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Thread: Anna Wise

  1. #1

    Default Anna Wise

    Hi All,
    I was reading Anna Wise's book "Awakened minds". She mentioned about Mind Mirror where you can observe Brain wave activities. Do any of you get chance to experiment with Mind mirror? please share.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Anna Wise

    I guess you saw the video series with Anna Wise we have on YouTube?

    I never did experience a real Mind Mirror. I think Robert has. It was a fairly primitive 2 channel EEG. What was interesting was the display and the 'language' she came up with to interpret the readings. She was a very passionate and dedicated individual.

    The mind mirror is fairly easy to duplicate these days (although the exact algorithm is not publicly known) with steep bandpass filters. I have a couple of BioExplorer designs that mimic it.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Anna Wise

    cud you share the bioexplorer designs that mimic mind mirror? i would love to try that and see thanks

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Anna Wise

    Hi Leandro,

    This is one I have. It was sent to me by the guy here:

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    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Anna Wise

    so cool thanks a lot

  6. #6

    Default Re: Anna Wise

    Hello, Leandro--the original Mind Mirror included around a dozen rows of lights (eventually, LEDs) split down the center for left/right display, and each row representing a particular filter band. The number of LEDs lit corresponded to how much power was in that band, and the response rate was fairly fast for the era (developed in the mid 1970s). And the circuitry, all square foot or so of it, was housed in a nicely finished wood box. It was developed for Maxwell Cade by Geoff Blundell, who also developed the Mind Mirror II after Cade passed away (which used a much less satisfactory small monochrome LCD display and had become a fully digital system, with DSP chip executing FFT's instead of the analog filters of the original version). And as I recall, the original used 4 electrodes in a head band: both frontal and occipital leads for left and right sides. I was fortunate enough to spend some time with Geoff ca. 1997, when I was attending one of Anna's five day retreats at Esalen.

    I've always found the left/right EEG balance display to be quite useful from a number of perspectives, in part because you could 'make' it change while gazing at it, a process which itself was a bit meditative. Its intuitive nature is probably why it's been replicated as software on a variety of platforms subsequently.

    Anna was Maxwell Cade's best known student, and she carried it forward for a few decades, before succumbing to a progressive disease. She was always calm and mindful, a fine teacher, and delightful person whom I was fortunate enough to know. Their work continues, with Judith Pennington's 'Vilistus Mind Mirror 6':


  7. #7

    Default Re: Anna Wise

    they seams to have a good device and approach for neurofeedback I have seen the Anna Wise videos on YouTube and is interesting the way she looks at the brain placing electrodes in the back .I have bioexplorer software and sometimes regret having the support is not very good and interface is not intuitive hard to create your own screens but well once you buy this type of technology not so easy to sell on lass you do for half the price or less lol

  8. #8

    Default Re: Anna Wise

    It is a pity that Larry Janow, who created BioExplorer, does not seem to be supporting it, not to mention never answering emails. I gave up trying to buy 4 copies from him for a research project last year. It is powerful and flexible software, and I love the modular/patch-able interface (but not the use of a dongle to authenticate it, since these can be lost or broken).


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Anna Wise

    BioEra seems to be a lot more actively developed. I don't own a copy but probably should.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Anna Wise

    yes I like the people in Bioera they are very active and they are always adding new devices ..I want to change it too ..he could be making more money you pay for an expensive software and get no responses back when you need the only people that respond are users..

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