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Thread: Questions regarding the Procyon / Brainwave entrainment.

  1. Default Questions regarding the Procyon / Brainwave entrainment.

    Hello, everyone. As a new guy who has been snooping about on the forums prior to registration, I must say off the bat that I am already very impressed with the dedication of the administrators and supporters here. Kudos.

    I have been doing some light research on Brainwave entrainment, and I must say the whole concept of it is beyond fascinating. I was honestly a bit sceptic before I when I first read about isochronic tones and binaural beats. That skepticism was however immediately blown away after reaching a state of deep, indescribable bliss during a meditation session. I have been meditating ever since and I have never felt better psychologically.

    Back to the point, I just ordered my own Procyon AVS, and I am eagerly waiting my work day to finish so I can pick it up at the post-office. Beware that I am still a complete beginner at this - and as such, I have a couple of questions I'd like to have answered before I dive into it.
    Apologies if these questions can easily be answered by searching or reading through the manual(s). Links are welcome.

    You see, I might have a couple of nice ideas that I'd like to experiment with, which brings me on to my first question; isochronic tones and music.
    How does one "embed" Isochronic tones with music? Is it enough to have it playing on top of the music at an audible level? I have tried playing a song with isochronic tones running in the background. It's not distracting to the point that it's bothering me, I am just unsure if this will retract me from experiencing the full potential of the Mind Machine, as I have heard mixed opinions on this one.

    I know that different frequencies have different effects. How long does one have to listen to a specific frequency for it to take effect? What would happen if you frequently (no pun intended) changed frequencies throughout a session? (Every 5 minutes, for example). Would it "disrupt" the brainwaves from adjusting to that specific frequency?

    Will changing the pitch affect the effectiveness isochronic tones?

    Can I change change the colour and frequency of the lights at the exact moment I wish when creating custom sessions? If so, which program is more suitable for this? I have tried the free trial for the Mind Workstation program, and it does the job quite well, but I am afraid I don't have the budget for it after purchasing the Procyon. I haven't had the chance to try the free editor software that comes with it yet.
    I really want to try Neuro-Programmer 3, but for some reason the program simply won't work on my computer - which is a different issue for another time. I have purchased the Mind Stereo program as an alternative, and it works, but I don't think it does the job well enough compared to Mind Workstation.

    The thing is, I need to be able to make precise edits at specific times during a session.
    You see, I'd like to synchronize both the lights from the Ganzframes in ADDITION to the pitch of the isochronic tones with the music, creating an awesome light show and making the tones sound more like an instrument rather than a distraction.

    However, will the music, significantly affect the effectiveness of the brainwave entrainment? I am not necessarily thinking about ambient music with nature sounds as you see in traditional meditation sessions, but (nonetheless) relaxing music with drums, vocals and synthesizer instruments. (Pink Floyd's "The Endless River" and Sully Erna's "Avalon" are good examples that come to mind). I'd also like to know if changing frequencies according to "Fitting parts" of a song will have an effect, for example Alpha Waves during the refrains and Theta Waves during the calmer parts of a song, for example during a guitar solo. This is why I am wondering if your brain needs to "adjust" itself to that frequency - and a song is on average 3-10 minutes long.

    What can the Audiostrobe do for me in all this? From what I understand, you connect the AUX from an external audio source. Will it then only synchronize the lights with the current session, or will the frequencies or tones change as well?

    Apologies for the overwhelming amount of text, I am just very excited and curious, and I would love to have this as a special hobby if it's doable.

    PS: I will update you guys on my first session with the Procyon!

    Thanks in advance and have a great day!

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    Default Re: Questions regarding the Procyon / Brainwave entrainment.

    Hello and thank you for your questions. I must say that you are asking for a lifetime's worth of knowledge in one post. The good news is that you are talking to someone who has that knowledge and is willing to help. A big question must be answered by you first. What is your level of skill with audio production techniques and your general computer skill? This will help to formulate useful answers.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. Default Re: Questions regarding the Procyon / Brainwave entrainment.

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroasis View Post
    Hello and thank you for your questions. I must say that you are asking for a lifetime's worth of knowledge in one post. The good news is that you are talking to someone who has that knowledge and is willing to help. A big question must be answered by you first. What is your level of skill with audio production techniques and your general computer skill? This will help to formulate useful answers.

    Knowledge is power. Thank you!

    I have done some basic sound editing in the past, using software like Audacity, but I have never done any sort of production. It's something I'd like to start with, though. I actually just bought my own Synthesizer.
    I personally consider my general computer skills to be just above average. I assemble computers regularly and I have a basic knowledge with IT and design, but I have no programming experience whatsoever. After playing around with Mind Workstation a bit I can tell you that I am eager to learn, as I am to some degree getting the results I want.

    You can give me the dummy version for starters. I'll try to reason my way from there.

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