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Thread: Overcoming Time Limitations?

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Overcoming Time Limitations?

    Hi Justine,

    Quote Originally Posted by PrincessParadox View Post

    I recently purchased the Proteus with the hopes of using it to help induce lucid dream states while sleeping. I've played with it a bit and tested it and I'm quite pleased with the exception of one serious problem -- time limitations. For my my goals with the product specifically, this is a pretty big drawback as REM is at it's longest at the -end- of each night.
    Welcome to the forum. I see Andy is helping you with the technical problems. Hopefully you will be able to get that issue resolved without too much frustration.

    I'm curious as to what you are wanting to do. In your message above, you mentioned that you want to induce lucid dream states while sleeping. I'm wondering what you have in mind regarding the use of the machine? For example, are you planning on using one of the preset programs and continuing it throughout the night? If so, what program are you thinking about using? Or, are you planning on writing your own program? If so, what do you have in mind regarding frequencies to use?

    It appears that you have done some research in this area and the area of sleep patterns? I'm thinking that if I know a bit more about what you already know, then perhaps I can fill in the pieces or make some suggestions that may help you accomplish your goal.

    If you give me a bit more detail about your plan of action, I may be in a better position to make suggestions as well.

    I'm sure there are many others on this forum also who are interested in your ideas and plans. Lucid dreaming is a favorite subject of many here.


  2. #12
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    Default Re: Overcoming Time Limitations?

    Quote Originally Posted by PrincessParadox View Post
    SEems that it doesn't like my USB adapter. I've tried everything on there but to no avail. : /
    What step do you get stuck at?

  3. Default Re: Overcoming Time Limitations?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    Hi Justine,

    Welcome to the forum. I see Andy is helping you with the technical problems. Hopefully you will be able to get that issue resolved without too much frustration.

    I'm curious as to what you are wanting to do. In your message above, you mentioned that you want to induce lucid dream states while sleeping. I'm wondering what you have in mind regarding the use of the machine? For example, are you planning on using one of the preset programs and continuing it throughout the night? If so, what program are you thinking about using? Or, are you planning on writing your own program? If so, what do you have in mind regarding frequencies to use?

    It appears that you have done some research in this area and the area of sleep patterns? I'm thinking that if I know a bit more about what you already know, then perhaps I can fill in the pieces or make some suggestions that may help you accomplish your goal.

    If you give me a bit more detail about your plan of action, I may be in a better position to make suggestions as well.

    I'm sure there are many others on this forum also who are interested in your ideas and plans. Lucid dreaming is a favorite subject of many here.


    Hey there! Thank you for responding.

    I've read several books recently on lucid dreaming and found myself very interested in some experiments surrounding the usage of light as a 'sign' to a person within a dream ot alert them that they are in fact dreaming. Naturally, this should take a bit of mental prepration before hand so the dreamer can recognize the sign of odd lights within the dream as an indication that they are in fact dreaming.

    That being said, my initial thoughts never were to use the glasses to shine light continuously throughout the night. Honestly, the thought had never even occured to me until I saw the sleep and dream programs on the unit. Realistically thought I think i tmight be counter productive.

    What I WOULD like to realize however is to be able to make a program of either only light or light and sound combination wherein the lights only begin to flash a for a short while every either 45 minutes or so throughout the night. That being said, if I'm able to come up with an audio track to help me asleep quickly it's all the better because it will keep the 45 minute timer as close to starting at the time I fall asleep as possible.

    In my reasearch, I've found that "Dream Machines" (ie products that are marketed specifically for lucid dreaming) usually work by detecting REM by the physical eye movement. Once the apartus gets that signal from your body, it then begins to flash the lights at the sleeper. I had considered buying one, but I discovered two major drawbacks. #1 -- there aren't all that many products out there on the market, #2 -- The ones that -are- on the market are very expensive. I suppose there might be one out there for a comprable price, but I certainly didn't find it.

    Anyway, since I made this origional post I found that I could get the timing down pretty well by playing very quiet or relaxing MP3 files using the audio strobe setting for about 45 minutes, and then inserting one or two dance or trance music tracks that have been tested and seem to work well with this function. Meanwhile the files within the first 45 minutes were chosen due to their lack of effect upon the LED lights while in AS_ mode. While sleeping, the volume I kept at a minimal level, and made sure that all tracks were in fact soothing to listen to so as not to startle me awake.

    The problem that I've been running into however is findnig the appropiate level of brightness. Thus far I'd either have the glasses SO bright that I'd be like "Wow I might be dreaming. No I'm not I'm awake now." or so low that I did not experience the light in my dream. I keep dream logs, and the times where the light settings have been low, have had no indication of a change in lighting within the dreamscape (a fairly common manifestation of the dream). I think I just need to find the right balance.

    Take care.
    - Justine

  4. Default Re: Overcoming Time Limitations?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    What step do you get stuck at?
    Hey there.

    Thank you for all your help before. I ended up just taking the unit over to my step-mother's house and using her computer to upload the new software to the unit. I was starting to get a little worried there, because after my first attempts with the USB adaptor on my computer ALL programs on the unit stopped working.

    It works now, with OS 2.6.
    Last edited by PrincessParadox; 10-26-2007 at 04:06 PM. Reason: fixed a typo

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Overcoming Time Limitations?

    Quote Originally Posted by PrincessParadox View Post
    Hey there! Thank you for responding.

    Anyway, since I made this origional post I found that I could get the timing down pretty well by playing very quiet or relaxing MP3 files using the audio strobe setting for about 45 minutes, and then inserting one or two dance or trance music tracks that have been tested and seem to work well with this function. Meanwhile the files within the first 45 minutes were chosen due to their lack of effect upon the LED lights while in AS_ mode. While sleeping, the volume I kept at a minimal level, and made sure that all tracks were in fact soothing to listen to so as not to startle me awake.

    The problem that I've been running into however is findnig the appropiate level of brightness. Thus far I'd either have the glasses SO bright that I'd be like "Wow I might be dreaming. No I'm not I'm awake now." or so low that I did not experience the light in my dream. I keep dream logs, and the times where the light settings have been low, have had no indication of a change in lighting within the dreamscape (a fairly common manifestation of the dream). I think I just need to find the right balance.

    Take care.
    - Justine
    Wow Justine, It sounds like you have it under control. Please let us know how the lucid dreaming goes! As for the brightness levels ... you may want to consider getting some Ruby/sapphire light frames as they are not as bright as the ruby emerald and some people like them better for sleep/relaxation.


  6. #16
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    Default Re: Overcoming Time Limitations?

    Quote Originally Posted by PrincessParadox View Post
    Hey there.

    Thank you for all your help before. I ended up just taking the unit over to my step-mother's house and using her computer to upload the new software to the unit. I was starting to get a little worried there, because after my first attempts with the USB adaptor on my computer ALL programs on the unit stopped working.

    It works now, with OS 2.6.
    NP. Glad you got it working!

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