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Thread: Kasina vs. My Monkey Mind

  1. Default Kasina vs. My Monkey Mind


    I’m 69 and have struggled with a Monkey Mind all my life. I have finally come to the realization again I can't tame my Monkey Mind without some type of help. I?ve tried prescriptions a couple of times short term and don't like them, "No Sir I Don't Like Them, I Don't Like Them At All" (quote Mr. Horse from Ren and Stimpy). I've ordered a Kasina bundle and I?m going to try and tame my Monkey Mind with Kasina and document the journey. I hope I can continue to post these as this is something I was looking for while researching how to address my mental health issues without prescriptions. I have a visit coming up tomorrow with my Dr. about this and specifically using Kasina, just so he knows.

    In short my symptoms are varying degrees of anxiety, worrying with some depression, which leads to insomnia which leads to anxiety and worrying. These mental ailments and lack of sleep have lead to a variety of physical ailments.

    I read on the blog I should define what I want and how I will achieve it and measure success. I think in the beginning I am going to focus on just a 1 issue that has 3 parts. The issue is getting better sleep which means addressing my anxiety and worrying. Here are my 3 parts.

    • Find sessions that I can run that will take me out of an anxiety attack asap. Distract the Monkey. Something I want that is easily measured for success.
    • Find sessions that I can run that address anxiety in general and reduce the intensity or eliminate them. Kind of like a maintenance program and regime. Something I want that hopefully will be easily measured for success.
    • Find a session that will help me with sleep issues. Unfortunately I don?t have trouble getting to sleep, it is waking up for what ever reason. If I disturb the Monkey it may be difficult to get back to sleep. Also I?m hoping #1 and #2 will help with #3.

    As I mentioned I have ordered my Kasina bundle and hope it will be here by the weekend so I can get started. I'm not sure what to expect and I know I will need to put in the work in figuring out what works. I'm going to use the session on the Kasina and anything I think is interesting from SoundCloud/MindPlace. Although I may add a song or two just to see what it creates.

    I hope someone finds this useful.

    Nick and his Monkey Mind

  2. Default Re: Kasina vs. My Monkey Mind ep 1

    Received notification I should have my Kasina tomorrow. Researching what I want to try first. I guess it will depend on my mental state, meaning do I need to distract my Monkey mind as I am worrying or anxious or do I want to experiment and see how the Monkey reacts, either way I’m excited.

    I did see my Doctor and was diagnosed with IBS irritable bowel syndrome. So the actual cause of IBS is unknown but 60% of IBS patients also have mental symptoms as well. So one could cause the other then they feed each other in a loop. I was also prescribed 25mg of Zoloft that is the lowest level, he said he was prescribing it for the IBS. I may hold off on starting it until I have had time to use Kasina. I will be getting some probiotics to help with the IBS.

    Wish this forum was more active with new and current users. Certainly seems like lots of non members are viewing the forum.

  3. #3
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Kasina vs. My Monkey Mind ep 1

    Thank you for your journalling this experience. I'm sure it will be helpful to others who are starting out.

    Looking forward to hearing how things progress.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  4. Default Kasina vs. My Monkey Mind: ep 2 - Kasina arrival 1st session

    Received the Kasina Wednesday evening, put it on the charger to get it full charged.

    Sometime around Y2K friends of ours were selling a much less developed device like the Kasina, I think it was called light and sound design and it came in a small black soft case. I can remember using it but really did not get into the healing properties, potential and what it could do. I remember having some unorganized visualizations and calming and not much more. So I am looking forward to the Kasina and all it can do. I believe it only had 1 light per eye which was red.

    Wednesday before Kasina’s arrival I printed out the sessions page from the manual, then educated myself more on Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Some possible selections are: Gamma Rejuvenation, Gamma with Ambience, Relax, A Starlit Night, Biomarkers, Clear Your Mind, Deep Rejuvenation. Also got an account out SoundCloud/MindPlace.

    Thursday morning and the Monkey is causing an anxious and needless worrying mental environment as usual. I?ve been fighting this issue the Monkey has grabbed on to for a few weeks with varying degrees of success. During that same time I have had an IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) event so they are fueling one another, 60% of people who have IBS also have mental issues as well. IBS has subsided 90% or so, but Monkey Mind is alway around.

    I’ve smoked pot for more than 50 years for a variety of reason and I live in a state where recreational cannabis is permitted. I have taken my 1 morning hit off the bong. I think it is importance to share this as just like my 2 cups of coffee I?ve had it has an effect on my brain. As I mentioned the Monkey Mind is feeling a little anxious causing needless worrying. Sitting in my comfy chair I noticed the usual tight shoulders which are shrugged a common occurrence for me so I try to relax.

