I have been using the Kasina quite a while now with variable results. I have the feeling there is a lot of potential, but it is an insturment you have to learn to use, similar like learning a new craft or acquiring a new skill. I have been visiting the forum regularly too, and my impression is that users that are hooked immediately by the device either have experience in AVS, meditation, or both. Of course this is just my opinion. Anyway, lately I took an interest in emptying my mind completely and giving it so to say a break, instead of expecting it to come with creative ideas just by daydreaming, and I am trying to stop my thought carousel whenever I catch myself thinking anything irrelevant to the present moment. I am doing that on my forest walks and while using the Kasina. I think the Kasina can't stop my mind on its own, at the moment it feels that some effort is required from my side too. However, sessions have different purproses and some are made to help you ponder. Which would be the best to help you stop your thought stream and do you have any other tips on how to achieve that goal?