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Thread: 'God helmet' interactions

  1. Default Re: 'God helmet' interactions

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroasis View Post
    Spooky2 is complex sure, but there is already a massive built in database to draw from. So really, it is plug and play for a long time until you get interested in creating your own sessions.
    Thanks scott, As long as I can plug and play and do not have to mess with parameters then that is good enough for me.

  2. Default Re: 'God helmet' interactions

    The God Helmet is not the Shakti device. They are different, and the results from one cannot be automatically applied to the others.

    This thread has a few mentions of the God Helmet working through placebo effect. This simply isn't true. It also has someone who says that 1) they think it works through placebo - but 2) they still want to try it with other mind techniques. It sounds like they aren't really sure.

    I've been reading about this, and there is plenty of evidence that these technologies, which work with low-intensity magnetic fields, actually do have an effect on the brain. Here is a link to some of the evidence: Most of it is from outside the lab where the God Helmet is used.

    There is an independent replication of God Helmet effects, which you can see here:

    My suggestion, try taking a low dose of valium late at night when you are tired, and try the device then. Of course, if you'd have to stay awake (so really, do use a low dose), but that's not so hard to do.

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  3. #23
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    Default Re: 'God helmet' interactions

    Alright, I'll bite. So, different how? I assume that you have experienced both systems, know the specs and can compare them? This page claims they are virtually the same or comparable, The original literature did as well which I personally based my purchase upon.

    This is a newer USB system but the coils appear essentially the same as the original 8 coil Shakti which I have. Probably there is a USB soundcard added. I stated earlier that I haven't done a lot of experiments with the unit I have but it is still in my possession and there is no reason it wouldn't be functional, simple as it is.

    Note that point number 5 on the page I link to muddies the waters a bit:
    5) The magnetic signals used for the (now discontinued) old Shakti Helmet. Note: The old Shakti Helmet was not a version of the God Helmet
    NOTE: The Shiva software contains instructions for stripping down your Shiva unit to an 8 Coil Shakti unit.

    Still, I assume he is talking about a helmet version. I haven't tried or seen that.

    We try to expel as many myths as possible here and speak from experience when we can. Of course, like many experimental technologies, proper set, setting, professional administration and record keeping often uncover subtle changes that otherwise are missed. Still, being hobbyists essentially, we lack really comprehensive measurement tools.

    People with new knowledge are always encouraged to add to the discussion.
    Last edited by neuroasis; 02-25-2016 at 11:59 AM.
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  4. Default Re: 'God helmet' interactions

    I looked into this again, and I found that the God Helmet uses 8 audio channels, and the Shakli uses only two. The extra channels sequence the fields in circles. I don't know all the specs, but that looks like the main difference. If I find out more, I'll edit this post and add it.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: 'God helmet' interactions

    Yes, it is true that the Shakti 8 coil I have is just 2 channels. There are 8 coils though and it is rather clever how they made them 'rotate'. The unit uses several adapters to chain the coils together. Then they have a vertical pair and a horizontal pair on each side. Alternating the audio channels produces the 'rotation' as the signal goes from the vertical set to the horizontal. You could have both sides of the head rotate in or out of phase this way. It was a nifty idea and reduced the cost of the materials substantially.

    Of course these days you could easily have a 7.1 USB audio interface and have true control of all 8 coils. Maybe they are doing that in newer units. Even so, for what looks essentially the same as I have, $600+ is crazy. I paid less than $150.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  6. Default Re: 'God helmet' interactions

    "Myself and a handful of others have been using this device, called a "God Helmet", for several months now and the subjective reporting tends to cluster and lines up with what you would expect.

    Stimulate the hippocampus and you'll get into a more "wordless" space that feels much like a deep meditation for me. Stimulate the amygdala and you'll get an improved feeling of well being.

    I'm not a brain scientist or a researcher, just exploring on my own, but based on what i've read, the effects fall in line with expectations.

    The device was developed by Dr Persinger and has been used in a number of published experiments in peer reviewed journals.

    Is anyone else here playing with devices like this? So far my experience has been very positive and surprising in some respects."

    "I was using an experimental device, called a "god helmet" to see if it would boost my OBE experience, it did. I experienced total knowledge and connection to everything. I experienced a level of joy that cannot be explained with words. I was a globe of white light among an infinite number of other white lights. I floated as close as possible to get near the great light, it was massive, pervading everything except the space we were in."

    "Finally, this morning I did a God Helmet session. This was a pretty intense experience. Think binaural beats or perhaps CES at a delta or theta state, but much stronger. Very pleasant overall experience with lots of very strong and colorful hypnagogic flashes. There was a peacefulness about it. The experience felt very warm and very safe. It's hard to describe. Now I am no stranger to altered states, so my perception of pleasant might be another's "weird" or "just too intense". I can see why people report a presence or in some cases a sense of God. I would describe that element of the experience more like the feeling one has on psychedelics, that feeling of oneness or interconnection. I would describe it that way."

    There are three first-hand accounts from people using a God Helmet.
    Last edited by glassharmonica; 03-10-2016 at 11:05 AM. Reason: just a clarification and a grammar thing.

  7. Default Re: 'God helmet' interactions

    I looks like is uses four USB sound devices to produce the 8 channels, and comes with 16 coils, all of which can be used in a "tweak" of the basic setup. They appear the same, but it looks like they're not.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: 'God helmet' interactions

    If they are using 4 stereo USB sound devices then presumably the audio files are stereo and being mirrored either in phase or out of phase. To me, that was the only potentially rare part of the Shakti device, the stimulation audio files. I did export all of mine from the original software and have analyzed some. They are really quite simple actually. Modulated pulse trains. I intend to revisit that at some point but the software is installed on an old XP laptop that I don't pull out very often.

    'Trip' reports are interesting and can be motivational, or leading, depending on how you look at it.
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  9. #29
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    Default Re: 'God helmet' interactions

    If God is a spirit how can a material helmet talk to him? Curious

  10. #30
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    Default Re: 'God helmet' interactions

    Don't take it literally. "God helmet" is just a term the media came up with to tell the story for popular science consumption. What is reported from Persinger's experiments regarding this tool is that 'religious' or 'spiritual' experience can be stimulated. For anyone who has taken strong psychedelic drugs or had deep meditation experiences this is not news. However, it does help identify the specific brain regions that are involved.

    It makes no difference in these particular experiments whether one includes spirit or not. The point is that there is an expression through matter, in this case, the brain, regardless of the source. Science cannot study spirit at this time having no tools capable of measuring it. If in fact it does exist then work of this type is a good beginning to uncover it. The same can be said of psychedelic research with high resolution brain imagining.
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