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Thread: Few Questions

  1. Default Few Questions

    I have a Thoughstream USB and this morning did a session for the first time in a year or so. I started the session at level 8, and in the 15 minutes went down to level 1, all green, but it went no lower... The sensor was placed over the fleshy part of my palm, on the bottom of my hand right below where my four fingers connect with the hand. IIRC when I tried is a year or so ago (which was before I meditated that much), I didn't go down that far, so I was wondering if I did something wrong. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Also, I have connected the device to my computer and can gather session data. Is there an easy way to compare multiple sessions? Can someone tell me what the main data columns represent that is being captured? I guess I could compare in Excel...


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Few Questions

    Hi Josh,

    You will have to try multiple sessions to see if there is a pattern. To progress through all of the levels in 15 minutes would be amazing but not likely. If you can then 'good on ya'. You have graduated beyond the level of the onboard display. Note that it is intentionally set at a challenge level that most people would never achieve in a short session. The software would still continue further readings beyond the display levels.

    You are talking about the onboard display right? Or the software one?

    If the onboard then when the ThoughtStream first calibrated on the session you did, it must have been quite a bit different than your true baseline at that moment. Then it would blast through the levels. A spurious thing... Subsequent sessions shouldn't do this. If software (new version) then I am interested to hear if it occurs again and under what conditions. Maybe it is something I missed and need to fix.

    Which version of the software are you using? In the newest betas I haven't implemented session compare yet, but some of my other work is freeing up a bit, so I can get back to it.

    Probably since you said data columns you are describing the newer version. Correct? If so, then I can explain what those mean. I am also open to feedback of what it is that you would like to see within reason.

    Glad that you are back to working with the ThoughtStream.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. Default Re: Few Questions

    Thanks, Scott. I was using the hardware only this morning when I got down to 1. I will try again tomorrow and see what happens. But does it sound like I have it on the correct hand location?

    I am using the Beta software. So graph comparisons, would be interesting. Personally, I would just autosave each session in a folder, then on load have an option to select what sessions they want to review. Thanks again!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Few Questions

    Yes, it would seem you are wearing it in a good position. The palm of your hand is the most responsive to moisture changes (feet are responsive too but not as accessible) You can also try it on your wrist for less movement or over your middle three fingers.

    As mentioned I'll pick back up on feature development for the TS app later this week. I already have gotten a long way with additional code to do what you want.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

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