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Thread: Sonic Pi & SpectraStrobe & ChatGPT

  1. #1

    Question Sonic Pi & SpectraStrobe & ChatGPT


    I'm a longtime lurker and this is my first post. I'm a software engineer and a proud Kasina DeepVision owner. Several of the sessions available here have helped me greatly with my anxiety and alcohol cessation. 🙏 JoeV!

    Wanting to give back to the community and being new to Sonic Pi and SpectraStrobe sessions, I decided to use ChatGPT to create a simple session over the weekend. I was only able to create the attached AudioStrobe session.

    I have a few questions:

    1. Is this an accurate description of the SpectraStrobe format?

      The second is SpectraStrobe which controls all RGB color channels and also requires a reference track to identify the SS stream. SpectraStrobe's tone channels are 18.7khz for Red, 19.2khz for Green (same as AudioStrobe) and 19.7khz for Blue. The reference track is an 18.2khz sine wave tone that is modulated by a pulse wave at 10hz per channel with the second channel being 180 degrees out of phase. The easiest way to program the reference channel is to use an autopan set to a square wave at 20hz.

    2. Has anyone created a simple SpectraStrobe session using Sonic Pi? I tried to create a ROYGBIV color progression accompanied by a Solfeggio frequency progression but was only partially successful.
    3. Is there a way to copy files to the Kasina without having to remove/replace the SD card? The SD card does not mount when I attach the Kasina to my laptop via the USB cable.

    Thanks in advance for any answers!


    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2

    Question Re: Sonic Pi & SpectraStrobe & ChatGPT

    Quote Originally Posted by oro View Post
    Wanting to give back to the community and being new to Sonic Pi and SpectraStrobe sessions, I decided to use ChatGPT to create a simple session over the weekend. I was only able to create the attached AudioStrobe session.

    FWIW, here is the Sonic Pi code for the attached file.

    # See chat
      174.0 => [1, 0, 0],    # red
      285.0 => [1, 0.5, 0],  # orange
      396.0 => [1, 1, 0],    # yellow
      417.0 => [0, 1, 0],    # green
      528.0 => [0, 0, 1],    # blue
      639.0 => [0.5, 0, 1],  # indigo
      741.0 => [1, 0, 1],    # violet
      852.0 => [1, 1, 1]     # white
    RED_FREQUENCY = 18700
    BLUE_FREQUENCY = 19700
    define :play_strobe do |freq, color|
      puts "freq: #{freq}"
      use_synth :dark_ambience
      use_synth_defaults amp: 2, sustain: FREQUENCY_DURATION
      play hz_to_midi(freq)
    define :strobe_channel do |color|
      use_synth :saw
      use_synth_defaults amp: 0.5, sustain: FREQUENCY_DURATION, note_slide: 0.01
      with_fx :slicer, phase: 0.25 do
          play n, note_slide: FREQUENCY_DURATION
          control hpf: 80, note: n, amp: color.shift
          control hpf: 80, note: n + 1, amp: color[1]
          control hpf: 80, note: n + 2, amp: color[2]
    loop do
      FREQUENCY_TO_COLOR.each do |freq, color|
        play_strobe(freq, color)
      sleep PAUSE_DURATION

    And here is the prompt I used to create it:

    Using what you know about the SpectraStrobe audio format, and as a programmer using the Sonic Pi v3.3.1 program,
    I want you to write a multitrack song using the Solfeggio frequencies with the duration of 30 seconds for each frequency and a 3 second
    pause between each frequency.
    Store frequency duration and pause duration in variables
    Please make each frequency binaural with the root frequency being the Solfeggio frequency.
    Include the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and white colors with one color for each Solfeggio frequency.
    Ensure that the following frequencies display the corresponding colors:
    174.0 hz displays red
    285.0 hz displays orange
    396.0 hz displays yellow
    417.0 hz displays green
    528.0 hz displays blue
    639.0 hz displays indigo
    741.0 hz displays violet
    852.0 hz displays white
    The song needs a reference track as described below:
    The reference track is an 18.2 kHz sine wave tone that is modulated by a pulse wave at 10 hz per channel with the second channel
    being 180 degrees out of phase. The easiest way to program the reference channel is to create an automatic pan function set to
    a square wave at 20 hz.
    Only use these valid FX methods and their valid options:
    Please only use valid arguments or options for the methods, especially the :lpf and :hpf methods.
    The :cutoff option value must be less than 131. The sine, spectrastrobe, and spectral_strobe methods
    are NOT valid Sonic Pi FX methods so please do NOT use them.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Sonic Pi & SpectraStrobe & ChatGPT

    Quote Originally Posted by oro View Post
    [/I][*]Is there a way to copy files to the Kasina without having to remove/replace the SD card? The SD card does not mount when I attach the Kasina to my laptop via the USB cable.[/LIST]
    I answered my own question via this link and now my Kasina SD mounts on my laptop.

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