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Thread: Experience with Kasina and open questions

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    Default Experience with Kasina and open questions

    I bought my Kasina half a year ago and am really pleased.
    however I only used it under the influence of Ketamin or Psilocin. Both is amazing and allows experiences that go way beyond the effects without it.

    I am however still struggleing to use it ?regulary?. The programs in the download section are without any further information and things like meditation programs confuse me - am I supposed to meditate while doing it or afterwards?

  2. Default Re: Experience with Kasina and open questions

    Hey! I’ve been using my Kasina for a while too, and it’s been a trip. For the meditation programs, I found it helpful to start the program and then meditate after. I usually just sit quietly and reflect on the experience. If the programs are confusing, try a basic breathing exercise during the session and see what works best for you. It’s all about finding your own groove with it.

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