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Thread: New Kasina user (and audio engineer) says hi.

  1. Default New Kasina user (and audio engineer) says hi.

    Hi !

    I'm in the middle of neurofeedback sessions to tune my ANS back into a healthy state (much progression is made already) and my neuropsychologist suggested getting an AVS device to prevent big fallbacks between the weekly sessions.
    He uses a David Delight pro but since that's not easily available in NL I started looking for alternatives and found the Kasina with lots of positive reviews. I'll receive my Kasina later today, including the deep vision glasses since I'm going all in.
    I have previous experience using an alpha stim, but that also stimulated my tinnitus so I stopped using that after a few weeks. The Kasina would be a safe alternative and much more, as far as I can tell.
    With some luck it might also be able to assist in removing/lessening the writers block I have since 2003, which is linked to my ANS problems.

    Being an audio engineer for 20+ years I'm now looking into the science and checking out the sessionfiles I downloaded. Interesting to see the LED information being on top of the spectrum, outside most people's hearing range.
    The lower image shows just 1/5th of a second at some point, while the top one shows the whole 27 minute session.

    This is a whole new field and experience for me and I'm eager to learn, but most of all, have fun and relax
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Nelisch; 06-22-2022 at 12:46 AM.

  2. Default Re: New Kasina user (and audio engineer) says hi.

    I got my Kasina just an hour ago, feels like solid hardware

    Wow, this pairs beautifully with my noise canceling headphones for maximum comfort and isolation !
    Will dive into it later this evening.
    Last edited by Nelisch; 06-22-2022 at 06:28 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: New Kasina user (and audio engineer) says hi.

    Excellent! Welcome to the family.

    I am a Sound Engineer myself. If you're interested in the technology of SpectraStrobe, Cymatics Somatics has a fantastic, very detailed repository of information.

    Write back if you have any questions about the device or want to share some experiences.


    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  4. #4

    Default Re: New Kasina user (and audio engineer) says hi.

    Welcome to the forum! We also have a Facebook group you might find interesting

    I have previous experience using an alpha stim, but that also stimulated my tinnitus so I stopped using that after a few weeks.
    I worked with a Meniere's Disease group a few years ago. We found isochronic tones below 40 Hz pitch helps quiet tinnitus for some. Didn't matter what beat frequency.

    Here is a (crude) video on how to create Spectrastrobe and Audiostrobe sessions with a DAW. I use Reaper.

    I'm relatively new to the complexities of a DAW. They are designed to compose music rather than create light and sound BWE sessions. Reaper's custom ability is one of the main reasons I use it. If you're interested in producing AVE sessions, maybe we can collaborate?

  5. Default Re: New Kasina user (and audio engineer) says hi.

    Thanks for the warm welcome ! I've been using the Kasina daily now. My favourites up to now have been the short Sirius KBS files nr 12 (quick alertness) and 21 (goodnight) and the advanced audiostrobe sessions for my alpha's. The meditations I tested were ok but I like the directness of the kbs files better. I was a bit disappointed when the "approaching thunderstorm" audio was mono, but I know how to make that into a stereo version, with some extra flavour, meanwhile preserving the LED data on top as mentioned before.

    I just applied for the mindplace fb membership and will check it out when I'm in, thanks.

    I'll check the isochronic tones for my tinnitus, but in my case it is due to an Epstein-Barr virus infection back in 2017 which messed up my hearing in the worst ways possible for a few nightmarish months, leaving behind some mild extra tones and noises. Fortunately it did not leave any damage and I got all my high frequencies (and correct pitch on both ears) back later on. I've been thinking about a way to counter the tinnitus, maybe with the same tones in various pulses that are equal in pitch. Not sure yet, need to read in on it aswell but it's kinda busy right now.

    My main DAW is Reason, with lots of pluggins. I really like the modular hardware interface it uses, but with all the benefits of software. For offline use I like to use Izotope RX 9 advanced (as shown above) which I need for my work for tv/radio and other media jobs.
    Combining those two programs gives me complete control of the audio.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Pacific Northwest, USA

    Default Re: New Kasina user (and audio engineer) says hi.

    Welcome! I, too, have tinnitus, courtesy of 20+ years of gunfire and helicopter engine noise in the military. I make my own sessions and I typically use the visual stimulus combined with very low-one audio entrainment. This has, thus far, not aggravated my tinnitus.
    "Doubting not
    I give My Blood,
    So I May Enter Hall Up High,
    The Sky Belongs To Asagods,
    As Long As The Raven Flies!"
    Amon Amarth

  7. #7

    Default Re: New Kasina user (and audio engineer) says hi.

    My main DAW is Reason, with lots of pluggins. I really like the modular hardware interface it uses, but with all the benefits of software. For offline use I like to use Izotope RX 9 advanced (as shown above) which I need for my work for tv/radio and other media jobs.
    Combining those two programs gives me complete control of the audio.
    I was looking at the Mixfood Ambi Nature Ambiance-creator. It says I can use it in any DAW, but it looks like they won't sell you just the plugin; you have to buy the whole Reason first...

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