not "AudioStrobe encoded" -- and without programming a session from scratch.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Treatment plans

    Hi Elvish,

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvish View Post
    I, too, have a strong interest in using AVS for "treatment" of addictions. Whether it be smoking, drugs, alcohol, or something else, it seems to me that the overall methodology would be the same.
    All addictions do share some commonalities such as the person being deficient in alpha waves and so all people afflicted would benefit with an alpha based program.

    Some people's reward system is wired a bit differently in that the dopamine release (feeling satisfied) level is altered and so they continue to use in attempts to get that "reward" feeling that they got the first time they used a particular drug. Nothing else provides a feeling of satisfaction. I'm not sure if it's certain drugs that do this or certain people whose brain's react this way ... or both. Perhaps this ties into the deficiency in Alpha, since Alpha waves reflect a feeling of contentment and well being.

    The "reward" system is also triggered by our thoughts so the addict needs to learn how to think differently as well.

    In my experience, the "addict" is looking for 2 things: First, to "relax" and ease the anxiety of "feeling too much" - nearly all addicts are strongly empathic, whether they realize it or not!
    Second, they all want to "escape" from the reality that they've created for themselves - the mundane existence that the rest of us seem to tolerate better than the addict.
    I think this is where some NLP work would be most useful because they need to learn how to think differently. Addicts also tend to have poor life skills or coping skills and some training in this area would also be beneficial.

    Back to brain chemistry for a moment, addicts also tend to have too low of a level of serotonin which makes them impulsive as well as prone to depression. Alpha training can also help raise the serotonin levels, though I don't know if this alone will do it for them or whether they need to take antidepressants to get their chemistry back to normal levels. Stress tends to lower serotonin levels. Alcohol temporarily raises the serotonin level (which is the good feeling one gets when they drink) but those levels can not be sustained by alcohol, which is why the addict wants to drink more and it's also why they tend to get in fights (or engage in nasty behavior) when they are coming down (depleted serotonin).

    AVS seemingly offers both solutions. First, the lower frequencies (esp. Theta) enhance or create a relaxation state, and second, the lights and sounds offer an unlimited method of altering the users present reality.
    They need their "reality" replaced with a new way of thinking which is why AVS treatment alone will not work. They also need to learn how to think differently, which is why something like NLP would be a powerful resource. AVS and NLP (or hypnosis) and perhaps short-term drug therapy are an excellent combination. The more tools that you can use in union, the more powerful the treatment. Using only one tool makes for a longer and more difficult journey.

    I use Tom Kenyon's "neuroacoustic" brain entrainment CD's. He is well-known for his "Acoustic Brain Research" work. The Monroe Institute is even more well-known for their "Hemi-Sync" products. The trouble is that each uses different encodings for their products - Tom Kenyon's CD's use "Bio-Pulse", for example.
    I think these tools are helpful but not powerful enough to singly do the job ... unless it's a small addiction (one that doesn't have as powerful of a hold over someone).

    I prefer the Sirius product for this kind of work, as it seems to be more "forgiving" when using external CD input. The Procyon manual briefly mentions "Audio Mixing" (pg. 16) but doesn't go into HOW to use this, so my assumption is that it is only available when doing custom programmed sessions. That's a shame, really.
    Although the Sirius is a good machine, the Proteus is much superior in both design, sound quality, program options and LED color options. The Procyon even more so. The technology since the Sirius has improved greatly. I find the Sirius a bit limiting and much prefer to work with the Proteus and/or Procyon. When I was in practice, I used a Proteus and this is the machine I'm most familiar with - though I do use the Procyon now and again as well.

    I'd like to hear from Andy and Marisa about HOW to use the MindPlace products to enhance these kinds of "brain-entrainment" CD's -- which are obviously not "AudioStrobe encoded" -- and without programming a session from scratch.
    Well, Audio Strobe cds are designed to work with an AVS machine in that the cd is encoded with the frequencies which will correspond to the frequencies that drive the lightframes.

    If you use a cd that is not designed to work with an AVS machine, then you will have to use one of the programs on the machine to run the lights. The problem here is that there will likely be an incongruence between the frequencies programmed on the CD and the program the machine uses to drive the lights which likely will reduce the desired effects. If the brain is given three or four frequencies to deal with, it will likely choose something in the middle to go with.


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