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Thread: Deep Vision Specs

  1. #1

    Default Deep Vision Specs

    Hello all,
    I have been away for a while but received an email today to say that Mindmachines now have the Deep Vision Ganzframes in stock.
    i see they are priced at ?75 which is a lot of money for me at present.
    I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they are 'transformational' as I do not have the necessary knowlege to go altering anything. I tried using eyes open with cotton swabs and loved the effects.
    I was therefore very enthusiastic to try the new frames when they came in. I shall be buying a pair later in the year for definite but patience never being my forte.... I was wondering if these really do give a totally different experience, colour wise, as I would be very disapointed to get them and find that I could have persevered with the cotton swabs until I am in a better situation financially .
    I love my mind machine and this forum so I do not need encouragement for the product as such...just to know if I will see many more colours and if the experience is more 'trancendental' than before?

    I was reading about the white light on another thread and could not quite understand that. I would prefer if I did not have to fiddle with anything .
    Life is but a dream

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Tripping the Light Fantastic
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    Default Re: Deep Vision Specs

    Hi Moonchild,

    Before the DeepVision glasses came out I also experimented with different ways to get a glimpse of the eye open experience. There are paper templates that I made. I also used cloth and thin plastic. Those solutions work okay but I am so glad to have the 'real' solution now with the DeepVision glasses. The DV glasses provide a larger colorful screen that encompasses your whole vision. They have light blocking 'lids' around the edges which also helps for immersion. The outer shell is covered in silicone so they feel nice against the skin and are easy to keep clean. Even so, they are still very light weight and well balanced.

    The 'white' aspect that you are asking about is a feature in the glasses such that when all of the light colors are triggered together at bright levels then a circuit in the DV glasses 'balances' the colors for a pleasing pure white tone. This is automatic and there are no adjustments needed.

    I'm not too big on huge hyped sales pitches and I certainly wouldn't suggest that someone forego food for instance to get the DV glasses, but they are a super nice addition to the Kasina/Procyon experience. Our design goals were achieved and these glasses keep MindPlace on top. You can read some customer reviews at Amazon.

    Personally, I think the mix of eye open and eye closed sessions that the DV glasses offer really completes the AVS experience. As mentioned, you can approximate it somewhat with those other techniques.

    Hope this helps,
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Deep Vision Specs


    I am new to the Kasina, been using mine for a little over a month. I also bought a pair of the deep vision glasses and from my opinion the are definitely worth it. I use my Kasina mostly for meditation and do both closed eye and opened eye meditations. I have found the deep vision glasses especially useful for meditations to raise my energy or to improve my concentration. They are also great when I am feeling stuck with my closed eye meditations, I can use the deep vision glasses with the same session and get myself over the hump.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Deep Vision Specs

    The DeepVision glasses are being a "must have"! Go and get them! I promise that you won't regret the purchase. :-)
    - Surfing on the brainwaves -

  5. #5

    Default Re: Deep Vision Specs

    Hello all,
    Thanks very much for the feedback. Now Scot, if it's a toss up between eating and getting the deep vision specs I think I can stand to lose a few lbs.
    As Oscar Wilde said. "I can resist anything but temptation" Watch this space
    (Sorry for delayed reply, I was away)
    Life is but a dream

  6. #6

    Default Re: Deep Vision Specs


    Ordered them and expect them tomorrow.
    Life is but a dream

  7. Default Re: Deep Vision Specs

    Quote Originally Posted by Moonchild View Post

    Ordered them and expect them tomorrow.

    Looking forward to seeing what you think, I am thinking to get a pair myself.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Deep Vision Specs

    OK. Got my deep vision specs and they are FANTASTIC!!!
    I was really hoping I would like them and I was not disappointed. I think they are an excellent addition to the AVS experience and I really cannot see me going back to using the other glasses.
    They offer a whole new dimension to any program by the option of having eyes open, semi closed or closed. I found myself automatically closing or half closing my eyes as I descended into different brain waves but periodically opening for another blast of the most beautiful colours. It really is like an alternate reality and I am sure they will aid those of us who like trying adventures in altered states and out of body etc..

    I was very aware of my brain getting a real workout and also the different hemispheres too. I think this would be so helpful to many conditions from Alzheimer's to panic attacks but that’s just my impression. I think it would be very easy to switch moods, say from angry to laid back depending on the prog you choose. I am going to be using it with my self improvement manifestation tapes etc.
    I cannot recommend them more.
    I was also aware of the effect the different colours had on my subtle energy centres (chakras) as everything is energy and so the body responds to not only the synchronised sounds and flickers but also the energy of the colours.
    That’s my tuppence worth.
    Very well done Scott!

    ps Yes, Mind Voyager, treat yourself to a pair. You will not be disappointed.

    Life is but a dream

  9. Default Re: Deep Vision Specs

    Thanks Mc, I have just ordered mine.

  10. Default Re: Deep Vision Specs

    Hi Everyone, received the Deep vision Specs last week, really amazing, glad I bought them, eyes open or closed, colours fantasic.
    I prefer Audiostrobe and use NP3 to download many files to the Kasina using that format I found out that pressing the lower button on the Kasina allows me to cycle through 16 changes of colour, brilliant, shall not be going back to the old glasses.
    Well done to the creators of those glasses.

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