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Thread: Stimulation of Pineal Gland

  1. #1

    Default Stimulation of Pineal Gland

    I am working on my Pineal Gland at the moment as part of my spiritual developement.
    I am experimenting with sound via tuning forks and also crystals. I was wondering if there are an sessions that are geared in this direction, knowing it is very sensitive to both light and sound?
    Many thanks
    Life is but a dream

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Stimulation of Pineal Gland

    Hi Alison,
    Respectfully, I have to ask would you prefer an artistic answer or a scientific one? These 2 points of view are totally opposed to each other.

    First read the excellent entry on the pineal gland at Wikipedia:
    Last edited by neuroasis; 04-01-2016 at 02:38 PM.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Stimulation of Pineal Gland

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroasis View Post
    Hi Alison,
    Respectfully, I have to ask would you prefer an artistic answer or a scientific one? These 2 points of view are totally opposed to each other.

    First read the excellent entry on the pineal gland at Wikipedia:
    Hi Scott,
    I can tell from that you are one who considers concepts such as mine as pseudoscience
    I am always interested in looking at ALL angles. We learned all about it when I trained as a nurse but I do think there has been a general dumbing down of people by disinfo from certain people in control but that is only my personal world view.
    I have had some very strange experiences that I attribute to my pineal gland acting as a sort of receiver (not for discussion ) so I will be very happy if you hit me with both the artistic and the scientific.
    BTW I do not necessarily take the view point that just because something is 'scientific' it's correct.
    There are many discoveries being made in today's world that have been known for eons in mystery schools and just because somebody says that something they have been taught is correct does not make it so.

    There is SO much to discover, so much more to know and explore and I will never grow tired of expanding my experiences till they nail the coffin lid down! o
    While I know it is healthy to have a certain degree of let's say cynicism, as a life-long seeker after truth, I also practice discernment in everything.
    Hope that has explained my stance.
    In fact the thing which led me to exploring AVS and brain wave patterns in the first place, was having had personal experiences that were very intriguing and made me wonder if it was de to a change in the frequency of the brain.

    After-all, it is only relatively recently that scientists have discovered we live in an entirely energetic universe and that there really is no solidity only matter vibrating at lower frequencies. I hope I have explained my reasoning for exploring things.
    many thanks as always
    Life is but a dream

  4. Default Re: Stimulation of Pineal Gland

    The pineal gland as the physical manifestation of the third eye? The argument for that falls apart when you research pinealectomy side effects. Basically, you can still function pretty well without one.
    It doesn't discount mystical visions, dreaming awake or walking between worlds etc, and the kasina is a great tool for that exploration and absorption.
    There's no problem with attributing your balanced center to that gland either if it helps formulate a belief that helps with your work. It just doesn't seem relevant under scrutiny.
    Science is about observation of application and results. If it's working for you you're already being scientific albeit in your own magical space.
    As for the consensus, it's well established that the gland is related to circadian rhythm and would affect sleep and perhaps dreams as a disruption of that.

    The question is perhaps what kind of visionary workings do you want assistance with. For instance, If you are working with forks and bowls etc they still have their own frequencies that I'm guessing you want further alignment with.
    The "brain" runs with lots of frequencies at any one time. For entrainment purposes, maybe ask what kind of state of mind you were in when these changes occurred

  5. #5

    Default Re: Stimulation of Pineal Gland

    Quote Originally Posted by RobIreland View Post
    The pineal gland as the physical manifestation of the third eye? The argument for that falls apart when you research pinealectomy side effects. Basically, you can still function pretty well without one.
    It doesn't discount mystical visions, dreaming awake or walking between worlds etc, and the kasina is a great tool for that exploration and absorption.
    There's no problem with attributing your balanced center to that gland either if it helps formulate a belief that helps with your work. It just doesn't seem relevant under scrutiny.
    Science is about observation of application and results. If it's working for you you're already being scientific albeit in your own magical space.
    As for the consensus, it's well established that the gland is related to circadian rhythm and would affect sleep and perhaps dreams as a disruption of that.

