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Thread: Reiki, Cranial-Sacral, acupuncture, etc??

  1. Default Reiki, Cranial-Sacral, acupuncture, etc??

    Has anyone here had much experience with either Reiki or Cranial-Sacral treatments? Or acupunture? I've been trying them, and find them more than a bit interesting. I was pretty dubious until I tried it. The first thing I noticed about reiki was that there was a tremendous amount of heat coming off the hands of the Reiki Master doing it to me -- I could feel the heat even though I was fully clothed and she wasn't even really touching me.
    The next time I tried Cranial-Sacral, and this gave me a little bit of lucid-dreaming type visuals, but when I got up from the table, I realized that I was pretty zoned out, to the point of having a slight bit of difficulty walking. Another time I suddenly had a very powerful vision of a whole wall of very bright red flowers, very detailed, and very long lasting, not at all like a dream sequence. Felt pretty stoned afterwards as well.
    I've also been having some acupunture treatments, which also really, really zone me out. Sometimes I really feel like I shouldn't be driving afterwards.
    The most impressive though was having 3 people, three people who are Reiki masters and two of whom also do Cranial-Sacral, all working on me at the same time. I went into a heavy lucid-dreaming type thing and then had two out-of-the-body type experiences, one where I did something with my left arm, taking something out of either my shirt pocket, or out of my body, I'm not sure --and putting it or throwing it over to my left, away from me. The people doing it assured me later my arm never moved. Then a bit later, I got up off the table, and crawled down underneath it and was re-arranging some stuff under there. Again -- my body never got off the table.
    Pretty trippy stuff. Not sure exactly what it is happening with this stuff -- I know they say that they are focusing Chi -- focusing the Power of the Universe -- into you when they do that stuff, but .....
    8-) It definitely is an interesting experience, and I have to believe that it is also a very beneficial and healing one.

  2. Default Re: Reiki, Cranial-Sacral, acupuncture, etc??

    There are acupuncture clinic that you can trust to provide good service that you can trust.

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