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Thread: Using a Proteus & 'The Secret'

  1. Default Using a Proteus & 'The Secret'

    HI all,
    I have just ordered a Proteus and really excited about
    it arriving. For years now I've been doing hypnosis
    from time to time the
    old fashioned way by either reading the scripts I've
    written (or like) or mentally 'saying them' while listening
    to music....seems the Proteus will take my old knowledge
    to a new place (techie-like) so will be interesting.
    The question I have and not sure if this is the place to
    post it: is it possible to use the Proteus to put onesself
    into a trance and then use aspects of 'The Secret'?
    By this I mean the bestselling book/DVD by Rhonda
    Byrnes about wealth manifestation. To put it in a nutshell
    --what you think of, you manifest.
    --you create the future yourself but from 'now'.
    --hard work and positive thinking work for manifestation
    --but also being 'up' and in a happy mood while doing
    affirmations gets them going/manifesting faster
    --we all have the power to access the genie-within
    our subsconscious to obtain our dreams and goals.
    Therefore it ought to be possible to write affirmations
    that are powerful re: wealth manifestation....and use
    them with the right setting on the Proteus which accesses
    the subconscious? Anyone tried it in connection
    with manifesting wealth? Ever come across any
    scripts that echo what is being taught in 'The Secret'?
    Sincerely, Geode00

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
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    Default Re: Using a Proteus & 'The Secret'

    Hi Geode,

    Welcome to the forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Geode00 View Post
    The question I have and not sure if this is the place to
    post it: is it possible to use the Proteus to put onesself
    into a trance and then use aspects of 'The Secret'?
    Yes. There is quite a variety of programs that will help you get into the most useful state of mind to do future pacing. The Visualization and Creativity Enhancing programs (P22 and 21) will help you get into a mind state where you can do visual work. Mindlab 23 to 27 are excellent programs for getting into a trance and doing the deeper self programming work.


  3. Default Re: Using a Proteus & 'The Secret'

    Hi Geode,

    There is an interesting article by Michael Hall, the NLP guy, about 'The Secret' which you should study. Basically points out that you need to see beyond the simplicity of some claims, and life is a little more complex.

    As Marisa has noted, you can surely use your Proteus with scripts. Maybe you have already searched the Net. Should be enough about to modify for your own use.
    Richard, Hong Kong
    richardhk dot com

  4. #4
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Using a Proteus & 'The Secret'

    Continuation of this thread moved to here: since it's not so much about the Proteus after this point...

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