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Thread: DeepVision or Superbright?

  1. Default DeepVision or Superbright?


    I bought Procyon over a year ago but never really got into it. I loved it but somehow it didn't fit into my life. Now I'm working in a home studio 24/7 and besides occasional cigarette breaks I have nowhere else to go. So I've found that going into my own mind with Procyon Mind Machine is a brilliant way to refresh my brain, whether it be waking up early in the morning or during the day after having mixed a song for hours. It truly reboots my brain, so to speak.

    Now, I've used the standard ganzframes and they're pretty good. A little clunky but they get the job done. They're also pretty bright and I enjoy that.

    Money is not an issue, so should I get the new DeepVision goggles or the superbright frames? I really love whenever I get bright moments in a session, those are the best bits of any given session. Does more brightness equal more awesomeness in this manner? Or is it not that much of a difference? How bright DeepVision leds are compared to the standard frames of Procyon?

    I see the DeepVision is a bit more similar to Laxman, which I like. I haven't actually tried them but Astral Pulse users have reported that they're awesome. Apparently Laxman goggles are better than the standard Procyon glasses. They can also be used with eyes open. Is this more intense in some way? I read a review saying that the new DeepVision glasses are even better than the Laxmans. Is this true?

    I love it when I get mandalas & mind art with my Procyon. I feel that the more I use these, the more my mind starts creating wonderful geometric shapes. Overall, even though it lacks an MP3 player, it seems to contain everything I need. Thank you so much for the AUX input! I can create my own meditation tracks to use alongside any session I choose.

    Also, as an addition. I saw that you are creating new sessions for the DeepVision to fully utilize it's potential. Where do I get these sessions and does my Procyon have enough memory built-in so I don't have to erase the factory sessions as I've grown used to them?

    I haven't checked but I assume I can get DeepVision/Superbright ganzframes in EU, say f.ex. from the UK? I bought the Procyon from originally, it would make sense that accessories are available there too.

    Thank you very much!

  2. #2
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    Tripping the Light Fantastic
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    Default Re: DeepVision or Superbright?

    Hi there and thanks for your post.

    I'm with you that I work in a home studio/lab all day and a light session really helps as a productive distraction to give a boost or a chill whichever may be needed at the moment. Much better than frittering away time on Twitter or Facebook

    The right session can also help to spark a new idea or integrate something that you have learned or are working on. Of course, a lot of my work is with sessions themselves or supporting software so an AVS machine is never more than a few inches away.

    The superbright Procyon glasses are based on the LED layout introduced in the Kasina. They have 12 leds compared to 6. The layout is 2 red, 4 green, and 6 blue. We have found this provides much better closed eye color mixes with green and blue. Red is still dominant but it balances out more. All new Procyons ship with these glasses. The superbright glasses also have black sunglasses frames which are a bit more stylish and comfortable. We also sell just the light strips themselves if you wanted to make your own glasses, sleep mask, googles... whatever.

    The DeepVision glasses are a game changer. Eye open is a whole new world of fabulous color and patterns. Fractals, mandalas, etc. are easy to see and jump right out at you. Some awe inspiring colors like yellows, violets, beautiful sky/water blues are achievable in ways closed eye could never match without the assistance of the inner eye.

    With the DV glasses I have adopted some hybrid techniques for meditation where I start a session with my eyes fully open for immediate gratification and joy, then transition to eyes half closed while dropping downward, then to fully eyes closed for the meditation. While with closed eyes the DV are slightly less bright and the lights are more diffused rather than point sources, I find that with these phases they work wonderfully. At times when I am struggling to go as deep as I would like it is also super nice to be able to open your eyes for a refresher and then travel down again. With closed eye glasses many times you would just abandon the session.

    Several Laxman users have reported that the DV glasses are far better in brightness, color saturation and smoothness, build quality and comfort.

    So, if you were to choose only one then I would say DeepVision. They are available from our dealers. I guess DV will go to . They are on US Amazon.

    The Procyon is getting some newer software apps which I am working on. We are in final testing for a loader and editor for an operating system called MindBrite. It is interchangeable with the regular Procyon OS. It turns the Procyon into a 'broadband' pRoshi type system but compared to that is much more configurable. Mac and PC too!! Other quick real time editors are in the works which will expose new and fun tools.

    And the new sessions and session building blocks are available for those who ask (PM me) I watch these forums and wait for people to report they have acquired and tried the DV then I push out sessions to them for testing at least in these first stages. I like dialog and feedback and get very little when something is just put up for download. The more you interact with us the more cool stuff you get!

    I really do wholeheartedly recommend the DV glasses for your stated purposes. In conjunction with MindBrite short, interesting, ever-evolving sessions for brain boosting, creativity stimulation, and reverie, AVS gets no better.

    Thanks again for posting, let me know if your questions are answered and/or check in when you are ready.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. Default Re: DeepVision or Superbright?


    Thank you for your response. This morning I was feeling really groggy and could barely tolerate looking at any light source. I popped up my Procyon (I keep it right next to my bed) and played my favourite session, number 13. It was so stimulating and relaxing at the same time! After about 15 minutes I was feeling so refreshed and energetic that I started working right away! Normally it would have took at least an hour and a morning walk to do the same thing.

    Inspired by your post, I decided to go with the DV glasses for Procyon and found a German shop that sells them ( I live in Finland so Germany is right next to me. I should have them next week!

    I'm truly looking forward to experiencing Procyon eyes open! Can't wait to see all those additional colors you mentioned.

