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Thread: User Mode for "Procyon" ?

  1. #1

    Default User Mode for "Procyon" ?

    Does the "Procyon" have a user mode like the "Proteus" to manually change the Hz ..If yes how do you manually change this setting?

    Tx... Larry

  2. Default Re: User Mode for "Procyon" ?

    I haven't seen any functionality like this documented within the Procyon manual unfortunately - but then again, I'm just another user so maybe there's something that I've missed there.


  3. #3

    Default Re: User Mode for "Procyon" ?

    We didn't include a user mode in the current Procyon OS due to the fact that there are three different colors being controlled simultaneously. Of course you have full control while plugged into a PC...

    We could add this to our list of future updates, but again it would be hard to control each color's frequency independently without adding much complexity and button-pressing sequences, though we could cause it to default to all colors, or a single color, or perhaps be set up in PC mode (which colors it would control).


  4. #4

    Default Re: User Mode for "Procyon" ?

    White is a widely excepted color among machine..users. I've spoken with quite a few distributers and alot of them are reverting back to the the proteus for that manuall frequency operation..Oviousley selling the Procyon for better profit margins..For experienced users knowing manually what freq. they need fast and manually is a good feature to have..If I were going to make that option in a future update I would probab..use the three colors in the RGB.. I think it is a very important feature for proffessional users of the proteus..And when more than one dealer says the same thing..then I believe it should be done. Part 2 of my question is about the new Biofeedback being released.. Is there a way for the company make the Biofeedback portion a backward option to Proceyou users even if using Biofeedback without all the colors Working. Just the major ones to use thoughtstreem lights,,either it beinng a single colour as well as maybe a double at the most..Alot of people own the thoughtstream and would surlely like to use their unt with the procyon..And later on when people save up there dough they can by the unit..At least have both work for the unit..Alot of people feel that an item like that should be able to be used for the Procyon..And at least give people th option of upgrading their product..If they want to.

    PS I sm s studio editing mucian and was wondering if products li Acid-Pro, Cakewakewalk and other programs could be used to enhance or chang e resulting frequency's

    Also your new version of AudioStrobe that begins with an"M" uses colors for implemation. Your Add spects say they are on CD..but where are they tbut

    Thanks Larry in Ft.Lauderdale


  5. #5

    Default Re: User Mode for "Procyon" ?

    Hi, Larry--

    Thanks for your suggestion regarding adding a manual mode to the Procyon by controlling all three colors simultaneously. This could likely be added in a near-future update. Or, you could specify in the Editor which colors would be affected by manual mode.

    I'm not clear about your meaning re: new AS on CD. We don't include a CD with the Procyon--is that what you are referring to? If you saw ad copy which suggests that we do, where did you see it (not on our website...)?



  6. Default Re: User Mode for "Procyon" ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Austin View Post
    Hi, Larry--

    Thanks for your suggestion regarding adding a manual mode to the Procyon by controlling all three colors simultaneously. This could likely be added in a near-future update. Or, you could specify in the Editor which colors would be affected by manual mode.
    I have a Proteus ( and a Procyon on loan ) and I find my visuals much more striking in manual mode when I have it alternating red/green than both firing at the same time. It would be great to be able to select in the Procyon which two colors to have for manual mode ( or all at once for that matter ) . This feature in the firmware could also perhaps be used to select the two colors that Audiostrobe data triggers?

    At the moment the presence of 3 available colours yet only the availabilty of one of three possible colour combinations for Audiostrobe response , and the lack of any manual mode ( which I use 50% of the time ) makes the Procyon an interesting diversion, but not an upgrade from the Proteus for me . I'm really hoping these features can be implemented , so I can buy one


  7. #7
    frey Guest

    Default Re: User Mode for "Procyon" ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Austin View Post
    Hi, Larry--

    Thanks for your suggestion regarding adding a manual mode to the Procyon by controlling all three colors simultaneously. This could likely be added in a near-future update. Or, you could specify in the Editor which colors would be affected by manual mode.

    I am sorry for going offtopic for a moment, but since you can add in the editor to select what colors to use, why not add other options too such as how many minutes before it auto turns off when in AS mode or the ability to just disabled that option completly?

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