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Thread: The Kasina & ADD

  1. #1

    Question The Kasina & ADD

    Hi everyone!

    For almost a month my wife and I are happy owners of a Kasina. Our nine year old daughter has ADD. Which sessions would you recommend for her? Are there some helpful sessions on, too?
    Thanks in advance!

    a Kasina-User

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Kasina & ADD

    Hello and Welcome!

    To get you started, there's a great thread here on ADHD and ADD.
    While not specifically about the Kasina, it will give you some good ideas about how to use AVS to help with ADD.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Kasina & ADD

    Hi Andy, thank you for your answer!

    I am basically familiar with the scientific declarations on the subject ADD and ADHD. I also know that higher frequencies are usually a better "cure" than lower ones.
    My question is, if someone is experienced enough with the relatively new Kasina-AVS to recommend some sessions for the use for Kids with ADD.

    a Kasina-User

  4. #4
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    Default Re: The Kasina & ADD

    Since you're probably looking for SMR/Beta, try anything from the Accelerate or Rejuvinate folders.

    Some additional info here:

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Surface / Depth viewing

    I have just done some very fascinating reading on 3d optical illusions and ADHD. It seems that it is difficult for people with this condition to see the 'hidden' images. (convergence insufficiency) There is a form of therapy that trains for this. Also, there were several articles about children with vision problems being misdiagnosed with ADHD. Quite intriguing stuff.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Kasina & ADD

    Hi Andy,

    thank you for the hint. I will try some of these sessions with my daughter. Thank you for the additional infos, too, especially the first one!

    a Kasina-User

  7. #7

    Default Re: Surface / Depth viewing

    Hello neuroasis,

    thank you for the further informations!
    Not long ago I've read something similar about the causes for dyslexia; therefore there is mainly an underlying problem with eye coordination.

    a Kasina-User

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Kasina & ADD

    I was looking for something like this! Thanks, Andy

  9. #9
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    Default Re: The Kasina & ADD

    Quote Originally Posted by greg View Post
    I was looking for something like this! Thanks, Andy
    No problem. There's a vast wealth of information available on the support site and on the forum.
    (I deleted your link because it wasn't correct)

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Kasina & ADD

    My beliefs concerning ADD, ADHD, the thought process, and reasoning have evolved over the last couple of years for some very complicated reasons that I won't get into here. That being said, I believe that nutrition plays a huge role in how we conduct ourselves and present ourselves to the world on a daily basis.

    I've been a certified fitness trainer for 15 years and have always been a student of nutrition. However, The last three years were a desperate scramble to figure out a few things concerning health and nutrition. If you can picture the late night unkempt crazy person with messy hair, a pencil behind both ears with 10 different books opened to different pages surrounding them, that was me. At the end of those three years it was like everything in life finally made sense.

    Although I am a fitness trainer I've never pursued it professionally, I've only used that knowledge to help myself and with great success. At the end of the day I am not a preacher on a soapbox proclaiming out loud how people should live their lives although my passion for certain subjects occasionally materializes, here's an example: But what happened is that people like friends, family, co-workers, employers would see how I was living my life and then begin to ask questions and I would gladly answer them to the best of my knowledge based on my experiences. People would ask, 'can I get rid of my allergies ?', Yes ! 'Can I eliminate fibromyalgia ?', Yes ! 'Can I lose this ugly (visceral) fat ?' Yes, and the list go's on and on. The problem is that most human beings would never be able to muster the mental strength to achieve that state of being which as a side note, where AVS can play a huge role and indeed has for me. Trust me, I had to reach deep within to get there no question about it. One day one of my co-workers (my sister) suggested to me that I should probably stop answering questions about my way of life for the reason that that state of being was nearly impossible to achieve and that it was discouraging people not helping them and I believe she was right. She put it a different way though and basically said stop talking about it and here's the reason why. That's why I'm not writing a 2000 word essay on the subject on the MindPlace forum right now, because trust me I'd like to fire one off.

    This is why I feel that nutrition is an untapped answer to not only physical but mental disorders as well including ADD, ADHD, and how we make our decisions and run our lives everyday. Please read my post in the ADD/ADHD thread to also see that I have a reason for being passionate on that subject as well.

    In conclusion I'll just say - Figure out nutrition and AVS becomes a whole new key to the door of possibilities. At the date of this post I feel that through AVS I've forged new nerve paths and opened up parts of my brain that were previously closed. Epiphanal moments at the realization, for sure !

    PS I'm not a vegan anymore per the ADD/ADHD thread and haven't been for a couple of years. If anyone would like to know why feel free to ask. Life is one big lesson and I'm a student.
    Last edited by SteveMod; 09-23-2015 at 07:55 PM.

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