    The question is perhaps what kind of visionary workings do you want assistance with. For instance, If you are working with forks and bowls etc they still have their own frequencies that I'm guessing you want further alignment with.
    The "brain" runs with lots of frequencies at any one time. It doesn't discount mystical visions, dreaming awake or walking between worlds etc, and the kasina is a great tool for that exploration and absorption.
    It doesn't discount mystical visions, dreaming awake or walking between worlds etc, and the kasina is a great tool for that exploration and absorption.

    That's partly what I mean. (Leaving the pineal Gland out of the equation for the moment) I would like to try to expand my experiences using the Kasina.
    However, I do find that, although I can become very absorbed, and therefore not aware of my to all intents and purposes I am in another reality, I am still mostly 'the watcher' having an experience that is being manufactured for me so to speak.
    I have not come near an out of body for instance, for I am using my vision that is keeping me fixed in place if that makes sense?

    it is slightly difficult to explain but I think what I am wishing for is to stimulate the pineal gland to enable me to have expanded awareness when I am not using the Kasina. My experiences in the past out of body etc. have been mostly spontaneous, and usually in the hypnogogic or hypnopompic state.
    I have been able to replicate it through putting my body to sleep and keeping the consciousness in check. I think where I may veer off into the esoteric as opposed to convention is that I have my own interpretation of what is actually happening.
    I believe my consciousness in then inhabiting my astral body that has disengaged from the physical. I have come to this conclusion over many experiences maybe going into the hundreds in my twenties and thirties. At one time it was really impacting my life and back then there was nowhere at all to go. No Google search, no mind, spirit and body shelves in bookstores so it was very alienating and disturbing.
    I have learned to deal with things and the incidents are far fewer now as I have developed myself.

    However, sleep paralyses is a terrifying condition and I have come to the conclusion it is due to an aberration in my brain wave patterns. I am well acquainted with the scientific explanation of being paralyses in REM stage sleep but that fails to really address many things.

    I also suffer from sleep apnoea and have become apprehensive of ever falling asleep without my mask on as what can happen is that I wake up inside my body fully conscious. I am suffocating and fully aware that my body needs to breath. I know that once my blood gasses change, the body should automatically take a breath but that does not stop the awful experience of feeling like I may actually die before I wake!
    I have had times that the battle to breath seems to go an for ages as it leaves me quite traumatised due to being totally helpless as I witness my body trying to breath and suffer the agony of feeling I am suffocating.

    I guess I am trying on a practical level to be in control too. All my life I have had the experiences...then had to research and research to see what could have caused them. This has made me very curious.

    The question is perhaps what kind of visionary workings do you want assistance with. For instance, If you are working with forks and bowls etc. they still have their own frequencies that I'm guessing you want further alignment with.

    Well I am using sound at present both on myself in order to use it on others too. I have recently purchased a tuning fork specially made at a frequency to resonate with the minute calcite crystals in the Pineal gland so experimenting with that. That is from Jonathon Goldman.
    The aim is stimulation plus decalcification of the gland to enable it to function properly in the esoteric sense.
    I am aware that if I had no pineal gland I would still probably have had the experience of sleep paralyes as it is a malfunction at grass rooots level of brain wave function, which operates independantly of the pineal gland but there is some connection to the pineal gland in most esoteric events that is probably not fully understood yet.

    As far as the brain rhythm goes I suppose something that brings me right down to delta with a slight kick just before to keep the mind awake as the body goes to sleep to encourage separation?
    I hope that's explained things. Probably as clear as mud.

    PS The most interesting part that in a vibrational universe we are only aware of things we can perceive through the five senses. What I have discovered in my own case is that alteration of brain waves (themselves energy) alters the frequency we are vibrating at and therefore we can percive things that are always there around us...but out of vision or perception when operating within the bounds of normal brain wave patterns.
    In my world view the universe is teeming with life forms...most out of vision.
    Last edited by Andy; 04-06-2016 at 01:19 PM. Reason: Fix Quote
    Life is but a dream

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Stimulation of Pineal Gland

    MoonChild, I don't know anything about pineal gland / third-eye, but curiosity...a very brief google search and:
    Third-Eye color: Indigo (RGB: Red - 75; Green - 0; Blue - 130)
    Pitch Frequency: 221 and 448 appeared a lot; more recently Solfeggio 936
    Beats: 10; 12 or 13; there were a minority suggesting gamma beats
    Note that I spent under 2 minutes on this, but the entire google page was filled with similar results so I'm going with these.

