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Thread: mindlab dls

  1. #1

    Default mindlab dls

    I have an early mlab its had two heart transplants and now runs nmh batts
    however the membrane keypad is getting a bit tired,is there any way to revive it.The rest of the electronics are fine.
    In hope coypu.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: mindlab dls

    Quote Originally Posted by coypu View Post
    I have an early mlab its had two heart transplants and now runs nmh batts
    however the membrane keypad is getting a bit tired,is there any way to revive it.The rest of the electronics are fine.
    In hope coypu.
    Wow, now there's an old machine! On the good side, it goes to show how solid our products are standing up to the test of time and all. On the other hand, Robert's looking to see if he still has any of the old parts kicking around.

    You may just have to invest in a newer machine. They are not that expensive and you'll really enjoy the "new" features.


  3. #3

    Default Re: mindlab dls

    Thank you for reply.The mlab is ser number594 1530,its had a lot of use.I had heard that a conductive paint was available to refresh the corbon pad onthe membrane.I thought about useing some silver paint which is used for repairing circuit boards(before the invention of surface mounting).With regard to a new machine ive got one a Procyon,it has all i needed, that is i can program it myself.Ihad a realy hard time getting the drivers to install(ime running xp pro, there was a conflict with the age of them ,however the editor is now working great.The only problem i have is getting it decrement the timing after you have pressed the first button and the second is miniscule ,perhaps in the next soft ware update this could be adjusted.
    regards Coypu..

  4. #4
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    Default Re: mindlab dls

    Quote Originally Posted by coypu View Post
    I had a realy hard time getting the drivers to install(ime running xp pro, there was a conflict with the age of them ,however the editor is now working great.
    Hi there;

    I posted detailed instructions here: if that is of some help to you in getting the drivers installed...

    The only problem i have is getting it decrement the timing after you have pressed the first button and the second is miniscule ,perhaps in the next soft ware update this could be adjusted.
    I'm not sure what you mean... Could you explain the problem you're having?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: mindlab dls

    Hi John;

    To use the quick reply you need to click the quick reply icon on the bottom right of the message. It looks like a piece of paper with a pen on it.
    You can always use the “Post Reply” button as well.

    I know nothing about the MLAB product. It may be time for an upgrade!


    Hi andy i am unable to use quick reply box,covering the boxes with the curser brings up the function but clicking them has no effect.Clicking the advanced bar brings up message to click icons,with still no effect.
    With regard to the drivers i did get them installed after a lot of fuss.
    Windows system detected they were older than the drivers on already installed, followed by error message "unexpected error has occured your device may not function".
    When i tried to reinstall the searching for new harware box failed to appear.Eventialy i got the drivers to connect by clicking tusb device in usb hub!!It is now working fine .
    The problem with procyon is when selecting internal sessions i can only cycle through them forewards ie numericaly 1 2 3 and so on, i cant go backwards.
    I returned unit to life tools who were very helpful, and assure me its ok.the explanation was given is you have to press the up /down button a fraction of a second after start button , ive tried lots and still can only go upwards.Its not a massive thing but its fiddly having to have to go through all the sessions when the one you want is only one or two in the other direction.
    All this aside i am more than impressed with it there are not many companys that dont build in obsolescence in there products.
    Regards John C .AKA coypu.

  6. #6

    Default Re: mindlab dls

    Hi andy when i mentioned problem with selecting sessions i was refering to the procyon,i cant get reverse!.
    Regards Coypu

  7. #7
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    Default Re: mindlab dls

    Quote Originally Posted by coypu View Post
    Hi andy when i mentioned problem with selecting sessions i was refering to the procyon,i cant get reverse!.
    Regards Coypu
    You have to hold the "Up/Down" button and then press the "Start/Stop" button in order to get "reverse". Make sure you hold the "UP/Down" button and continue to hold it while you press the "Start/Stop" button.

    I hope this helps.


  8. #8

    Default Re: mindlab dls

    Problem solved thank you.This machine is brilliant,two sessions a day realy hits the spot.

  9. #9
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    Glad to hear it!



  10. Default Re: mindlab dls

    Quote Originally Posted by coypu View Post
    I have an early mlab its had two heart transplants and now runs nmh batts
    however the membrane keypad is getting a bit tired,is there any way to revive it.The rest of the electronics are fine.
    In hope coypu.
    Hi,, I have an old Mindlab DLS which work perfectly but could do with new batteries, can you tell me how you renewed yours please.

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