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Thread: Kasina - What settings will provide more fractals/mandalas type shapes?

  1. Default Re: Kasina - What settings will provide more fractals/mandalas type shapes?

    Was watching your video "Soliton by Neuroasis - SpectraStrobe" at

    Your video images expresses exactly how I'd love my Kasina viewing experience to be. However, this isn't at all what I'm seeing even when I move the glasses to the tip of my nose as you suggested. That goes for Soliton and others.

    Is there perhaps a setting I need to adjust to get the imagery your video provides? Unfortunately, for the most part, my experience has basically just been flashing lights and I need to focus intently on producing my own images. I've tried turning down the Visuals, but all the does it lowers the intensity of the flickering lights.

    Any suggestions you can provide would be great! I see the potential Kasina provides in your video and I'd love to duplicate that experience!!

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Kasina - What settings will provide more fractals/mandalas type shapes?

    You are asking about totally different perceptions now. Please see the discussion about Surface vs. Depth Viewing here: If we had figured out a way that everyone could see 3D virtual reality scenes due to the effects of our machines we would be a lot richer than we are now

    If you don't have a natural ability for deep visualization then it will require some work on your part. The funny thing though is the harder you try, the harder it is. At some point with working with sessions, mainly over and over again, it just happens. I getting the feeling that you play each session only once or at most a small handful of times. To a large extent the 'magic' is not in the session, it is in your state of mind and ability to go into a trance and let subconscious imagery come to the forefront.

    The video that you reference is a good tool to work with along with the Kasina. Use it in conjunction with the Soliton session. Watch the video several times and get a feel for the images and movement. The suggestion of having the Solition session running with the glasses on the tip of your nose, superimposes the flickering lights over the video while you are watching. At moments you can close your eyes and try to recreate (or recall) the images, as vividly as you can. Then do this with the session alone.

    I can't say for sure you would see those exact images, probably not in fact, but it doesn't matter. Let the images come to you, dim impressions will eventually become hyper focused and immersive.

    It is a deep discussion with many facets and beyond the current scope. I do want to continue though with the exploration of 'objective' visions, ie surface visions. What you are asking about are 'subjective' visions or depth visions.

    The impressions of fractals and mandalas and such, I believe at a surface level, most anyone can see. They in fact reveal an underlying structure of the way our brain processes and interprets flashing lights.

    To further this discussion I have created some test files that showcase some of the methods I know and the resulting images. They are in a blog post here:

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. Default Re: Kasina - What settings will provide more fractals/mandalas type shapes?

    Hi Scott, I may be just a bit spoiled since was used to the Procyon providing crisp images without a lot of focus. In time, perhaps I'll get used to the Kasina as well.
    I will definitely try your suggestions with your youtube video and Surface vs. Depth Viewing.

    Regarding 3D virtual reality, would MP4's possibly offer this type of ability versus MP3's? I know nothing about programming and I'm sure you guys have discussed this in depth already with your team.

    I'll comment on the test files you've created within the link you've provided.

    Again, thanks for such great support!

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Kasina - What settings will provide more fractals/mandalas type shapes?

    I would tend to guess either one of 2 things. One is, you like very bright lights. The Kasina has more LEDs but we put deliberate focus (or at least my sessions did) in creating color mixes. This requires that the overall red mixture be reduced, which can appear to be less bright. However, much is gained in general by learning to experience and appreciate subtle colors.

    The other guess is that you process music at a higher level of awareness and prefer simple binaural beats or pulsing tones. The monkey mind stuff you said leads me to this.

    Of course, it would have made no sense whatsoever for us to release yet another beeping machine as we have that well covered and the sheer amount of apps that do this now is overwhelming.

    Everyone regardless will tend to get the best results from gaining knowledge of what works for them and creating their own sessions that highlight these areas. (or being very systematic and specific on what parts of sessions you like and those that you don't so we can optimize the content) Have you tried out the KBS sessions and different ColorSets?

    As mentioned structurally the Procyon and Kasina are quite similar. Some of the special parameters of Procyon sessions, Duty Cycle and DC Offset are more pronounced in those sessions.

    If you find vast differences in the Procyon sessions for you, then study why. Be very specific at what time of what session has an effect that you like. Then we can deconstruct why. From what work I have done with Meditative Mind I think it closely approximates the Procyon session and to a certain extent in some areas surpasses it, after the post processing that is.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  5. Default Re: Kasina - What settings will provide more fractals/mandalas type shapes?

    Man, I'm reading what you are writing and the possibilities of Kasina seem incredible. It's so exciting but at the same time it seems impossible for someone who is new to this kind of session programming to understand a single thing of what you are saying. I can feel the potential but understanding how to create the things you can do with the device seem very difficult. Where can I start?

    On the first post I have just sent to this forum, I have asked a way to create light shows to go with my favorite soundtrack which is Avatar (funny Jasond mentioned the same movie in this thread). When I listen to this particular soundtrack it triggers high emotions in me because of the Movie. I would like to intensify those emotions with a light show. I do not know if this would be possible having no experience whatsoever with Audio strobe/Spectra Strobe which I don't even know the difference between those two terms yet.

    What can you suggest me to do to if I want to get started in learning the art of creating nice visuals synchronized with music?

    Thank you


  6. #16
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    Default Re: Kasina - What settings will provide more fractals/mandalas type shapes?

    Hi Michael,
    Welcome to the forum! We are all friends here

    If you have a smart phone (who doesn't?) especially an Apple device then probably the easiest way to get started creating new experiences synchronized to your own music is with the iOS and Android test apps I have just released. With the realtime control on the sliders you are easily able to create fractal and mandala type patterns. And with the realtime color control for AudioStrobe on the Kasina, you can have a lot of power at your fingertips.

    I went ahead and released these apps based on your question as I had so much fun that I didn't want to sit on them anymore.

    Hope this helps,
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  7. Default Re: Kasina - What settings will provide more fractals/mandalas type shapes?

    The most blind blowing visuals i have seen with the kasina so far is the audiostrobe track audio illusions and i think the colour set is 11 or 13 ran fr, i would have to check though.

    I had audio illusions cd back in the late 90s when I had the mindlab dls and i loved it then even with the basic red lite frames, This version of the visuals on the kasina blows it away.

    Funny thing is that I was disappointed with the procyon and ended up selling it after not too long and I think the kasina is much better.
    Last edited by Mind Voyager; 03-16-2015 at 07:53 AM.

  8. Default Re: Kasina - What settings will provide more fractals/mandalas type shapes?

    Hello. I've used the above links to download the 2 "Meditative Mind 15" files mentioned. They come through OK but when I try to play them on the Kasina I get "Unsupported File Format". They won't open for any other player either, so I'm guessing there's some fundamental problem. I'd really like to give them a try, so can you suggest anything I can do differently? I just got my Kasina and it's the first such device I've owned, BTW, so I'm in evaluation & experimentation mode. I'm likewise curious to know if any new tracks are being created and, if so, whether they'll be made available.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Kasina - What settings will provide more fractals/mandalas type shapes?

    Quote Originally Posted by tsharack View Post
    Hello. I've used the above links to download the 2 "Meditative Mind 15" files mentioned. They come through OK but when I try to play them on the Kasina I get "Unsupported File Format". They won't open for any other player either, so I'm guessing there's some fundamental problem. I'd really like to give them a try, so can you suggest anything I can do differently?
    I think you had a bad download. The files seem to be fine. Try downloading them again.

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