    I love Procyon so much because it's so "rough". The sessions provided suddenly jump and shift pretty drastically and my brain simply loves that feeling. Also, as a musician, the fact that it has a built-in audio synthesizer is awesome. I can totally imagine myself sampling that analog (or is it digital actually?) isochronic/binaural beat sound some day for my albums.

    Actually, I've dreamed about creating a pop album that is basically a 45 minute SpectraStrobe session with isochronic beats but you can listen to it normally without glasses as well. In theory, if I found the right frequencies, it could be almost as addicting and powerful as a chemical drug in terms of the pleasure and stimulation. Music already has a powerful impact on our brain but imagine if one could combine AVS to it as well. I could probably use the same embedded SpectraStrobe information to create an identical live performance with huge LED screens flashing the way Procyon flashes. Now that's a dream! Epileptics beware. Haha!

    I really like the fact that your company is so dedicated and passionate, not to mention the world's forerunner in this kind of technology. I feel like we might have some business opportunities together in the future, fusing pop music and AVS together

    I could order a few of those light strips one day to make my own lucid dreaming masks. I plan on getting a Kasina or something and run it alongside my laptop to recognize when I'm REM dreaming and then start playing Gamma frequencies. I might have to get or something to recognize the REM patterns though. Oh, but is actually a device that creates Gamma waves, not detects them? We'll see how that turns out in the future!

    By the way, can you recommend any factory sessions that involve gamma frequencies the most? Number 13 is a pretty high frequency session and it works wonder for me. I've started doing a sort of a "Gamma State" meditation every day to "overclock" my brain to perform better and to be more creative in music production. I feel like combining a 15 minute session that revolves around 40Hz with my meditation could be extremely powerful refresher. Do you happen to have any 40Hz/Gamma frequency sessions in your lab?

    I've never heard of pRoshi. Tried googling it but found no proper results. The price tag was at two thousands though, that's a lot! So it's a sort of a realtime session generator that you can change the parameters of while you're experiencing it or something? New sessions and session building blocks sound exciting! I tried creating a session myself but it turned out to be a wacky one. In fact, it's the worst one I've ever seen. But I quess I could put some time into learnig about designing sessions, I just don't know how to do it properly yet! I watched the youtube tutorial and it was really helpful, I know what the controls are but I just don't know how to work them in combination with each other.

    If you want to send some of those DV sessions to me next week when I get my DVs then I can certainly give you feedback and my experiences! As I said, I'm currently most passionate about Gamma frequencies so anything involving that is super exciting to me But I'm sure once I get to try the DVs, any kind of session will do!

    I feel like it doesn't really matter THAT much what the session is about or what it's like. Sure, the spectrum of different frequencies and their effects are vast. But it's still AVS and it has it's characteristics and what it does to the brain and our minds. I feel like whatever I do with this technology, I still get different the benefits and learn more about myself while doing it. I used to use different chemicals to experiment on my consciousness but found that to be a sort of a never-ending cycle of traps and health hazards. This feels much more empowering and with long lasting health benefits. A good combination of pure meditation and digital programming

    Thanks again for your response I love chatting with you!

  4. Default Re: DeepVision or Superbright?

    Hey everybody!

    Just got the DV glasses in the mail. My mind is blown!!

    I've never experienced anything remotely close to what I've just witnessed. This felt like shifting into another dimension altogether, like having a lucid dream in real life. This is perhaps a slightly exaggerated description but it's all that I can say. Hundred times better than the original glasses! These fill up your entire vision and the colors look more vivid and alive than before. You can open or close your eyes all the time to get sort of polar opposite colors, hard to describe. I'm totally using this device everyday from now on! Really comfortable too and you can use these in the daylight, no problem.

    I'll PM you, neuroasis, for those new sessions you mentioned.

    Thank you for this product, this is life-changing for meditation purposes!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: DeepVision or Superbright?

    Awesome to hear! The DeepVision do really step up the experience to a whole new level. I have sent you a session to try out by PM.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  6. Default Re: DeepVision or Superbright?

    Thx for your feedback. It helps me to decide on which device and glasses i gotta have :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Vili Kiljunen View Post
    Hey everybody!

    Just got the DV glasses in the mail. My mind is blown!!

    I've never experienced anything remotely close to what I've just witnessed. This felt like shifting into another dimension altogether, like having a lucid dream in real life. This is perhaps a slightly exaggerated description but it's all that I can say. Hundred times better than the original glasses! These fill up your entire vision and the colors look more vivid and alive than before. You can open or close your eyes all the time to get sort of polar opposite colors, hard to describe. I'm totally using this device everyday from now on! Really comfortable too and you can use these in the daylight, no problem.

    I'll PM you, neuroasis, for those new sessions you mentioned.

    Thank you for this product, this is life-changing for meditation purposes!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Southern California

    Default Re: DeepVision or Superbright?

    I liked the Kasina Deepvision enough to also purchase the Procyon Deepvision. With the Procyon - years ago (early 2012) I used a downloaded series of sessions that worked spectacularly for me - used it for about 1/2 year.
    I wanted to see how it would look with the Deepvision - looks even better. This is a series of sessions developed by Joseph Kao for Brain Brightening - it comes with a "pdf" file with suggested use.
    From the original post by Joseph:
    This album consists of eleven sessions, which are designed to be used over a period of several weeks to produce lasting improvements in your ability to concentrate, focus and be creative. They may also help lift your mood and energy levels.
    The eleven sessions are:
    1 - Quick Brain Brightening - 12 mins
    2-8 - Brain Brightening sessions - 18 mins each.
    9-11 - Mind Calming sessions - also 18 mins each.
    Yuri Shramenko

  8. Default Re: DeepVision or Superbright?


    Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I just downloaded the .zip file and I'm looking forward to using it on a regular basis!

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