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Thread: Procyon Version/Driver issues under Vista

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Procyon Version/Driver issues under Vista

    Quote Originally Posted by Phalguy View Post
    I can open the editor but this one keep telling me that my port is not open. do you want to open it ? and keep looping. !

    Any idea?


    Hi Claude;

    There's an issue with the 2.1.0 editor and it's "auto-find-com-port" routine on Vista. It's being currently worked on, but for now you can use the 1.7.22 editor, it will work fine with the 2.1.0 Procyon. Just don't try to update the OS!


  2. #12

    Default Re: Procyon Version/Driver issues under Vista

    Dear Andy,

    the problem is actually more delicate: If you have a 2.1.0 Procyon (Console Revision 2) - you definitely won?t be able to run it under Vista.

    The actual problem is the driver installation for the PC-Procyon communication.

    If you have a Console Revision 2, you cannot use the TUSB drivers of Version 1.7.22, as the Revision 2 Console uses a different USB chip.
    But the SiLabs driver for that USB chip doesn?t work under Vista and is only recognized under XP. Vista doesn?t recognize these drivers.

    Therefore it is impossible to set up a hardware-communication between the Procyon Revision 2 Console and a Windows Vista PC.

    The older Procyon Version 1.7.22 might work well under Vista and also together with the Procyon Console Revision 2 - but this actually doesn?t help you, if Vista doesn?t recognize the drivers for Console Rev. 2 and the Procyon therefore isn?t able to exchange any data with your PC.

    Please do me a favour and try to run a Procyon Console Rev. 2 on a Vista PC. I would really wonder if you are able to get this managed.

    Best wishes


  3. #13

    Default Re: Procyon Version/Driver issues under Vista

    Dear Andy,

    just one more thing: I don?t want to bother you with my posts and actually I still have an XP PC besides my Vista PC - so I can make full use of my Procyon. But as already mentioned, I can?t get it connected under Vista.
    No big problem for me, as I just use it with my XP PC - but what are about those customers, who only have a Vista PC together with a Revision 2 Console? They really have a problem!

    I just think, that this is important to know for MindPlace, so you can find a solution for this problem. As Vista is going to be more and more popular and continuously replaces XP (it?s just a question of time), I would regard it as important, to make the Console Rev. 2 Vista-compatible in regard of the USB drivers.

    Best wishes


  4. #14
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    Default Re: Procyon Version/Driver issues under Vista

    Hi Dreamflow;

    It (Vista) does protest a bit, but I did install the driver from the v2.1.0 editor and have the older editor (1.7.22) working with the SiLabs driver and the new Procyon.

    If you really cannot get this driver installed and you want to use the Procyon editor (only 1.7.22 at this point) you can download the Vista driver from It won't help with v2.1.0 editor but it is a vista-compatible driver.


  5. #15

    Default Re: Procyon Version/Driver issues under Vista

    Dear Andy,

    thanks for your reply.

    Well I have tried it in both ways now - but neither of them succeeded.

    Just to clarify the problem:
    I was able to successfully unpack and install the driver package, which is included in the 2.1.0 Procyon Editor as well as the driver package, which you posted for being seperately downloaded in your recent post. Actually, the last driver package even says, that it is supposed to work under Vista.

    But now lets come to the actual problem: After having successfully unpacked and installed the driver packages, when I connect my Procyon with my Vista PC, the New Hardware Manager comes up and mentions, that he has found a new Hardware device: in this case the "USB Bridge for MindPlace Procyon". He then is searching for the appropriate driver and after not having found it by himself, he allows me to point to the directory, where the driver has been installed to - but whichever directory or subdirectory I point to, the New Hardware Manager tells me, that he can?t find an appropriate driversoftware for the USB Bridge. So actually I cannot set up any communication port between the Procyon and my Vista PC. Everything works fine under XP - but not under Vista. And I assume, that I am not the only one with this problem, but that others will show up with it as well as Vista is becoming more popular over the time.

    Do you have any idea, what could cause this problem?
    If it is of help for you: Im running the German Version of Vista Home Premium - but I don?t think that the reason lies within the fact, that I?m using a German Vista Version.

    Best wishes


  6. #16
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    Default Re: Procyon Version/Driver issues under Vista

    Hi Dreamflow;

    Many apologies for the difficulties.
    We are currently working on a solution for Vista so for now, probably best to just leave it until that solution is working. Once we have it working on our test machines we'll let you know and you can give it a go on your machine.

    I'm not sure why what you were doing was not working but there's not much point in going over it since I feel we are close to a proper solution.

    Thank you for your patience.


  7. #17

    Default Re: Procyon Version/Driver issues under Vista

    Thank you, Andy.

    I?ll be patiently waiting for your solution.

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