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Thread: Colorset

  1. #1

    Default Colorset


    I would like to know what each type of color is for. I have seen that there are several "colorset", until 15.

    If, for example, I listen to a meditation session and once I use the colorset1 and on another occasion the colorset2 and so on with all the different colorset there are, what differences are achieved?

    There is so much information that I am learning little by little.

    Thank you very much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Colorset

    A lot of it is personal preference, but if you want to learn more about colors, perhaps try this thread:

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. Default Re: Colorset

    Interesting subject!

    I think the "easiest" way to explore the effects of different colors is by working with the concept of the 7 chakras.

    If we remove the mystical properties ascribed to each chakra and instead view them as a means to work with some specific emotions and beliefs tied to each color (and it's correlating location within the body), we are left with a very potent system of mapping and exploring the mind.

    Furthermore, if you combine this with tactile visualization ("feeling" the chakras in their locations within the body - def. possible, just as you can raise awareness of the sensations in your hands - this does NOT prove that chakras "exist"), exposure to the corresponding colors (via AVS, for example), their ascribed mantras (via speech or AVS) and meditate on their psychological attributes (as ascribed by the various yoga systems) you pretty much have a "complete package" to explore, as far as the psychological properties of color goes.

    If anyone has a scientific study to recommend (I've heard some people claim that the chakrad are located at specific nerve clusters in the body), I'm all ears. There's some solid info in the link above this post.

    Working with colors in this way is one of the reasons I got myself a Kasina (it's still in the mail, though, so I haven't attempted making any specific sessions for this yet). I belive there is a chakra session in the user created sessions forum.
    Last edited by Diocletian; 11-19-2017 at 03:43 AM.

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