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Thread: SpectraStrobe Sessions for Kasina on SoundCloud

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default SpectraStrobe Sessions for Kasina on SoundCloud

    Note that the quality of the audio is better when you download a session. You can stream (listen to) a session to see if you like it first, and then you should download it to use it with your MP device. The light encoding inside the audio track will only work if the download is high enough quality. The streaming version will not be HQ enough.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  2. Default Re: SpectraStrobe Sessions for Kasina on SoundCloud

    How do we download these from there? I am at the page right now but I do not see any download links.... I want to put these files on my kasina so I can enjoy them...Whats the trick?

    To be honest we need better organization of this stuff.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: SpectraStrobe Sessions for Kasina on SoundCloud

    Some are downloadable and others aren't because the author has to enable them to be downloadable.
    If you look at the MindPlace tracks, they are downloadable (click ... more then download)

    Meanwhile you can still download the other tracks using a 3rd party downloader like scdownloader or soundcloud-download.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  4. #4

    Default Re: SpectraStrobe Sessions for Kasina on SoundCloud

    is there info on the frequency of the various sessions?

  5. Default Soundcloud Session info

    Hi Robert, Miss Marta again. About the tracks on SoundCloud, is there any description of Hz for me to discern which to use in particular situations?

    Also, the MindPlace Media Collections...I don't find particulars about the Hz for those...? Am I able to get that info?
    Last edited by Miss Marta; 02-08-2017 at 11:35 PM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Soundcloud Session info

    Hello, Miss Marta-- Unless the file description in our SoundCloud account includes frequency information, we can't provide more details at this point. And some use of flicker, such as in our media collections, are intended to evoke visual imagery rather than dwell within a particular frequency band. Some sessions, as with many in our 'mind art' category, use multiple frequencies simultaneously, for example 5, 10 and 20 Hz. This is consistent with the broadband stimulation methodology developed by Dr. Tom Budzynski, when he was our director of research and subsequently. Ultimately, the AVS experience is subjective and various a fair bit from person to person, so the real question for us is: how do you feel at the end of a particular session? If it felt 'right', use it again; if it didn't, then try another session.

    Hope this helps!

  7. Default Re: Soundcloud Session info

    Thank you, Robert. Yes, it does help. Perhaps I should keep a journal as to my mom's reaction, mood and behavior after each session, as well as my own. Then I can gauge what is helpful and in what way. I have 2 sisters who rotate care for my mom with me and it is difficult to keep track of all that revolves around her care and needs, simply because she remains very self-sufficient in spite of the severe memory loss. Anxiety is an issue with her tho, more so as this progresses. So I should find programs to help her unwind and relax in addition to my goal of implementing the gamma range specifically for brain therapy. *I'm sort of thinking out loud ; ) because if I need to do this, someone else is sure to also. I appreciate your recommendations, and if ever you have a suggestion for me, please do not hesitate to share. Miss Marta

  8. #8

    Default Re: SpectraStrobe Sessions for Kasina on SoundCloud

    I've always been a bit worried about taking tracks from the soundcloud site, as once uploaded they add their own conversion which could strip out the spectra/audiostrobe data. On some I have downloaded they seem to work, others only play as a ColourOrgan. Has anyone else found this issue?

  9. #9

    Default Re: SpectraStrobe Sessions for Kasina on SoundCloud

    Hmm, the originals should all work if downloaded, as they were created as 320kbs MP3's. I believe you are correct, that if you simply play a track from soundcloud, the files are further compressed and/or the high frequencies rolled off, removing AS and SS encoding. If you have downloaded a file or files that don't activate the lights, let me know and I'll re-upload them. And if you have a chance, check the properties of that MP3 to verify the bitrate is 320 kbs.

  10. #10

    Default Re: SpectraStrobe Sessions for Kasina on SoundCloud

    I think I found the answer to my issue. I was using a chrome extension add-in to download the files at only 127 kbs. Going back & using the official download (which soundcloud have hidden in the more section) they are now working. Lesson learned....always look for the "accepted" way.

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