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Thread: Kasina FW 2.11 bug (and feature suggestion)

  1. Default Kasina FW 2.11 bug (and feature suggestion)

    Discovered an interesting firmware bug with the filename sorting in the menu today:
    If the file name starts with letters "CH" then it sorts as if it starts with the letter "H". Only seems to affect this letter combination and it's case insensitive.

    edit: also wanted to point out another odd (perhaps deliberate) sorting behavior -- the underscore ("_") character sorts the file to the end of the list rather than the start (as it does in Windows and most other filing systems)

    Firmware: KasinaFW2.11
    Hardware: MMS1.5 (Deepak Chopra Dream Master running standard Kasina firmware)

    Also, one firmware feature I'd love to see is for the sessions to have an associated text file (general info, frequencies, total time, author) that can be optionally displayed when choosing a session in the file browser. Currently the brower UI uses either a central button press or a right button press to open a folder or start a session. The right button press could display the text file and you could exit the text display with a left button press (which normally exits menus or goes up the folder tree). Text display could do simple scrolling with the up/down buttons or could hard cut off at a certain number of characters (like Twitter/X ) if memory is an issue.

    I currently keep text files with the same name as the session (eg Relax.mp3 would have a coresponding text file named Relax.txt) but it's a bit of a pain to have to hook it up to a PC to read the files.

    Perhaps the next iteration of the SLM format (Specracope+) could have text (or even more complex data) embedded into the file itself...
    Last edited by Rob Ocelot; 10-13-2023 at 07:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Kasina FW 2.11 bug (and feature suggestion)

    Hi Rob;

    In all the years that the Kasina has been around, nobody's ever mentioned this sorting bug. Very odd, but I'll let the programmer know about it. You have a keen eye!

    About the underscore, in the ASCII table it's near the end, so likely that's why. Not certain why Windows or MacOS puts them at the start, but I do know that MacOS has interesting ideas about what goes before what!

    Interesting idea about the text file, and I'll pas that on as well!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

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