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Thread: Experiences with the Procyon & Proteus vs Kasina

  1. Default Experiences with the Procyon & Proteus vs Kasina

    I've tried several times on my own & wasn't really able to quite get into meditation. I picked up a light & sound machine that utilizes binaural beats years ago, first one was bi-color (red & green) Proteus, then several years later I got a Procyon (tri-color). I was really impressed with how quickly it could put me in such a relaxed state of mind & body, I didn't even want to move or it'd stop & pull me out. I have severe back problems (am fused L4-S1) & the light / sound machines get me so relaxed it seems to be more effective than an actual muscle relaxer. Also, with other programs that delve into even lower frequencies it helps me & my wife when either of us just toss & turn and can't fall asleep. The visuals are absolutely amazing as well. Recently picked up a Kasina & even though the audio quality & light is superior, I prefer my Procyon. Does anyone else on this subreddit use anything like these?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Experiences with the Procyon & Proteus vs Kasina



    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. Default Re: Experiences with the Procyon & Proteus vs Kasina

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    I guess he's referring to
    Last edited by Andy; 03-06-2020 at 07:35 AM. Reason: Fix quote

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Experiences with the Procyon & Proteus vs Kasina

    Quote Originally Posted by Baker Steve View Post
    I guess he's referring to
    Of course. I am on there too. It struck me as funny to think that forums could be referred to as "Reddits", since that's just a very specific kind of forum. First time I've seen that!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. Default Re: Experiences with the Procyon & Proteus vs Kasina

    I was still looking for an answer lol VidMateMomixVidMate App

  6. #6

    Default Re: Experiences with the Procyon & Proteus vs Kasina

    Quote Originally Posted by alfred0809 View Post
    I was still looking for an answer lol VidMateMomixVidMate App
    I don't know why you would find the Procyon more effective. The technology is far superior with the Limina or Kasina. Your Kasina will do everything the Procyon did, and then some. Perhaps you may find the music distracting? I know if you don't like the music, or find the ambiance frightening, it won't be enjoyable much less effective. Myself, I even grow tired of listening to the same session over and over when music is used.Sometimes I like just tones and light, maybe a little noise in the background. If that's the case, try the KBS (Kasina Basic Session) folder.

    Also, make sure the session displays Mode: AS or Spectrastr. Pressing the Up button while the session is playing will put it in Color Organ mode, which is more fro entertainment than entrainment.

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