Here is the procedure to install the Driver and Editor for your Proteus and to check that it is working:
First, you will need to install the Proteus USB to RS-232 cable driver.
After that is installed, you will need to install the Proteus Editor 2.5.1.
Once they are installed, you can plug the USB cable into the computer, and into your Proteus. A small pop-up window will appear in the lower right of your desktop, showing you that the driver is being installed. If everything goes correctly, at the end of that installation you should see in that popup a reference to a COM Port number. Remember that number.
Run the Proteus Editor, and select the menu item "Serial Port".
Under that menu item, select "Set Comm Port".
Choose the COM Port number from the pop-up window. If you didn't catch what that number was, you can try just selecting the highest available (non-red) port.
Set your Proteus to "PC" mode.
Click on the "View Realtime" button on the top of the editor. The button should change to "Port Open" and turn green.
Click on "Run Segment" and you should see the lights on the Proteus Ganzframes start to flash (assuming the brightness is up).
If you get to this point, then you have installed the driver and editor correctly and have established communication between you computer and the Proteus.
From here it's important that you download and read the Proteus Session Editor Manual 2.5.1 to learn how to use the Editor.