    At any rate I made a quick Kasina SpectraScope mp3 session out of this. It makes use of the Ganzfield capability of the DeepVision frames, which sounds ideal for this application. If you don't have the DeepVision, just reply - simple changes would be required. Note that this is not "Mind Art" - there is no "wow" factor in this session.
    As a courtesy to save people time in making replies:
    Disclaimer (1): most of the people on this and Transparent's forum don't believe pitch has anything to do with beat effects, other than making them more comfortable to listen to (other than Joseph Licklider's recomendations for binaural beats). Most likely they are correct.
    Disclaimer (2): there is absolutely no evidence anywhere that these pitches/beats/colors have anything to do with pineal glands or third eyes
    Disclaimer (3): there may not be any relationship between pineal glands and third eyes
    Disclaimer (4): its likely there is no such thing as a third eye

    You can download it here ( ) and either:
    - import it into your Kasina or...
    - use a usb cable to play it from the device you downloaded to
    Note that this is not a ColorOrgan track, its SpectraScope.

    Session Details
    Length is 21-min
    first 6 minutes are pitch of 936 with beat of 12;
    next one minute is a ramp-down to 6 beats with a pitch of 221; the lights will morph into a solid non-blinking indigo (a ganzfield);
    this stays the same for about 13 minutes;
    then it ramps up to the starting beats/pitch/lights;
    beats are isochronic ---- lights are sine-waves.

    If you have any better ideas for an experimental session, let me know. Also, you may already know about this similar Kasina session:
    Yuri Shramenko

  7. #7

    Default Re: Stimulation of Pineal Gland

    Hi Yuri,
    Many thanks for that. That was very kind of you. I know what you mean about disclaimers. Seems we have to state the obvious all the time now.

    I will give it a try as soon as I can. Yes, I have the ganz frames. I will report back. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    Thanks again

    Life is but a dream

  8. Default Re: Stimulation of Pineal Gland

    Eh? I don't get the disclaimers. Unless there are for forbidding any conversation??
    Disclaimer 1 can't possibly be accurate.
    Disclaimer 4 can't be accurate as the third eye is where you "see" from when taking the position of the "watcher" - it's the seat of your conscious awareness.
    That means disclaimer 2 is unlikely.

    Up to that point only Scott and I replied and he respectfully asked if Moonchild wanted an artistic or scientific answer. I don't reckon he'd label it outright as pseudoscience as a concept as he made these which might also help:

    I'd also highly recommend a website called if you want to experiment with balancing of energies. It's basically an online mixer for color banded frequencies and is extremely high quality. He also has a phone app that is really excellent.
    Last edited by RobIreland; 04-07-2016 at 11:31 AM. Reason: typo

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Stimulation of Pineal Gland

    Moved topic as it seems to have more to do with the Mind than the Kasina specifically.

    Hard to tell if this thread is heading towards argumentation or not, hopefully I'm just mis-reading. But just a reminder to everyone to please be respectful. No need to defend your posts or reply to this. Please continue to discuss!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  10. Default Re: Stimulation of Pineal Gland

    I hope it's not an argument happening. I was planning on replying a bit more in depth about my personal experiences with sleep paralysis and such, but this new baby is causing more sleep deprivation and straight thinking than anything! No disrespect intended here. For the record I've been "into" a lot of science, magick and woo for many years and will happily discuss, debate and defend and side of it. Even spent several of the last 10 years living in new age hubs like Sedona and Mount Shasta - some of my best friends are Lemurian, I'll have you know.

    But as for the pineal gland and the third eye...what's cool is that it actually (probably) did used to be one when we were lizards...

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