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Thread: KASINA MWS Session 30min Dissozative Balance 7.8 HZ Schumann

  1. #1

    Default KASINA MWS Session 30min Dissoziative Balance 7.8 HZ Schumann

    Hi Here`s another one. This one a bit more complex than the lanst one..
    This Session is meant to first create a degree of dissotiation to mental loosen your Brain, and then go to a relaxed state of Meditation (7.8Hz Schumann Resonance).
    In the Firs part it scans the brainwave-spectrum fom 3Hz-23Hz both hemnispheres seperately , crossing over right to left every few minutes , reducing the distance step by step until finally both sides joining in the Schumann Resonanzce.
    Also the SS and the Tones are connected seperately left right to the Entrainment.
    Hope You like this Session and feel free to experiment with it .
    Cause actually I think there is a lot one could improove, especially on the SS Track.
    The Mp3 File you can get here:

    Hope You Have Fun
    And last but not least Thaaanks to Craig Tice for his great technical help with MWS!!
    Cheers Esthy
    Last edited by Thalassa; 12-24-2013 at 10:50 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: KASINA MWS Session 30min Dissozative Balance 7.8 HZ Schumann

    Here's an other variation of a Schumann Session.This Time with some royalty free music and Sound effects.
    This Session swings for 10 min. 3 times between 19Hz and 7Hz to end then in 15 min. of good old Schuhmann Resonanz..
    You can get the complete Session with the music at
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: KASINA MWS Session 30min Dissozative Balance 7.8 HZ Schumann

    Here's the mws and mp3 in a single .zip file for convenience.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Andy; 09-15-2014 at 07:23 AM. Reason: updated .mp3 file - original had bad header.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Indianapolis, IN

    Default Re: KASINA MWS Session 30min Dissoziative Balance 7.8 HZ Schumann

    Quote Originally Posted by Thalassa View Post
    Hi Here`s another one. This one a bit more complex than the lanst one..
    This Session is meant to first create a degree of dissotiation to mental loosen your Brain, and then go to a relaxed state of Meditation (7.8Hz Schumann Resonance).
    In the Firs part it scans the brainwave-spectrum fom 3Hz-23Hz both hemnispheres seperately , crossing over right to left every few minutes , reducing the distance step by step until finally both sides joining in the Schumann Resonanzce.
    Also the SS and the Tones are connected seperately left right to the Entrainment.
    Hope You like this Session and feel free to experiment with it .
    Cause actually I think there is a lot one could improove, especially on the SS Track.
    The Mp3 File you can get here:

    Hope You Have Fun
    And last but not least Thaaanks to Craig Tice for his great technical help with MWS!!
    Cheers Esthy
    I downloaded this from SoundCloud and tried it out today. Absolute pleasure. I can't wait to try your other works.

  5. #5
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: KASINA MWS Session 30min Dissozative Balance 7.8 HZ Schumann

    Thanks so much, Esthy!!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  6. Default Re: KASINA MWS Session 30min Dissozative Balance 7.8 HZ Schumann

    Thank you so much for making your excellent recordings and making them available. I got my kasina on friday and it is great to have some sessions to add.

  7. #7

    Default Re: KASINA MWS Session 30min Dissozative Balance 7.8 HZ Schumann

    The first zip at page 1 is a MWS file? Or can it be easy change extension MWS to MP3?

    On Soundcloud there is no download file option. I had an external link to download from Soundcloud, but that corrupted the mp3 file, and cant be use
    Where can I find the mp3 file or zip to download?

    Tahnk you

  8. #8

    Default Re: KASINA MWS Session 30min Dissozative Balance 7.8 HZ Schumann

    Quote Originally Posted by Chocka View Post
    The first zip at page 1 is a MWS file? Or can it be easy change extension MWS to MP3?
    On Soundcloud there is no download file option. I had an external link to download from Soundcloud, but that corrupted the mp3 file, and cant be use
    Where can I find the mp3 file or zip to download?

    Tahnk you
    Soundcloud you have to have an account to download. They used to offer free accounts. MWS files cannot be converted unless you have a working copy of MWS...

    These files are like 10 years old. A lot has happened in 10 years...

  9. #9

    Default Re: KASINA MWS Session 30min Dissozative Balance 7.8 HZ Schumann

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeV View Post
    Soundcloud you have to have an account to download. They used to offer free accounts. MWS files cannot be converted unless you have a working copy of MWS...

    These files are like 10 years old. A lot has happened in 10 years...
    I have a Soundcloud account, but normally under hamburgermenu (three dots) there is an option to download file, but for this track there is no download this file option

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