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Thread: Just got my Kasina and I m loving it but....

  1. #1

    Default Just got my Kasina and I m loving it but....

    Hi guys
    It took me a while to actually purchase my Kasina but I finally did it !
    I tested some of the uploaded sessions and some of them are really awesome.
    My question is: How do I use the Kasina to it s fullest potential? I know I know stupid question. But let me elaborate.
    I have been testing a lot (and I mean a lot) of hypnosis sessions with really modest results (too modest in my opinion) which lead me to purchase the Kasina.
    So for example I have an issue with low self-esteem. Which by the way is an awkward issue because consciously I could care less what others think but unconsciously I act and think as if i do. But anyway these are just small details.
    Going back to the topic, Which program or recording would you recommend that in conjunction with the Kasina would give amazing results?
    I saw on the forum a lot of talk about frequencies (theta, alpha or delta), which one might be useful to solve my issue?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Just got my Kasina and I m loving it but....

    Congratulations and Welcome, Sorin!

    I always recommend that people new to AVS read up as much as possible about the subject. From there it becomes so much easier to get the best results.

    I recommend starting here.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Just got my Kasina and I m loving it but....

    If one allows it, a mind machine can shake loose lots of random memories and imagery. This for instance is one of the reasons that people experience vivid dreams during the first exposures (and beyond with intention). This 'feature' can help you to connect with the sources of anxiety or the basis of self image assumptions. Again, the intention to explore unconscious concepts helps to bring them to the surface in a more constructive manner.

    It is the case that one can use color associations as triggers for memory events. During a session you would free associate using the color imagery as a trigger.

    A mind machine session can be an 'active' experience and this is often of benefit. That means that instead of just zoning out and going along for the ride (which is fun too), you can also keep the 'observer' part of your consciousness aware. The observer is just that, a viewer of the imagery, not a 'creator' or a 'judge'. Deemphasize the judge during this period and let the deeper parts of your mind act in the creator role. The observer takes note of experiences for later processing.

    The above technique is common to many meditation practices. Where it benefits from using a mind machine is that now you have cascading triggers, both novel frequency information enticing unique brainwave patterns, and visual stimulus which can bring forth interesting correlations.

    Thus, explore many sessions, especially those in meditation categories. Alpha is an awake but relaxed state. Accept each one for the journey and information it provides. Some sessions will be more fruitful and personally gratifying than others. Use those until the well runs a bit dry so to speak.

    Hope this helps,
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Just got my Kasina and I m loving it but....

    Thanks Scott
    That's what I will do, I guess like anything else it take time to get used to mind machines and really understand how they affect "you" personally

  5. #5

    Default Re: Just got my Kasina and I m loving it but....

    Thanks for the reply Andy
    From that link I learned one important thing: I bought the wrong machine. According to that post I should have bought a biofeedback machine
    Anyway jokes aside I guess its all about testing and seeing what works.

  6. Default Re: Just got my Kasina and I m loving it but....

    Hello Sorin

    Hypnosis and mental programming is a very effective method of improving your overall well being. These steps will greatly improve your results: First, determine how open you are to suggestion, and how you reason the meaning of the suggestion. It matters not how well educated you are, what your IQ is, or any other single factor. Some people are just more open to suggestion than others, some people take things literally at face value while others may understand what is inferred rather than what is said. Some people will trust an authority figure, while others respond better to a loving, nurturing figure. Then find out what your primary sensory modality is; do you respond better to what you see, what you hear, or what you feel. Finally see how open you are to a trance state, and how deep you are able to go. You can find plenty of tests online such as the Sunnen Scale to help you. Be completely honest, and take several different tests to find a common result. Sometimes it helps to have someone that knows you very well to take the test with you just to keep things in perspective. A Hypnotherapist will use this info to create a protocol that suits your unique personality and mindset.

    Basically, alpha sessions are used for visualizations and repeating affirmations or suggestions to yourself. Theta sessions you want to zone out and passively listen to a recording. Blue and green are relaxing colors, yellow and red are energizing. Start with alpha, and take the Sunnen test afterwards. Then try some deeper sessions and see how you progress. Keeping a journal of your journey is a great help. Do some research on which methods and techniques are best suited specifically for you.

    A program such as NeuroProgrammer3 is a great tool for such a purpose, and is fully compatible with your Kasina.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Just got my Kasina and I m loving it but....

    I use hypnosis a lot, that is actually why I bought the Kasina in the first place. They say it is more effective than just listening to the tapes. I know about NP3 I actually sent them an email but never got a reply. Maybe you can help me . I want to use it to create a self esteem tape because I have this weird case of low self-esteem .
    Normal self hypnosis tapes did not do the trick.

    Thanks for the great tips Brewmasher

  8. Default Re: Just got my Kasina and I m loving it but....

    Quote Originally Posted by Sorin View Post
    I use hypnosis a lot, that is actually why I bought the Kasina in the first place. They say it is more effective than just listening to the tapes. I know about NP3 I actually sent them an email but never got a reply. Maybe you can help me . I want to use it to create a self esteem tape because I have this weird case of low self-esteem .
    Normal self hypnosis tapes did not do the trick.

    Thanks for the great tips Brewmasher
    The Kasina makes it easier to drift into a hypnogogic state, usually without the use of an induction script.

    Transparent is putting most of their efforts in You might want to send Aaron a message over there, or try their Facebook page. If its anything I can help you with by all means, send me a PM or email me at my site

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