    I selected Gamma Rejuvenation for my first session, 20 minutes long. I used the regular glasses with 6 lights intended for closed eyes and my own headphones.

    DISCLAIMER: The following is how My Monkey Mind reacted to this session your mind will undoubtedly react differently.

    I left the volume and brightness as it was. My initial reaction, SPECTACULAR!!! There were times within the first 5 minutes that I found myself with a big uncontrollable smile and almost giggling. That came and went and then returned once more. Monkey Mind was active and alert but calmed somewhat. I was thinking about what I was experiencing I could feel my body relaxing and after the session my body was tingling all over. The light show was phenomenal the changes of light color, movement, intensity was amazing. So much went on it hard to describe it all. After the Monkey Mind was less anxious and worrying and the tension in my body was eliminated but can feel it coming back. I didn?t expect this to be a one and done experience and neither should you. I?ll certainly be doing more sessions today but the dogs need a bath first.

  5. #5
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Kasina vs. My Monkey Mind: ep 2 - Kasina arrival 1st session

    That's fantastic!

    I await your next session's report! Looking forward to hearing how the sleep sessions help with the tight shoulders and insomnia epecially!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  6. Default Kasina vs. My Monkey Mind ep 3: 5 session reviews

    During my second session I realized how I should document my experiences. I am starting with the first one previously posted and adding more. This will help me be consistent in the review information. I?ve ordered a card reader so I can download from SoundCloud/MindPlace sessions and I?m interested in what some of our song will provide.

    Finding Kasina and AVE in my search to relieve my anxiety and worrying which I believe has contributed to my Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS and a recent facial dermatitis outbreak having never had such skin issues. I also have Tinnitus and in all this research I believe my Tinnitus is my oldest aliment. I believe my brain in an effort to quiet the ringing in my brain created My Monkey Brain to worry and be anxious about things as a distraction. Hence when one worry is resolved a new one is immediately found. I also believe that the Monkey Mind has contributed to my IBS. I will be visiting a doctor to which of the many possibilities might be causing my tinnitus. In the meantime I will continue on with my entrainment.

    I am enjoying the sessions and feel a little bit of less stress in my body and a reduction in my anxiety and worrying. I will be starting 25mg of Zoloft which my doctor is giving me for the IBS even though it is more commonly used for anxiety and depression. This is the lowest dosage available.

    ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Definitely revisit
    ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Likely to revisit
    ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ consider revisiting
    ⭐️⭐️ most likely won?t revisit

    ⭐️ meh

    Session Review: 1 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
    May 30, 2024
    Category: Rejuvenate
    Session Name: Gamma Rejuvenation
    Length: 20:00 min
    Delta: > 4Hz
    Theta 4Hz-8Hz
    X Alpha 8Hz-12Hz
    X Beta 13Hz- 30Hz
    X 40 Hz Gamma above 30Hz
    None listed:

    Glasses: X 6 led 4 led
    Eyes: X Closed Open

    Manuals Description: This session combines the clarity and focus of 40Hz gamma waves with various calming, grounding frequencies frequencies in the alpha and low beta range. It makes use of binaural beats, isochronic tones, modulated noise, and off-set frequencies for maximum immersion. All of the light and the sound pulses are "double modulated " - rapidly vibrating at 40Hz whilst also pulsing at rejuvenating beta frequencies.

    Expectation: First session none

    DISCLAIMER: The following is how My Monkey Mind reacted to this session your mind will undoubtedly react differently.

    SPECTACULAR!!! There were times within the first 5 minutes that I found myself with a big uncontrollable smile and almost giggling. That came and went and then returned once more. Monkey Mind was active and alert but calmed somewhat. I was thinking about what I was experiencing I could feel my body relaxing and after the session my body was tingling all over. The light show was phenomenal the changes of light color, movement, intensity was amazing. So much went on it hard to describe it all. After the Monkey Mind was less anxious and worrying and the tension in my body was eliminated but can feel it coming back. I didn?t expect this to be a one and done experience and neither should you. I?ll certainly be doing more sessions today but the dogs need a bath first. I must have been lucky to select this as my first session.

    Session Review: 2 ⭐️
    May 30, 2024
    Category: Mind Art
    Session Name: Space Trace
    Length: 15:00 min
    Delta: > 4Hz
    Theta 4Hz-8Hz
    Alpha 8Hz-12Hz
    Beta 13Hz- 30Hz
    Gamma above 30Hz
    X None listed

    Glasses: X 6 led 4 led
    Eyes: X Closed Open

    Manuals Description: You are exploring a methane ocean on a distant planet, and marveling at the life-forms you are finding and hearing there.

    Expectation: None

    DISCLAIMER: The following is how My Monkey Mind reacted to this session your mind will undoubtedly react differently.

