I think I stumbled on this mind machine concept on youtube. I have had seasonal affective disorder for over 10 years and have tried all sorts of natural remedies like 5htp, fish oil, light boxes, etc. I had no success with natural stuff. I have always been anti anti-depressives but last winter season (2015) I finally decided to get on meds because I've tried everything and I was sick of feeling sleepy and depressed half of the year. I am currently a university student and saw a psychiartrist at my school. I was initially put on sertraline aka zoloft. I researched prior that for SAD people usually get on wellbutrin but he didn't want to put me that as it was an activating type medication and so had me start with sertraline. after being at the max dose of 200mg of sertraline, we added wellbutrin and I am on 300mg. I got off of sertraline for the summer and started back up in september or october.
To get to my point, I started using initially the DAVID Delight Pro because that was the first mind machine I learned about that recommended mind machines for SAD. I started November 29, 2016. I used that for 2 weeks and decided to get the Kasina so that I can use the NP3 software with it and experience gamma brainwaves since that was not available on the Delight and since that was faster than beta (which is recommended for SAD sufferers), I figured gamma would be worth trying. I went 6 days without the visual component as I returned my DAVID and had to wait for the Kasina so I used the NP3 audio alone in the meantime. Since I began using mind machines, I was able to reduce my sertraline incrementally by 50mg and I completely stopped taking it on December 31, 2016. I saw my doctor today and I was actually a little nervous as to how he would react to my 'experiment' with mind machines. He was quite open to it and classified it as a form of light therapy. I've used light boxes before and got a 10k lux LED light box but that didn't help my SAD so I wonder why a mind machine can help since it uses light as well. How much of a roles does audio play? I know when I was just using audio, the effects of not having the light was noticeable to me. I haven't tried just using the light component so maybe that is something I can experiment on. I said to my doctor that I would like to see if I can reduce my wellbutrin dose so he suggested seeing what it is like to be a month off of sertraline. I'd reduce it by going to 150mg and then to zero if I felt that I was ok.
I've posted information on the SAD groups I am in online as I'd like people to know that there are options besides anti-depressants. Not sure if anyone on these online groups have tried it but this is promising for me. Hopefully I can wean myself off of meds completely. If mind machines no longer help me with SAD, at least I know what meds can help and I can return to that if necessary. I definitely do not want to relapse