    Experience: I really didn?t experience any imagery as described. No big deal this is only session two. I found I needed to turn up the lights so maybe it was intended for eyes open. I may have to try it eyes open with the other glasses and turn the lights back down. The Monkey was bouncing around to all sorts of thought topics, as noted above I came up with this template for reviewing these sessions. Body wise this was not like the Gamma Rejuvenation session, but it did relax my body and I almost felt like my chair with legs up on ottoman was a black hole holding me firmly in place. This session ended abruptly unlike GR which was a smooth transition ending. I don?t expect much from the Mind Art ones because many don?t give any wave frequencies. The lights didn?t seem to affect my body as much most likely because it is a visualization session or that is what I perceive the Mind Art sessions to be. This was a fun session.

    Session Review: 3 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
    May 30, 2024
    Category: Meditate
    Session Name: Relax
    Length: 25:00 min
    Delta: > 4Hz
    Theta 4Hz-8Hz
    X Alpha 8Hz-12Hz:
    X Beta 13Hz- 30Hz:
    Gamma above 30Hz:
    None listed:

    Glasses: X 6 led 4 led
    Eyes: X Closed Open

    Manuals Description: From an alert 13Hz this session steps down to a calm 10 Hz. Left and right sides are stimulated at slightly different frequencies to help the mind let go of nuisance thoughts.

    Expectations: Hopefully this will be one I will use to control my Worry Monkey.

    DISCLAIMER: The following is how My Monkey Mind reacted to this session your mind will undoubtedly react differently.

    Experience: I waited a few hours before writing this review, I wanted the experience to settle in. The lights were much like Gamma Rejuvenation. I felt compelled to take big deep slow breaths my MM was not racing around as much as Space Trace in Mind Art. Sometimes I would be focusing on the visuals other times my racing thoughts. Thought we?re not negative, thoughts about the experiences. At one point I wondered if my sight might get become better. Really liked the light display, the patterns and color changes. I could feel changes in my body with changes in the lights especially if the lights were intense. All in all a nice session and will visit it again.

    Session Review: 4
    Date May 30, 2024 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
    Category: Night Voyage
    Session Name: Dream
    Length: 60 min
    Delta: > 4Hz
    X Theta 4Hz-8Hz
    X Alpha 8Hz-12Hz
    Beta 13Hz- 30Hz
    Gamma above 30Hz
    None listed:

    Glasses: X 6 led 4 led
    Eyes: X Closed Open

    Manuals Description: This incorporates an evolving nature-soundscape (from day to night) and the light colors change from yellow over green and blue to violet over time. Starting at 12 Hz
    This ramps to 3.5 Hz with plateaus at 10 Hz, 7.83 Hz and finally 3.5 Hz

    Expectations: Hopefully a wonderful session and a wonderful nights sleep. This will be interesting doing it in bed and not damaging the glasses.

    DISCLAIMER: The following is how My Monkey Mind reacted to this session your mind will undoubtedly react differently.

    Experience: I did this session in bed. I have a sleep number bed with adjustable base so I raised the head some. At first I found it difficult to engage with it. The monkey was pretty busy. This is the hour long program and next thing I remember is the session was done glasses were black and I was awake. This was an hour long program and I don?t remember about 45 minutes is my guess. I put everything on my nightstand and was able to get back to sleep but soon woke up and struggled to get back to sleep. I will be revisiting this session and providing another review.

    Session Review: 5
    Date May 31, 2024 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
    Category: Meditate
    Session Name: Relax
    Length: 25 min
    Delta: > 4Hz
    Theta 4Hz-8Hz
    X Alpha 8Hz-12Hz
    X Beta 13Hz- 30Hz
    Gamma above 30Hz
    None listed:

    Glasses: 6 led X 4 led
    Eyes: Closed X Open

    Manuals Description: From an alert 13 Hz this session steps down to a calm 10 Hz. Left and right sides are stimulated at slightly different frequencies to help the mind to let go of nuisance thoughts.

    Expectations: relaxation and let go of nuisance thoughts

    DISCLAIMER: The following is how My Monkey Mind reacted to this session your mind will undoubtedly react differently.

    Experience: My second day with the Kasina. I will be using the 4 led glasses that you keep your eyes open. I enjoy a good light experience and this one is pretty laid back in that aspect, it didn?t keep my attention for the entire 25 minutes. The background audio was whales talking which was a nice calming audio and that leads to the laid back visuals. I did switch glasses to see if the lights were similar but not the same with the 6 led glasses and eyes closed. I like the 4 led glasses with eyes open but I think they might be better suited for me with more active sessions as I wanted to close my eyes when in this meditation session. I had rated this session a one ⭐️ but changed it to 3. Although I was not impressed with my first viewing I think I should try again. Try this session if your looking for something soft and gentle.

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